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121. Kitt Peak National Observatory KPNO is a division of the National Optical astronomy Observatories which is operated by the Association of Universities for research in astronomy (AURA), Inc. under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation. http://www.noao.edu/kpno/kpno.html |
122. MPE Gamma-Ray Astronomy - Research Astrophysics research AllSky Survey in Continuum and Line Emission; Gamma Ray Software;Development of New Instrument for low-energy Gamma-Ray astronomy MEGA. http://www.mpe.mpg.de/gamma/research.html |
123. Radio Astronomy Group, University Of Tasmania Contains student research projects, astronomical data, radio observatories, and history. http://www-ra.phys.utas.edu.au/ |
124. Jeff MacQuarrie's CCD Astronomy Page CCD Astrophotography images of nebulae, galaxies, planets and star clusters. Each image contains educational information about the object with links for further research. http://members.aol.com/ccdastronomy/ccdimage.htm |
125. University Of Cambridge - IoA - X-Ray Astronomy Group Institute of astronomy. The research of the group focuses on active galaxies, clusters of galaxies, elliptical galaxies, and the Xray background. http://www-xray.ast.cam.ac.uk/ |
126. Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society Publishes the results of original research in positional and dynamical astronomy, astrophysics, radio astronomy, cosmology, space research and the design of astronomical instruments. http://www.blackwell-science.com/~cgilib/jnlpage.bin?Journal=MNRAS&File=MNRA |
127. ASTRON Homepage The Netherlands Foundation for research in astronomy is a government funded institutewith a mission of developing and maintaining innovative instrumentation http://www.astron.nl/ |
128. Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute Nonprofit public foundation dedicated to providing research and educational access to optical and radio astronomy. Located in Rosman, North Carolina, United States. http://www.pari.edu/ |
129. Caltech Astronomy Research Results Meet the Department Observatories Palomar Observetory Keck OVRO CELTRDRO CSO Academics research Events Local Resources Links Search, http://www.astro.caltech.edu/observatories/palomar/research.html |
130. McCluskey, Steven research interests, curriculum vitae, and sample course syllabi of this Professor of History at West Virginia University. research interests include medieval astronomy and astronomies of traditional cultures. http://www.as.wvu.edu/~scmcc/ |
131. Michigan State University research collections include Africana, fine arts, government documents and international studies, labor and industrial relations, agricultural economics, business, chemistry, engineering, geology, biological studies, mathematics, physics and astronomy, planning and design, and veterinary medicine. research affiliations Association of American Universities, Association of research Libraries, Center for research Libraries. http://www.lib.msu.edu/ |
132. Winnie Pooh - Research you are here hottest astronomy news news archive technologies astronomy softwareinteractive atlas lectures of astronomy missions messier catalog ngc catalog http://www.geocities.com/skylander_99/astronomy/research.htm |
133. University Of Birmingham - Department Of Physics And Astronomy Undergraduate and graduate physics courses with a wide choice of options. Toprated research in a broad range of fields in physics and astronomy. http://www.bham.ac.uk/physics/ |
134. University Of Minnesota - School Of Physics And Astronomy Highlights current news as well as a weekly calendar, and provides general information concerning class schedules, curriculum details, program summaries, and research descriptions. http://www.physics.umn.edu/ |
135. The Hard Labor Creek Observatory The largest observatory in the southeastern United States, the observatory is operated by the GSU astronomy Program, in support of basic observational research activities. http://www.chara.gsu.edu/HLCO/index.html |
136. Space Telescope Science Institute Contains astronomy resources, space data archives, visitor information, and research opportunities. http://www.stsci.edu/resources/ |
137. Favorite Astronomy Links Links to news, what's up, research, institutions, observatories, history of astronomy, astronomy as a hobby, etc., by Prof. J.S. Tenn, Sonoma State University. http://www.phys-astro.sonoma.edu/people/faculty/tenn/AstronomyLinks.html |
138. Harvard College Observatory research observatory for astronomy and astrophysics. Founded in 1839. http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/hco/index.html |
139. Publications Of The Astronomical Society Of The Pacific Publishes original research papers in all areas of astronomy covering all wavelengths and distance scales as well as papers on the latest innovations in astronomical instrumentation, data analysis, and software. http://pasp.phys.uvic.ca/ |
140. American Museum Of Natural History, Dept. Of Astrophysics research programs in theoretical and observational astronomy. http://research.amnh.org/astrophysics/ |
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