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Burton Captain Sir Richard Francis African Explorer: more detail |
61. Seite 08 Raymond Floyd (former US Ryder Cup captain) mentor to Philip burton (former congressman)mentor to Willie Brown (mayor sir richard Rees mentor to George Orwell. http://www.professional-mentoring.de/link08/seite08_2.htm | |
62. Kelly James - Dancing With The Witchdoctor A Yes, Kumlesh and captain Mac, and David are those people of history, sir RichardFrancis burton, Elizabeth Cady It's another african adventure, just one, a http://www.kjexplorations.com/qa.asp | |
63. Gold Medals Founder's Medal captain richard F. burton for his 1905 Founder's Medal - sir MartinConway for explorations Patron's Medal - captain CHD Ryder for his http://www.rgs.org/templ.php?page=1socigol |
64. OLD NEWS Index - 1995-2000 sir William Courtenay Stirs Rebellion in England. captain richard burton SeeksSource of Nile River. Dont Give Up the Ship, Dying captain Tells Crew http://www.oldnewspublishing.com/index2.htm | |
65. Books On-line: Call Numbers Starting With G Being the Narrative of an Expedition in Search of sir John Franklin, in Academy ofSciences at a Reception Given to the captain and Officers by richard burton http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/subjectstart?G |
66. Gb Art Time Line Tl_sci1800 iron anchorchains patented by captain S. Brown 1858 richard burton and John Spekediscover Lake Tanganyika 1864 sir Samuel White Baker discovers Lake Albert http://www.ubmail.ubalt.edu/~pfitz/time/tl_sci1800.html | |
67. The Greystoke Lineage of many works on african archaeology and Lake Tanganyika, thus preceding sir RichardFrancis burton by about captain Singleton m. 1st Walters, sister http://book-smith.tripod.com/greystoke.html | |
68. 'On The Excess Of Females In The West Indian Islands, From sir Edward Fry and natural selection.' Letter, Nature, 67 Review of The Nile Basin,richard burton and James captain Speke's new volume.' Review of What led http://www.mugu.com/galton/bibliography/by_subject.htm |
69. AMCTV.com - Shows Related To Tabu Apocalypse Now (1979) francis Ford Coppola's extravagant chronicle 1956) A hardboiledNavy captain struggles to is King Henry II and richard burton is Becket http://www.amctv.com/show/moremovieinterest/0,,3279-EST,00.html | |
70. Homework Hotline - Geography explored by David Livingstone, HM Stanley, and richard burton. in northern exploration,and captain James Cook later voyages, and those of sir William Edward http://www.homeworkhotline.com/Geography.htm | |
71. 95-0343 BYRON'S JOURNAL OF HIS CIRCUMNAVIGATION 1764-1766 940672 (AFRICA) burton, richard F. THE LAKE REGIONS OF the Reports of Commander,now captain James Clark Ross The Diaries of Major-General sir Edmund Ironside http://www.rarebooklink.com/wh9395.html | |
72. April 04 Smith, Peterhead Scotland, actor (Adv of sir Lancelot) In richard Coogan, Short HillsNJ, actor (captain Video) In at 77 In 1996, Carl burton Stokes, politician http://www.dailyalmanacs.com/almanac2/april/0404.html | |
73. ERB Persona Directory Lieutenant Foreign Legion officer Giles-burton (Col.), Gerald Lara - native girlLarsen - captain of the Men Michel - boy, squire to sir richard Minsky, Ivan http://erblist.com/erblist/persona/persona_list.html | |
74. Channel 4 Television - To The ENDS Of The EARTH now in southeast Pakistan) under sir Charles Napier. After the fractious expeditionwith burton, Speke returned to Africa in 1860 with captain James Grant http://www.channel4.com/history/microsites/E/ends/nile4.html |
76. Historical Manuscripts Commission | National Register Of Archives | List Of Pers 16091657) Author Antiquary (1) burton, William 3) Bush, Eric Wheler (1899-1985) CaptainRN (1 Saffron Walden, statesman (20) Butler, sir richard Harte Keatinge http://www.hmc.gov.uk/nra/browser/person/page/personBU.htm | |
77. The Jungle Theater-"On The Verge" In Depth-History Glimpses Indian Ocean) by a Greek sea captain gives instructions 1845 AD British Arctic explorerSir John Franklin, now 59 burton is in Africa in the company of explorer http://www.jungletheater.com/seasons/2000/id_verge_history.html | |
78. English Books > Biography/Autobiography > Historical Rosalie F.; Hardcover ISBN 0195122216 And captain of Their ISBN 0824817842 Autobiographyof sir Harry Smith Childhood in Margaret River burton, LC; Paperback http://book.netstoreusa.com/index/bkbba600.shtml | |
79. 404 Not Found time, until 1853, in accompanying captain McClure on addressed to him by sir FrancisM as BrunRollet, Burchell, Burckhardt, burton, Cailland, Caillie http://www.globusz.com/ebooks/Balloon/00000011.htm | |
80. P.N. Travel 301 MAWSON, sir Douglas. and numerous illustrations, chiefly from drawings by CaptainGrant. In the 1850's Speke accompanied richard burton on a search for the http://www.sotherans.co.uk/Catalogues/PicadillyNotes/Pn44/PN44Travel.html | |
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