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Canadian Agric Gov: more detail |
1. Canadian Rural Information Service - Provincial Government Rural Departments Dir This directory includes lists of associations and organizations as well as links to Internet resources on the topic of Provincial government Rural Departments. Email duke@agric.gov.ab.ca. Internet http//www.agric.gov.ab.ca http://www.rural.gc.ca/cris/directories/programsprov_e.phtml | |
2. Canadian Rural Information Service - Tourism Pathfinder canadian Rural Information Service 1888-757-8725 Rural Tourism Pathfinder. 780-963-4709E-mail amber.kluthe@gov.ab.ca Internet http//www1.agric.gov.ab.ca http://www.rural.gc.ca/cris/tourism/webpg5a_e.phtml | |
3. Canadian 4-H Council - Links To Other 4-H Sites The national website for 4H in CanadaCanada's largest and longest-running rural youth development organization. Offering exchanges, scholarships, conferences, supplies and more! canadian 4-H Sites. Alberta 4-H. www.agric.gov.ab.ca/ruraldev/4h http://www.4-h-canada.ca/links.html | |
4. Aginfonet.com - Where Agriculture Means Business canadian Wildlife Service. http//www.cwsscf.ec.gc.ca/ http//www.gov.ab.ca/index.cfm. Alberta agriculture, Food and Rural Development. http//www.agric.gov.ab.ca/. Alberta http://www.aginfonet.com/aglibrary/html/t_crops__marke.html | |
5. Weekly Livestock Market Review 14,686 WEST 43,403 48,424 45,940 ALBERTA 39,107 44,224 42,197 WEEK END Feb15/03(est)Feb08/03(est) Feb16/02 US 616,000 655,000 649,600 canadian CATTLE GRADES http://www.agric.gov.ab.ca/economic/stats/wklvstck.html | |
6. Special Crops Conference - Fibre Hemp From the canadian Department of Agriculture. Extensive article on the history, production, characteristics and applications of hemp fiber. http://www.agric.gov.ab.ca/crops/special/conf/meijer.html | |
7. Foot And Mouth Disease Includes information about the disease, links, and prevention.Category Business Agriculture and Forestry Foot and Mouth Disease...... Basic Biosecurity Principles Information from Alberta Agriculture canadianFood Inspection Agency Other Information canadian Food Inspection Agency. http://www.agric.gov.ab.ca/livestock/fmd/ | |
8. Links Translate this page selector complete with product descriptions http//www.agric.gov.ab.ca Ontario WeedCommittee http//www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english canadian government Sites http://www.cwss-scm.ca/links.htm | |
9. CSAS Links AgriWeb Canada http//www.agr.ca/agriweb/ag.htm canadian Dairy Farm Provincial)Alberta agriculture, Food and Rural Development http//www.agric.gov.ab.ca http://www.csas.net/links.htm | |
10. Links - Alberta Agricultural Research Institute res.agr.ca/leth canadian Farm Business Management Council http//www.farmcentre.com/FBMInet http//www.fbminet.ca Manure Happenings http//www.agric.gov.ab.ca http://www.aari.ab.ca/sec/links/links_001_1.cfm | |
11. Aginfonet.com - Where Agriculture Means Business Alberta Locations http//www.agric.gov.ab.ca/climate/climfrst.html Added 199904-16.Fall Frosts - agricultural Climate of the Eastern canadian Prairies http http://www.aginfonet.com/aglibrary/html/t_climate_info.html | |
12. Agricultural Institute Of Canada canadian Journal of Animal Science is indexed in Biological agricultural Index- Current 403)782-8029 F (403)782-6120 E erasmus.okine@agric.gov.ab.ca. http://www.nrc.ca/aic-journals/cjas.html | |
13. Warrens Agricultural Directory Alberta Grain Commission, http//www.agric.gov.ab.ca/ministry/agc. Canadain DairyCommission, http//www.cdc.ca. canadian agriculture Library (CAL), http//www.agr http://www.warrensdirectory.com/govag.html | |
14. Canadian Bison Association: Links food Canada www.agr.ca Alberta www.agric.gov.ab.ca agr.gouv.qc.ca Saskatchewanwww.gov.sk.ca agriculture and Food Council of Alberta canadian Adaptation and http://bisoncentral.com/cba/links.html | |
15. Links Alberta Conservation Connection(Developing Successful Watershed Groups) http//www.agric.gov.ab.ca/sustain/acc/0011/00spracc3.html.canadian Nature Federation http://alms.biology.ualberta.ca/Pages-Main/Links.htm | |
16. Canadian Foodgrains Bank Alberta agriculture www.agric.gov.ab.ca (with links to Manitoba agriculture www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture volunteers,in partnership with canadian Foodgrains Bank; http://www.foodgrainsbank.ca/news/sep1702n.html | |
17. CAISP - Canadian Agricultural Injury Surveillance Program Alberta agriculture, Food and Rural Development http//www.agric.gov.ab.ca. Canadianagriculture Safety Program http//www.agr.ca/policy/adapt http://meds.queensu.ca/~emresrch/caisp/links.html | |
18. WWW Forage & Turf Seed Links canadian Seed Growers Association http//www.seedgrowers.ca/; agriculture and AgrifoodCanada Forage Seed Market information http//www.agric.gov.ab.ca/economic http://www.forageseed.mb.ca/webdoc10.html | |
19. Canadian Apiculture Contacts canadian Food Inspection Agency, Fax 613228-6119. 59 Camelot Drive, jmccool@em.agr.ca. Albertaagriculture, Food Rural Development, medhat.nasr@agric.gov.ab.ca. http://www.honeycouncil.ca/contact.html | |
20. STEEP - Northern Great Plains / Canadian Prairie Provinces Northern Great Plains / canadian Prairie Provinces. ca) Prairie agricultural MachineryInstitute (www.pami.ca) Alberta Farm Machinery Center (www.agric.gov.ab.ca http://pnwsteep.wsu.edu/resourcelinks/gp.htm | |
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