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41. American Ethnic Geography Bibliography Part 6 Carlyle, William J. Farm Population in the canadian Parkland. Geographical Review Kiang,YC The Distribution of ethnic groups in Chicago. American Journal http://www.valpo.edu/geomet/geo/courses/geo200/bib7.html | |
42. American Ethnic Geography Bibliography Part 3 2 (1986) 65104. McLaughlin, KM The Germans in Canada. Canada's ethnic groups,Booklet No. 11. Ottawa canadian Historical Association, 1985. http://www.valpo.edu/geomet/geo/courses/geo200/bib4.html | |
43. CANADIAN CARDIOVASCULAR SOCIETY 1998 CONSENSUS CONFERENCE ON THE PREVENTION OF C In the following sections, the CVD profiles of the major ethnic groups in Canadaare reviewed. Given that there is very little canadianspecific research http://www.ccs.ca/society/conferences/archives/1998/1998coneng-12.asp | |
44. Nikolaos I. Liodakis groups in Canada, using 1996 canadian Census data. His research has revealed thatthe class and gender earnings differentials within ethnic groups, are greater http://qsilver.queensu.ca/sociology/nl.htm | |
45. Canadian FundRaiser that canadians listed more than 200 ethnic groups in answering the 2001 Censusquestion on ethnic ancestry, reflecting a canadian FundRaiser eNEWS. http://www.canadianfundraiser.com/home.cfm | |
46. Loading L4U IPAC THE IMAGINARY INDIAN THE IMAGE OF THE INDIAN IN canadian CULTURE (FN305.897FRA)CANADA POPULATION - ethnic groups US AND THEM canadian IDENTITY AND RACE http://drc.sd62.bc.ca/BROWSE/31000024.HTM | |
47. Hellenic Canadian Congress Of BC - Newsletter Its purpose «To organize and cohost an open, televised forum on canadian Unityas seen from Twenty six people from eight ethnic groups responded to our call http://www.neapolis.com/bccongress/news/Oct97/Eng3.html | |
48. Nelson - Political Science -Canadian Politics On The Web/Canadian Facts on a wide range of canadian information relating to canadian culture, government viewingStatistics Canada's table of the 25 largest ethnic groups reported in http://polisci.nelson.com/facts.html | |
49. ETHNIC GROUPS IN LAOS The government would allocate land to the many ethnic groups in the Lao population Acanadian trade and investment commission made up of 2O canadian Companies http://www.laoembassy.com/news/novemdec97.htm | |
50. Genocide Museum Should Remember All exhibit within two years at the canadian Museum of Civilization commemorating crimesagainst humanity during the 20th century. All ethnic groups that have been http://www.carleton.ca/Capital_News/12031999/n1.htm | |
51. Historical Society Of Mecklenburg Upper Canada Historische Geselschaft Von Meckl since the canadian federal government set its multicultural model off from the meltingpot concept of the United States, the individual ethnic groups have http://www.german-canadian.ca/mecklenburg/historic.htm | |
52. Research development of an explanation of uneven park visitation and wildernessorientedrecreation participation by canadian ethnic minority groups, with particular http://www.fes.uwaterloo.ca/u/khung/research.htm | |
53. U.C. Berkeley. Public Health Library. Ethnic Groups Health Resources issues of the American Indian and Alaska Native and canadian First Nations TobaccoUse Among US Racial/ethnic Minority groups African Americans http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/PUBL/minority.html | |
54. Genealogy Pages: The World's Premier Genealogy Portal: Ethnic Groups Genealogy Pages ethnic groups. Programme de recherche en démographie historique Comprehensive genealogy site for Quebec French-canadian genealogy before 1800 http://www.genealogypages.com/Ethnic_Groups/ | |
55. Culture Canada: Canadian Multiculturalism - Reports And Programs canadian Encyclopedia ethnic groups in Canada Source canadian Encyclopedia,The. canadian ethnic Studies Journal Source canadian ethnic Studies Journal. http://culturecanada.gc.ca/chdt/interface/interface2.nsf/engdocBasic/12.4.html | |
56. STAR Project Links: Journals canadian ethnic Studies Journal (canadian ethnic Studies Association) An 'interdisciplinaryjournal the history and cultural life of ethnic groups in Canada http://www.star.ac.uk/Links/Journals.html | |
57. CULTURE & TRADITION: The Canadian Graduate Student Journalof Folklore & Ethnolog Sylvestor, Niko Review American Elves An Encyclopedia of Little People from theLore of 380 ethnic groups of the Western Hemisphere (John E. Roth), Volume 21 http://www.ucs.mun.ca/~culture/biblio3.htm | |
58. Ethnic Groups Indian and Inuit health produced and published by the canadian Paediatric Society men'sheart disease death rates for the five major racial and ethnic groups. http://omni.ac.uk/browse/mesh/detail/C0015031L0015031.html | |
59. Canadian Gardener Garden Guests The idea behind the project is to encourage different ethnic groups to grow theirown crops organically, not only for their own communities but also for http://www.tv.cbc.ca/canadiangardener/GardenGuests/3-091199sep1199.htm | |
60. Canadian Labour History Bibliography presentday Canada (the migration or sojourning of canadian workers to history itselfwas challenged by feminist historians and historians of ethnic groups. http://www.mun.ca/library/colldev/labour/ |
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