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61. EH&S Health And Safety Article: Back To School Anxiety or her bike to school, review Bike safety and the you are there, make sure all theschool records are meeting your child's teacher, perhaps at backto-school http://www.att.com/ehs/safety/school_anxiety.html | |
62. Ajc.com | Metro | BACK TO SCHOOL Both the Fayette and Coweta school systems have safety plans approved by the GeorgiaEmergency Management Agency for schools back to top ajc.com home. http://www.accessatlanta.com/ajc/metro/backtoschool/fayette/resource.html | |
63. Back-To-School Safety Checklist backTo-school safety Checklist. When you drop off your child at school,use this checklist to make sure these hidden hazards aren http://www.jeannepasero.com/btscheck.html | |
64. Ergonomics For Children Site provides extensive guidelines, research and applications on ergonomics for children in educational environments. Topics include anthropometrics, computer use and vision, school design posture issues,backpack/carrying, back pain, ergonomics curriculum and product safety issues. http://www.education.umn.edu/kls/ecee/default.html | |
65. MN Safety Council: BACK-TO-SCHOOL SAFETY backTO-school safety Help keep your children safe from unintentional injury the number one killer of kids - by teaching them safe ways to travel to and http://www.mnsafetycouncil.org/facts/f-facts.cfm?FS=28&BAK=/crosswalk/index.cfm |
66. Back-to-School Safety Reminders For Kids, Drivers August 28, 2002. backto-school safety reminders for kids and drivers. Mayor Kelly,Councilmember Benanav launch new campaign for biking, walking in Saint Paul. http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/mayor/newsroom/aug2802.html | |
67. SafeDragon: Back-To-School Safety Checklist Consumer Product safety Commission backTo-school safety Checklist. -When http://www.safedragon.com/htmlfold/contents/children/experts/childexperts3.html | |
68. York News-Times | Back To School Special Section08/17/00 Preparing for backto-school school Food school safety Study Skills back-to-school Homepage Site designed and maintained by yorknewstimes http://www.yorknewstimes.com/backtoschool/safety/ | |
69. Back-to-School Safety Tips Sponsored by backto-school safety Tips back to school? Time for a safety check.Use this list to prevent your kids from harm at school, at home, and at play. http://www.familyeducation.com/article/0,1120,1-8852,00.html | |
70. Jefferson Parish : Back-To-School Safety Program backTo-school safety Program Home Latest Press Releases Press Releases - August2002. back-To-school safety Program at the Jefferson parish Library. http://www.jeffparish.net/index.cfm?DocID=2331 |
71. CJOnline.com | Back To School 2001-2002 | School Safety Facts 08/03/01 school safety facts. Weapons Between 1991 and 1997, the number of kidswho carried a weapon to school fell by 28 percent the number http://www.cjonline.com/stories/080301/bts_facts.shtml | |
72. CJOnline.com | Back To School 2001-2002 | 08/05/01 look at the playground where your child goes to school, advises theAmerican Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. school safety facts. http://www.cjonline.com/backtoschool/btssafety/ | |
73. Onward To Autumn - Back To School - Safety - Vancouver backto-school time is a great time to give your kids a refresher course in safety.This includes traffic safety, street smarts, and how to deal with a bully. http://www.vancouverplus.ca/feature/12486/safety.html | |
74. TheMilwaukeeChannel.com - Inside WISN 12 - Back-To-School Safety HOME Inside WISN 12. Email This Story Print This Story. backTo-schoolsafety Tips. POSTED 304 pm CDT October 12, 2001 Riding the bus to school http://www.themilwaukeechannel.com/insidewisn12/1014370/detail.html |
75. Safety Sense August 1, 2002 Back-to-School Safety Tips August 2002. backto -school safety tips. Because its the beginningof another school year, teachers and parents should use the http://www.psbait.org/Safety Sense/inss0802.html |
76. Safety Sense August 1, 2002 Back-to-School Safety Tips Ten qualities of a wellprotected school. How can you determine if your school iswell-protected against hazards like fires, explosions or natural catastrophes? http://www.psbait.org/Safety Sense/inss0902.html |
77. DPW Press Release: Back To School - Safety Tips Press Advisory September 1, 2000. ADVISORY CONTACT Kurt Kocher Phone(410) 5456541. TRAFFIC safety TIP. Walking to school . Stop http://www.ci.baltimore.md.us/government/dpw/press/000901a.html | |
78. Resources On School Safety Issues In Florida's Public Schools At school Hot Again schools Fail safety Checks school at Beach High First ClassPublic school Facilities Paid for But Never Delivered (a look back to 1993 http://town.surfside.fl.us/resources_school.html | |
79. AAOS On-Line Service Media Information - Back-to-School Safety: Orthopaedic Surg backto-school safety Orthopaedic Surgeons remind parents and community officialsto inspect neighborhood and schoolyard playgrounds. ROSEMONT, Ill. http://www.aaos.org/wordhtml/press/event3.htm | |
80. COURTTV.COM back to school tests your safety IQ by showing reallife dilemmas kids face everyday, including traveling on school buses; riding on scooters; teen driving http://www.courttv.com/safety_challenge/ | |
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