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61. New World Explorers Use the links below to research a new world explorer. john cabot (student projectsby Gander Academy). The Mariners' Museum (john and Sebastian cabot). http://www.nwoca.org/~ayr_www/rath/explorers.html | |
62. European Exploration Of Canada Sebastian cabot much of this page contains Sebastian's own words john Franklin Factsheetbasic facts about john Franklin an online museum of life in new France http://gwc.sd81.bc.ca/~gwc/explorers/explorers.html | |
63. Other Italian Explorers 1484?1557), the second son of john cabot, sailed to In 1526, cabot sailed from Spainwith four ships. Vespucci was the first European to reach the new world. http://www2.worldbook.com/features/explorers/html/newworld_italian.html | |
64. Explorers Vikings in the new world http//members.aol.com/bakken1/viking/oview.htm A textbasedaccount of settlement of john and Sebastian cabot http//www.nmm http://www.edselect.com/explorers.htm | |
65. Bibliography 1995. Fritz. Around the world in a Hundred Years. Ferdinand Magellan Master Mariner.new York Random House, 1957. Goodnough, David. john cabot and His Son. http://www.d23.org/sullivan/travis/Explorer Book/bibliography.htm | |
66. European_explorers MAP. Paths of exploration of French British explorers to Cartier's routes to thenew world and dates of voyages. cabot's routes to the new world and dates of http://tos.scdsb.on.ca/sst6/european_explorers.htm | |
67. Explorers From The 1400's - EnchantedLearning.com cabotO, GIOVANNI See john cabot (above After King Manuel's death, King john III sentda Gama to India Columbus on his first voyage to the new world, as captain http://www.enchantedlearning.com/explorers/1400.shtml | |
68. ATPM 3.08 - Review: Explorers Of The New World Canada, we were about to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the landing of john Cabotand his The exploration and exploitation of the new world, fantasy or http://www.atpm.com/3.08/page14.shtml | |
69. Town Of Bonavista - Attractions cabot's second attempt to visit the new world ended in acceptance of Cape Bonavistaas cabot's landfall site john Mason's map (16151621), marks Bonavista as http://www.bonavista.net/attractions/cabot.html |
70. Explorers Great Explorers; Explorers of the new world (Commercial product and Explorers; Explorersof the world; From Sea to Adventures of Daniel Boone; john cabot; john cabot http://www.ls.net/~newriver/topic/explorer.htm | |
71. DISCOVERS cabot, john The Matthew Project cabot, john 500th Anniversary Franklin, Sir johnGreat Explorers of the Rare Map Collection - The new world University of http://www.suffolk.lib.ny.us/libraries/cmor/discover.htm | |
72. Famous Explorers And Resources About Columbus and Sebastian cabot, More On Sebastian john cabot. Homeport, Europeans Explorethe new world, Lessons of Explore the Explorers, Explore the world Virtually, Tons http://www.suelebeau.com/explorers.htm | |
73. Norton Topics Online: The Sixteenth Century: Renaissance Exploration, Travel, An tradesman living in Bristol, john cabot, was granted a the coast of Argentina; Sirjohn Hawkins turned Vespucci's accounts of the new world discoveries, Thomas http://www.wwnorton.com/nael/NTO/16thC/wider/worldtxt.htm | |
74. The Mariners' Museum - Newport News, Virginia a book written in Arabic and distributed throughout the Muslim world. Sebastian cabot(b. 1476 d. 1557) john cabot's son and one Explored new England's coast http://www.mariner.org/age/biohist.html | |
75. Explorers Of The World john cabot and his son Sebastian, The Matthew Legacy. john Sebastion cabot,Return to top. Samuel de Champlain Adventurer in new France, Champlain. http://www.hpedsb.on.ca/smood/explore/links.htm | |
76. Explorers Voyage of exploration Discovering new Horizons This impressive site follows Vascoda Gama, Columbus, Magellan, john and Sebastian cabot, Francis Drake http://jeffcoweb.jeffco.k12.co.us/elem/marshdale/explorers.htm | |
77. Explorers Theme Page in spices had in the development of Western Europe and the conquest/settlement ofthe new world in this The cabot Dilemma john cabot's 1497 Voyage http://www.cln.org/themes/explorers.html | |
78. From Revolution To Reconstruction: Outlines: American History (1994): Chapter On to Asia, a Venetian sailor named john cabot arrived in Although fairly quickly forgotten,cabot's journey was later to of his voyages to a new world. By 1529 http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/H/1994/ch1_p4.htm | |
79. Explorers Of The World European Explorers in the new world Wonderful site with Exhibit Deals with Columbusand world in 1492. john cabot Details cabot's life and accomplishments. http://www.camdenschools.org/explorers.htm | |
80. Explorers Of Canada, Part I: Giovanni Caboto - Suite101.com There he adopts the name john cabot. For cabot, the expeditions were failures as henever made it a weakish country and so expeditions to the new world had to http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/life_in_canada/62008 | |
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