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Biotechnology Ethics Agric: more detail |
1. Academic Priorities In Biotechnology Information Systems for biotechnology Meetings and Conferences Safety First Active Governance of Genetic Engineering for Environment and Human Health Worldwide March 23, 2001 EU Advanced Workshop. biotechnology ethics and Public Perceptions of biotechnology E-mail agric.2020@bbsrc.ac.uk. Telephone +441603 450581/450641 http://www.usask.ca/university_council/planning/projects/biotech_feb18.html | |
2. Biology - Biotechnology from agriculture, WA http//www.agric.wa.gov.au student activities http//www.biotechnology.gov.au ForEthical Decision Making from ethics Connection, Santa http://science.uniserve.edu.au/school/curric/stage6/biol/bioltech.html | |
3. I DONT CARE WHAT THE SCIENTISTS SAYBIOTECH CROPS ARE TOO RISKY CR Cothern ed., Handbook for environmental risk decision making values, perceptions,and ethics. Public perceptions of biotechnology another look J. agric. http://agbiosafety.unl.edu/test/ref_perspectives.htm | |
4. AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT BIOTECHNOLOGY COMMISSION AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT 14.30 18.30 ethics, agriculture and biotechnology, Part II, Peter Sandoe, Royal Vet. agric. Univ. ethics and the http://www.dti.gov.uk/aebc/horizon_scanning_meetings_030901_minutes.html |
5. I Know What Risk Is, But How Do I Assess It Handbook of environmental risk decision making values, perceptions, and ethics. agric.,96 pp Consumer acceptance of biotechnology An international perspective http://agbiosafety.unl.edu/paradigm_ref.htm | |
6. AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT BIOTECHNOLOGY COMMISSION Bruce, DM (2002) A Social Contract for biotechnology Shared Visionsfor Risky Technologies? J. agric.Food ethics, in preparation. http://www.aebc.gov.uk/aebc/horizon_scanning_meetings_030901_minutes.html |
7. FLAD/NSF International Bioethics Institute 2002--Schedule 1700, Public lecture ethics and animal biotechnology, Peter Sandoe,Royal Vet. agric. University, Copenhagen. Friday 28 June 9.30 http://www.biotech.iastate.edu/Bioethics/Institute/flad_2002/schedule.html | |
8. Biotechnology Patenting Issues Descriptors biotechnology; gatt-; patents-; property-; legal-rights; intellectual-property-rights. Comstock,G. J-agric-Environ-ethics v.4(2) p.101-107. http://www.nal.usda.gov/bic/Biblios/patentag.htm | |
9. Biotechnology And Bioethics Verhoog, H.; Jagric-Environ-ethics v.5(2 transgenics-; animal-breeding; genetic-engineering;animal-welfare; ethics-. of property and the biotechnology debate. http://www.nal.usda.gov/bic/Biblios/bioethic.htm | |
10. FLAD / NSF International - Bioethics Institute Comstock. 1700 Public lecture ethics and animal biotechnology, PeterSandoe, Royal Vet. agric. Univ., Copenhagen. Friday 28. 9.30 http://www2.flad.pt/us/bioethic.html | |
11. Ethics Of Using Transgenic Animals 1992) Superpigs and Wondercorn The Brave New World of biotechnology and Where paperentitled Genetic engineering animal welfare and ethics Outlook on agric. http://oslovet.veths.no/transgenics/references.html | |
12. Fundação Luso-Americana 1700, Public lecture ethics and animal biotechnology, Peter Sandoe,Royal Vet. agric. Univ., Copenhagen. Friday 28. 9.3013.30, http://www.flad.pt/bioIntro.asp?cat=55&area=4 |
13. ::Agricultural Biotechnology:: of agriculture and Environmental ethics. 10(2) 10525. Intellectual property rightsin agricultural biotechnology. Exper. agric. 35(2) 240-1. Book Review. http://www.mtholyoke.edu/courses/sdecatur/chem210/bibliography_pages/agbiotech.h | |
14. 2.18.vii. Biotechnology Industry 2.18.vii. biotechnologyGeneral References. Calvieri, LF The Double-Edged Helix.Columbia Univ. Pr., 1981. Jnl of agric. Environ. ethics, 1991 151-158. http://eco.gn.apc.org/resguide/2_18vii.html | |
15. SAC Home Page Search Advanced Search And Env. ethics), 1989 1990. 2- 3. of J.Dep. agric. Victoria), 1969- 1978. Journalof Applied Biochemistry (cont. as biotechnology and Applied Biochem.), 1980- 1985. http://www.sac.ac.uk/library/External/Catalogue/Catalogue_J.htm | |
16. Tutorials In Animal Welfare Research Acta agric. Scand., Sect. A. Suppl. 27 2935. Needs, fears and fantasies. In A.Holland and A. Johnson (Editors), Animal biotechnology and ethics. http://www.agsci.ubc.ca/animalwelfare/courses/tutorial.html |
17. NCSU PP590a: Reading Material Purdue University agric. Exp. Sustaining the Food Supply. biotechnology 104043. TheScience and ethics of Genetic Engineering. Cambridge Univ. Press. http://www.cals.ncsu.edu:8050/course/pp530/read_req.html | |
18. NCSU PP590a: Reading Material Baumgardt, BR, and Martin, M. A. 1991. agricultural biotechnology Issues and Choices.Purdue University agric. Exp. Blatz, C. 1991. ethics and agriculture. http://www.cals.ncsu.edu:8050/course/pp530/read_reserve.html | |
19. Occasional Paper #2: What Consumers Want To Know Some consumers are concerned about the ethics and safety of transferring genetic labeldescribing the reasons for applications of biotechnology would be agric. http://www.cals.cornell.edu/extension/nabc/pubs/occ_paper_2/Bruhn.html | |
20. Food & Agriculture Bibliography Journal of agricultural Environmental ethics J. agric. Environ. ethics, vol.12, no. 1, pp. 127139, 2000. TITLE The contribution of biotechnology to food http://www.csa.com/routenet/cnie/pop/food/foodbib.html | |
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