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61. Breakthrough - Home UK charity fighting breast cancer through research and awareness. Campaigns include Fashion Targets Category Health Conditions and Diseases Breast Organizations......Women's Great Walk of China, Hereditary breast cancer Discussion GroupMeeting, members area, Looking for adventure? This is your chance http://www.breakthrough.org.uk/ |
62. Breast Cancer And Environmental Risk Factors In New York State Offers research, statistical maps, newsletters and publications, conference and worshop information.Category Health Conditions and Diseases Risks and Prevention...... our readers to use. The Toolkit is designed to help educators improveand teach their knowledge of breast cancer risk factors. http://www.cfe.cornell.edu/bcerf/ | |
63. Welcome To The Breast Cancer Society Of Canada National Office 401 St.Clair Street Point Edward, ON Canada N7V 1P2 emailbcsc@bcsc.ca National Toll Free 1.800.567.8767 BN 137969861RR0001. http://www.bcsc.ca/ | |
64. INVOLUNTARY SMOKING CAUSES BREAST CANCER TOO Summary of Swiss study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology that studied 1300 women. http://www.ash.org/dangers/bcancer.html | |
65. Breast Cancer Support From Breast Cancer ACTION Nova Scotia - BCANS The BCANS web site includes an active international breast cancer support forum,breast cancer news, information on Tamoxifen, and links to Nova Scotia Breast http://www.bca.ns.ca/ | |
66. Boarding For Breast Cancer Foundation -- B4BC.org Foundation to spread awareness about good health practices and the importance of early cancer detection among young people through sports, music, art, and events. http://www.b4bc.org/ | |
67. CNN - Study Finds Drug Can Help Young Breast Cancer Patients - May 14, 1998 CNN.com http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/9805/14/tamoxifen.works/ | |
68. BreastCancer.org - Breast Cancer Information And Support Complete guide to breast cancer, including information about clinical trials, current research, coping Category Health Conditions and Diseases Cancer Breast......understanding your breast cancer pathology report, Discussion Boards Does the Garbageever stop? Why do we not have a breast cancer political candidate? . http://www.breastcancer.org/ | |
69. CNN - Study: Drug Cuts Breast Cancer Rate For Women At Risk - April 5, 1998 CNN.com http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/9804/05/breast.cancer/ | |
70. Abortion - Breast Cancer Link -- Dr. Joel Brind Ph. D. Dr. Joel Brind documents the truth about the single most avoidable risk factor for breast cancer Category Society Issues Abortion ProLife Essays...... http://www.abortioncancer.com/ | |
71. Www.Paulinians.com :: Saint Paul Breast Cancer Index :: SPCM HS '75 A tribute to a classmate from the St Paul College of Manila High School Class of '75. Includes links to various breast cancerrelated sites. http://www.homestead.com/spcmhs1975/bci.html | |
72. Welcome To The Breast Cancer Lighthouse The breast cancer Lighthouse website requires that QuickTime 3.0 or betterto be installed on your computer. Go to breast cancer Lighthouse. http://commtechlab.msu.edu/sites/bcl/ | |
73. Bangkok Breast Cancer Support Group Offers support and encouragement with objectives explained and mission stated. http://www.bangkokbreastcancer.com/ | |
74. Coalition On Abortion/Breast Cancer whose purpose is to protect the health and save the lives of women by educatingand providing information on abortion as a risk factor for breast cancer. http://www.abortionbreastcancer.com/ | |
75. My Breast Cancer Story Seeking assistance with bills for breast reconstruction surgery after a long struggle with cancer. http://www.mybreastreconstruction.org | |
76. Redirecting To New URL... Organization dedicated to improving the lives of people touched by breast cancer through educational Category Health Support Groups Cancer Breast...... Community Breast Health Project. A nonprofit, dedicated to providing informationand support to people dealing with breast cancer or with breast health issues. http://www-med.stanford.edu/CBHP/ |
77. Kibbybears - Your Teddy Bear Company - Breast Cancer Bears, Wholesale Bears, Cus Themed styles for breast cancer, new baby, or your valentine. Designs for your organization, fundraiser, or company. http://www.kibbybears.com | |
78. Breast Cancer breast cancer. Return to the tutorial menu. The Breast. The female breastsare modified Incidence of breast cancer. breast cancer is very rare http://medlib.med.utah.edu/WebPath/TUTORIAL/BREAST/BREAST.html | |
79. Breast Cancer Center: Cancer Treatment Centers Of America Offers resources and information on symptoms, research, and treatment. http://breast.cancercenter.com | |
80. Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool An interactive tool to measure a womans risk of invasive breastcancer. Scientists at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and http://bcra.nci.nih.gov/brc/start.htm | |
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