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California Charter School Standards: more detail |
81. Geotimes--Hot Spots of paleobiology at the University of californiaRiverside, was will replace the year-oldstandards with a York 6 A publicly funded charter school opening next http://www.geotimes.org/dec00/hotspots_feature.html | |
82. The Irascible Professor-commentary Of The Day-3-27-2000. Charter Schools: The Go Here in california, where charters must be reviewed presumes that academic performancestandards will be of an academically ineffective charter school could be http://irascibleprofessor.com/comments-3-27-00.htm | |
83. Parent Information charter school Information PTA and PTSA Pupil Services Branch Specially Funded Programs school Plans, CCR/SBCP california State Department of Education - API http://www.lausd.k12.ca.us/parentnav.html | |
84. CER News Alert: Achievement Gains Found At California Charter Schools; Disadva achievement for low income and atrisk students than their non-charter public schoolcounter-parts according to a new study from california State University http://edreform.com/press/2002/cacharterstudy.htm | |
85. Charter Schools Development Center charter school Development Center, Development of private charter schools. http://www.csus.edu/ier/charter/charteract.html | |
86. Charter Resources charter school Resources from Consortium SDCOE. CaliforniaNetwork of Educational charters (CANEC). http://www.thechamberfoundation.org/CharterSchools/CharterResources.htm | |
87. Wind One: Excellence - Educational Program Of Five Winds Charter School The california Assessment Program is utilized to compare Five Winds charter Schoolstudents performance charter schools are legally required to meet http://www.fivewinds.org/program/excellence.shtml | |
88. Hawaii Association Of Charter Schools Resources US charter school Site Hawaii charter school Information PageHawaii Discussion Group. Additional Resources and Contacts. http://www.k12.hi.us/~bwoerner/hacs/resources.html | |
89. Charter College Of Education, CSULA opportunities provided by its charter status, the of Education at california StateUniversity http://www.calstatela.edu/academic/csoe/ | |
90. Charter Schools, Education, Reform, Privatization, Outsourcing, Privatization Wa a range of other choicestax credits, charter schools, and Unfortunately, a newCalifornia law will cripple the The law requires school districts to use the http://www.rppi.org/cripplingcalifornia.html | |
91. US Charter Schools Website focused on the needs of california teachers, these engaged in restructuring and wholeschoolimprovement. have provided assistance to charter founders writing http://www.uscharterschools.org/cs/uscsp/query/q/112?topic=23&x-title=Resources |
92. National Educational News And State Statistics - CA to Project to Link Teaching and standards, April 10, 2002. LAUSD Orders CharterSchool to Scrap california Charters Are Seen to Benefit Children in Poverty http://www.edweek.org/context/states/stateinfo.cfm?stateabbrv=ca |
93. CALIFORNIA Act of 1983, which raised standards for schools been proposed, and one reason charterschool legislation was may have worked; in 1994, california's statewide http://epaa.asu.edu/epaa/v3n13/ca.html | |
94. LAEP: Learning Exchange: Subject Index Dr. Seuss Education Reforms (california) El Nino Teachers Nurturing Math Open Charterschool Parents Become Study Says school Violence school Violence Science http://www.laep.org/subjectindex/ | |
95. Electronic Resources And Topics In Education of topics including the arts, charter schools, safety in 1994 in the Graduate Schoolof Education to Youth Service california (YSCal) links to service learning http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/EDP/education.html |
96. McREL POLICY BRIEF November 2000: Charter School Equity Issues: Focus On Minorit in the potential for creating dual school systems. Several states (for example, Californiaand Colorado) do laws requiring the enrollment in charter schools to http://www.mcrel.org/PDFConversion/PolicyBriefs/PB_CharterSchoolEquity.html | |
97. California Federation Of Teachers - Council Of Classified Employees and failure to comply with labor standards. in shared governance systems or charterschool development, but representation on the california Community College http://www.cft.org/cce-n/spare1.shtml | |
98. Standards the states of Arizona, california, Georgia, and Network in superintendent and charterschool leadership positions they need to carry out standardsbased reform http://www.goalline.org/StandardsWork/standards.html | |
99. Charter College Of Education, CSULA opportunities provided by its charter status, the College of Education at CaliforniaState University http://www.calstatela.edu/academic/ccoe/ | |
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