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41. Gale - Free Resources - Reference Reviews - Reference For Students - Home biography. top. general Reference. American Inventors, Entrepreneurs BusinessVisionaries Covers a wide range of inventions and businesses. http://www.galegroup.com/free_resources/reference/bandd/ | |
42. General Reference Resources general REFERENCE resources. 2740469 if you need assistance with these resources.Almanacs Factbooks, biography, Calculators Converters, Career Information. http://www.ulib.iupui.edu/genref/ | |
43. September 11 Index and the Taliban general resources on Terrorism Regional general David Miller 2frontline hunting bin laden who is bin laden? a biography of osama bin http://webselforganization.com/query?q=bin |
44. Women's Biography Sites, General Lives, the biography Resource Links to thousands of biographies, autobiographies,memoirs Also general collections, resources on biographical http://home.earthlink.net/~sharynh/WBGeneral.htm | |
45. General Diversity Resources and Media Film, video, and media resources on the web Issues general Diversity Issuespertaining specifically to Writers Dictionary of Literary biography (7/1 http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Topic/Diversity/General/ | |
46. Electronic Resources By Subject find what you are looking for, try searching the Electronic resources by Title andElectronic resources via the History general biography Genealogy http://www.vpl.vancouver.bc.ca/VPL/databases.html | |
47. Subject List Of Databases resources Sorted by Subject, University of MissouriSt. Essay and general LiteratureIndex, 1985 - Present biography BGMI (biography and Genealogy Master Index http://www.umsl.edu/services/library/subjects.html | |
48. General Resources Your Gateway to Quality Internet resources allin 50 dictionaries, specialized andgeneral; Acronym Finder; biography brief, cross-referenced biographies of more http://dogbert.cinstate.cc.oh.us/general.html | |
49. The Biography Of Kofi A. Annan High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Geneva; and, at UN Headquarters in NewYork, as Assistant Secretarygeneral for Human resources Management and http://www.un.org/News/ossg/sg/pages/sg_biography.html | |
50. Classics : Guide To General Library Resources biography, Roman Britain) are listed in individual Subject amongst the highestqualityguides to Web resources. or you can choose a general purpose search http://www.library.adelaide.edu.au/guide/hum/classics/gen/class.html | |
51. BPL - Quick Reference Links - Biography biography. Electronic resources Research Library Subject Departments general ReferenceServices, Social Sciences Department Further resources may be http://www.bpl.org/electronic/commres.htm | |
52. Selected Resources On The Internet: Education B. general resources Literary Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Histories and Summaries;biography of Authors; Fiction Novels; Fiction Short Stories; Poetry; Drama; http://library.uww.edu/indexes/sitemap.htm | |
53. ATS Telescope Maker Biography Resources Bernhard Schmidt (18791935), biography of Bernhard Schmidt. Observatory Builders,Astronomers and Benefactors. general and Group resources. Resource, http://www1.tecs.com/oldscope/atspages/biograph.htm |
54. Biology Resources: The Gateway Dictionary of Scientific biography Written for general readers, this resource covers6,000 notable scientists from all periods and Other general resources http://www.lib.ohio-state.edu/gateway/bib/biology.html | |
55. Language Resources: The Gateway Links to general and subjectspecific online OhioLINK databases and help on how tosearch these resources for biographical information. biography and Genealogy http://www.lib.ohio-state.edu/gateway/bib/languages.html | |
56. General Resources On-line general resources Online. several different languages. biography FromA E Television, search a database of 15,000 names. Cost of http://www.law.indiana.edu/lib/netres/reference.html | |
57. Iraq Links And General Resources - Academic Info A collection of online resources for reporters Educations ; Health ; Unions (GeneralFederation of Presidency Sections include biography ; Speeches ; Council http://www.academicinfo.net/iraqmeta.html | |
58. Women's Studies Links And General Resources - Academic Info Bibliography ; Filmography ; biography ; Encyclopaedic Dictionary Discussion Lists; general History ; Groups Women's Studies resources The women's studies http://www.academicinfo.net/womenmeta.html | |
59. General Resources UU Historical Society. general resources. Genwriters Social history (Usefultimelines and resources for writers of history and biography). http://www.uua.org/uuhs/GeneralResources/GeneralResources.html | |
60. Other Reference Resources For Geography Geographic Sciences World resources Institute Global general Dictionaries, Encyclopediasand Handbooks. biography; Michigan Electronic Library biography and http://www.library.ubc.ca/geog/gref.html | |
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