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41. Back To School Safety drivers who aren't used to school kids being on the road, and kids that must becareful about road safety. Before you send your kids back to school this fall http://www.voxcom.com/back-to-school.html | |
42. Cypress Fairbanks Medical Center - Back To School Safety back to school safety. Dr. Naveed Mughal, August, 2002. Over the next few days,the sound of school bells will officially mark the end of summer vacation. http://www.cyfairhospital.com/cyfairhospital/aboutUs/pressReleases/school safety |
43. Back-To-School Safety Checklist SAFETY TIPS. back to school safety Checklist. When you drop off yourchild at school, use this checklist to make sure these hidden http://childsafetyalerts.com/tips/outside/school.htm | |
44. Back To School Safety Tips Records 4506137. Training 450-6139. Warrants 450-6138. Back To School? To helpyou stay safe and healthy this school year, McGruff® the Crime Dog says http://www.cityofconway.org/departments/police/brochures/back_to_school.html | |
45. Back To School Safety Tips From Sheriff Joey Dobson back to school safety tips From Sheriff Joey Dobson. Use this checklistto prepare your children for a safe school year. Be sure http://www.bcstandard.com/News/2001/0815/Schools/010.html | |
46. Back-To-School Safety Checklist Consumer Product safety Commission. backTo-school safety Checklist http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/pubs/btscheck.html | |
47. BACK TO SCHOOL BUS SAFETY back TO school BUS safety! Although school buses are the safest means of ground transportation, safety should still be http://www.doe.state.de.us/back_to_school_bus_safety.htm | |
48. Back-to-School Safety- Tips For Grownups In this first week of school, it is crucial that communities know the trafficsafety rules. Always stand 4 giant steps back from the curb. http://www.mcgruff.org/schlsafe.htm | |
49. ProTeacher! Back To School Ideas For Starting Off Right On The First Day And Wee backTo-school safety Checklist. When you drop off your child at school, use this checklist to make sure these hidden http://www.proteacher.com/030005.shtml | |
50. Welcome To Adobe GoLive 4 A colorful game and activities booklet for elementary school children covering bicycle, pedestrian, school bus and passenger car safety issues. http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/people/outreach/kidsPage/bussafety/bckschool_safely/ind | |
51. Welcome To Adobe GoLive 4 Bike safety. Contents schoolbus and Bike safety Handouts. DowloadPDF. Gus' get to school (and back again) safely game. Dowload PDF. http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/kids/bussafety/bckschool_safely/ | |
52. Back To School There's No Page Like Home for the Holidays. ~Presents~. backto-school. "Our children are living messages back-to-school Poetry. back-to-school safety Checklist http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/1465/backtoschool.html | |
53. 19th Quarterly Planner - School Day Safety backto-school safety programs can both help children improve their traffic safetypractices and encourage motorists to watch out for school children. http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/people/outreach/safesobr/19qp/sect4/page2.html | |
54. Back-To-School Safety Checklist Consumer Product safety Commission's backTo-school safety Checklist http://www.lawpublish.com/education/checklist.html | |
55. Online NewsHour: Back To School -- August 16, 1999 back TO school. Rod Paige from Houston; Kate Stetzner from Butte, Montana; andDavid Domenech from Fairfax County, Virginia, discuss school safety issues. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/youth/july-dec99/saftey_8-16.html | |
56. Back To School Food Safety Tips KS Logo, back to school Food safety Tips. advertisement. Source. National Food ProcessorsAssociation. Forums. Health, safety, Nutrition and Kids Related Articles. http://www.kidsource.com/kidsource/content4/b2s.food.safety.html | |
57. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: School Safety Issues (Back To School) school safety Issues. schoolBus safety; 10 Simple safety Tips; Backto school safety Checklist; Discussing safety Rules With Your Kids; http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/Parent/Resource | |
58. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: School Safety Issues (Back To School) HomeworkCentral Linking Policy. Educator Resources Teacher Resources Seasonal Resources back to school school safety Issues. http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/wa/BCPageDA/sec~TH~23325 | |
59. Back-To-School Safety Checklist backTo-school safety Checklist Consumer Product safety Commission CPSC DocumentReprinted with permission of the Consumer Product safety Commission http://familyinternet.about.com/library/safetydocs/blbacktoschool.htm | |
60. Parent Involvement - Back To School children. Take the school safety Quiz. Here's the problem. If you answeredNO to any of these questions, your child is at risk! Get http://www.pta.org/parentinvolvement/bts/a5_safety.asp | |
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