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41. PEP Home Page. Impact of a Climatic Gradient on the Physiological ecology of a Pelagic crustacean a study of the functional marine biodiversity as a basis for understanding ecosystem structure, dynamics and resilience is focused on the Northern krill. The patterns of diversity in this species - an important component of Atlantic communities - will be investigated at specific locations in the north-eastern Atlantic, the Kattegat and the Meditarranean. http://www.obs-vlfr.fr/PEP/.index.html | |
42. Ecology WWW Page Biological Collections; biodiversity, ecology, and the Environment;biodiversity Hotspots, Conservation International; biodiversity http://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/Ecology/ecology-bc.html | |
43. Animal Info - Wild Bactrian Camel Biology, ecology, habitat, status, information on their native countries biodiversity, ecosystems, population, and land use. http://www.animalinfo.org/species/artiperi/camebact.htm | |
44. Sajms20.htm Volume 20 Contents Page CEPHALOPOD biodiversity, ecology AND EVOLUTION.ROELEVELD In Cephalopod biodiversity, ecology and Evolution. Payne http://www.environment.gov.za/mcm/support/sajms20.htm | |
45. The SAL Web Site Has Moved Apply appropriate techniques in GIS, remote sensing, and spatial statistics to problems in natural resource ecology and natural resources planning. The Lab specializes in biodiversity analysis, landcover mapping, planning for conservation lands, and development of new applications for natural resource management. http://www.snr.uvm.edu/sal_index.html | |
46. Opportunities For Investment In Biodiversity Conservation In Nepal A profile of future biodiversity conservation activities and brief notes on various organizations involved in nature conservation and development in Nepal. http://www.panasia.org.sg/nepalnet/ecology/binvest.htm | |
47. NepalNet Key Development Sectors - Agriculture This page links various documents related to ecology and biodiversity on the Nepalnetwebsite. ecology biodiversity. Nepal is an incredibly diverse country. http://www.panasia.org.sg/nepalnet/ecology/ | |
48. Environmental Change Research Centre Home Page An interdisciplinary research centre which provides research into freshwater ecology, surface water acidification, air pollution, eutrophication, aquatic biodiversity and climate change. http://www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/ecrc/ | |
49. CABI Bioscience - Home The Conservation ecology Programme concerns itself with the quantification, conservation and management of biodiversity, particularly in relation to insects and associated ecological communities. http://www.cabi-bioscience.org/ | |
50. Biodiversity In Canada biodiversity in Canada ecology, Ideas, and Action. Edited by Stephen Bocking.biodiversity in Canada ecology, Ideas, and Action, published http://www.trentu.ca/biodiversity/ | |
51. Grass Genera Of The World - Microstegium Nees , including habit, morphology, distribution, and ecology. Includes a drawing and photomicrographs....... http://biodiversity.uno.edu/delta/grass/www/m'stegiu.htm | |
52. BIOSPHERE - Flora - Fauna - Biodiversity - Soils - Agriculture - Ecology/ecosyst Resources Institute; biodiversity, ecology, and the Environment (Biosciences) World-Wide Web Virtual Library biodiversity hotspots http://www.usra.edu/esse/ford/ESS205/g300www/g300wwwbios.html | |
53. Dutch Clearing House On Agricultural Biodiversity This page is part of biodiversity Web, a clearinghouse on all dimensions of biodiversity, its evolution and ecology, human impacts, structural factors and material processes of biodiversity loss and the legal protection of biodiversity. http://www.biodiversity.nl/agrobiodiversity.htm |
54. Good Green Fun! Ecology Overview There's always something new and exciting here The WWW Virtual Library Huge listof great biodiversity, ecology, and Environment links, but slow Kids' Action http://www.efn.org/~dharmika/overview.htm | |
55. Ashoka Trust For Research In Ecology And The Environment (ATREE) ATREE is a nonprofit organization working to conserve India's biodiversity. http://www.atree.org | |
56. AMAZONIA Sustainable Development, Health, Education, Biodiversity, Ecotourism, C ecology and environment of the Xixuaú-Xiparinã Reserve, the Jauaperí Region and Amazonia in general.Category Society Issues Regional South America Brazil......amazonia.org, Sustainable Development , Health , Education , biodiversity , Ecotourism, Conservation , Agriculture , Research , in the XixuaúXiparinã Reserve http://www.amazonia.org/ | |
57. CSIRO Australia Program to study the biosystematics and ecology of Australia's insects and related organisms (including soil arthropods) in order to describe, classify, and conserve their biodiversity. http://www.csiro.au/page.asp?type=researchProgram&id=Entomology_Natural Reso |
58. BUBL LINK: 577 Ecology Author Rice University Subjects biodiversity, ecology, natural history, natureconservation, pollution, population studies DeweyClass 577 ResourceType http://link.bubl.ac.uk/ecology/ | |
59. Welcome! Home page of the Division of biodiversity ecology. Welcome! The latter has a sectionrelating specifically to the Division of biodiversity and ecology. Staff. http://bed.soton.ac.uk/ | |
60. The Need To Know Library - Ecology And Environment Links Internet directory intended for botanists, plant ecologists, conservation biologists, resource managers, Category Science Environment Directories...... Society for Ecological Restoration; Conservation ecology An electronic journalof the Ecological Society of America; India. biodiversity Profile of India. http://www.peak.org/~mageet/tkm/ecolenv.htm | |
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