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61. Sonoma County Library Government Information Your state Legislators To find your member of the state Senate or Local cities. californiaFranchise Tax Board Information and forms for california returns. http://www.sonoma.lib.ca.us/ref/govt.html | |
62. 2002-03 Board Of Directors Institute; Senior Advisor/Consultant, california cities, Counties, Schools for SchoolImprovement; Former california Deputy state Superintendent of http://www.edsource.org/abo_boa.cfm | |
63. Global Green in Political Science from california state University at and Regional Planning, californiaPolytechnic University Campaign outreach to cities and collaborated http://www.globalgreen.org/about/team.html |
64. Current State And Local Government Problems california, cities, Towns Counties. HA267.C3. california state ConstitutionA Reference Guide. Henke's california Law Guide. http://www.uchastings.edu/library/Legal Research/Class Pages/plri-class.htm | |
65. Poly-Cy: Internet Resources For Political Science - Specialized Programs US states US Counties/ cities Foreign Govts National Security california stateUniversity San Bernardino; Georgetown; Southwest Missouri state University. http://www.polsci.wvu.edu/polycy/psprogs.html | |
66. Socialstudies.org | NCSS Affiliates San Mateo County; Southern california. Cypress Fairbanks; Dallas; Houston; Midcities;San Antonio Virginia Virginia state Council; Virginia Consortium of Social http://www.ncss.org/local/ | |
67. Free Resources: Funding Opportunities For Local Governments The california Energy Commission's Energy Efficiency Financing projects for schools,hospitals, cities, counties, special Email nonres@energy.state.ca.us. http://www.lgc.org/freepub/energy/funding.html | |
68. Welcome To The Center For Economic Development's April 2003 Newsletter The Center for Economic Development provides technichal assistance and disseminates information to Category Regional North America Economic Development...... Profile Series, covering 20 Northern california counties, is due urban average putsNorth state employees at that incorporates all US cities and municipalities http://www.csuchico.edu/cedp/ | |
69. Regional/Caltrans Coordinator Group Governments counterpart to the League of california cities and the MONTEREY, california. discussionon development and/or realignment of state and Regional http://www.calcog.org/Meeting Materials/CALCOG Regional Issues Forum Summary of | |
70. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: California (State Histories) Law; The Mines; Towns cities; california Magnet The Spanish Missions of californiaHistory, Architecture National Historic Landmarks; state Historic Landmarks http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/His | |
71. Transportation And Regional Growth Study Web Links Twin cities Metro Transit (Mpls.St. state and Local Policy Program (Humphrey Instituteof and Regional Development (University of california Berkeley) http http://www.cts.umn.edu/trg/links/ | |
72. Calafco.org: Resources search engine for all california law. Legislative Analyst's Office Analyses billsand conducts studies for the Legislature. state Controller's Publications Key http://www.calafco.org/resources.htm | |
73. [1995] Excerpt From Equally In View: The University Of California, Its Women, An University of california graduates could escape such trials by getting the University'sTeacher's The state's larger towns and cities had the means and http://sunsite.berkeley.edu:2020/dynaweb/teiproj/uchist/monographs/equally/@Gene | |
74. CBS News | Hungry States Eye Internet Sales Tax | December 26, 2002 16:10:18 University of Tennessee says states, cities and counties Utahbased Institute forState studies, predicts annual By that analysis, california last year lost http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/12/26/tech/main534415.shtml | |
75. Epidemiology And Preventive Medicine Recommendations Strategies from a state Health Department Heart Smart cities CombiningEducational and california Dietetic Association annual meeting, San Jose http://www-epm.ucdavis.edu/Fac/Cassady.htm | |
76. Aans.html An organization that promotes the study of the language, literature, history, and general culture Category Society People Expatriates Dutch Clubs and Associations...... (University of MN, Twin cities). Joe Delap (Jacksonville state University); JanetPolasky (University Johan P. Snapper (University of california, Berkeley); Janet http://polyglot.lss.wisc.edu/aans/ | |
77. Government Information information about Bay Area cities, counties, regional california Ballot Propositions;california state Judicial Branch. and foreign relations (US state Department http://libweb.sonoma.edu/search/web/government.html | |
78. UC Davis News & Information :: News Services : Growth in california counties and selected cities from 1975 to and the influence of the californiaLegislature's Chicano Caucus on state resource allocation. http://www.news.ucdavis.edu/services/growth.lasso | |
79. NCPA - Welfare Issues - State Welfare Reforms Welfare Reforms That Work. states Leading Welfare Reform. state Level Reforms.cities, states Pioneered Welfare Reform. Court Rattles california Welfare Reform. http://www.ncpa.org/pi/welfare/welfare7.html | |
80. Traffic Safety Training Communities throughout the state of california can take Program and San Diego stateUniversity's Institute of and enforcement experts will visit cities to help http://www.tsc.berkeley.edu/training.htm | |
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