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Child Care Associations & Networks: more detail | ||
1. Child Welfare League Of America: Child Day Care: Family Child Care Systems: DRAF the differences between family child care systems, networks, and associations, CWLA's National child Day care Task Force http://www.cwla.org/programs/daycare/fccsissuebrief.htm | |
2. Family Child Care Committee Family child care Updates The Alabama child care Consortium is funded by the Alabama Department of Human Resources. child care initiative is sponsoring a statewide workshop on developing provider associations/support groups/networks. http://www.circ.uab.edu/childcare/familycom.htm | |
3. Starting Points: Guarantee Quality Child Care Choices and local child care agencies, resource and referral networks, and professional associations and businesses (see http://www.carnegie.org/starting_points/startpt3.html | |
4. Development Of Family Child Care Networks developing community level family child care systems and using federal and otherfunding streams to fund family child care associations and networks. http://ericps.crc.uiuc.edu/nccic/research/quality/familycc.html | |
5. Consumer Education And Support Of Families have made this information available using established child care resource and referralnetworks, family child care associations and networks and opportunities http://ericps.crc.uiuc.edu/nccic/research/quality/cons-ed.html | |
6. Neighborhood Networks And Warm Lines Support Family Child Care Neighborhood networks and Warm Lines Support Family child care child care Bulletin July/August 1997, Issue 16 Developing neighborhood child care networks is a productive response to the child care challenges that face many communities. care centers, family child care associations, community collaboratives, and other groups to create active networks that http://nccic.org/ccb/ccb-ja97/neighbor.html | |
7. Neighborhood Networks And Warm Lines Support Family Child Care housing authorities, child care centers, family child care associations, communitycollaboratives, and other groups to create active networks that build on http://www.nccic.org/ccb/ccb-ja97/neighbor.html | |
8. Selected Resource Lists. Family Child Care Beansprout networks ®. Center for the child care Workforce. State Familychild care associations. California Association for Family child care. http://www.nccic.org/cctopics/famcare.html | |
9. Child Welfare League Of America: Child Day Care: Related Child Care Links electronic networks and databases; clearinghouses and national organizations; ACF 400state and local family child care provider associations in the http://www.cwla.org/programs/daycare/childcarelinks.htm | |
10. Profiles Of A Successful Child Care Program CCSC currently has two networks directly related to public housing lending library);and (5) linkages to provider associations, the child care resource and http://www.enterprisefoundation.org/model documents/1239.htm | |
11. Child Care Articles on family child care providers, child care associations, literacy and The Beansproutchild care Network, a public service of Beansprout networks, is available http://www2.state.id.us/dhw/ecic/child_care.htm | |
12. RNI: The National Center For The Business Of Family Child Care To find the names of these associations, call the National Association for FamilyChild care at 800 consider approaching all three of these networks in a http://www.redleafinstitute.org/Index.cfm?section=ART&Page=ART74 |
13. Child Care Information Exchange (www.ccie.com) USA child care's goal is to undertake successful programs that focus on buildingstrong provider associations and communication networks, bringing new http://www.ccie.com/ECEorgs/xpartners.cfm |
14. CHILDCARE BY CHOICE - T.E.A.C.H. Technical assistance efforts currently include building and supporting family childcare associations and networks, building and supporting child care center http://www.childcarebychoice.org/ccrra.html | |
15. Coalitions, Networks, Associations, Organizations OSSTF Logo Lamp of Learning. Coalitions, networks, associations, Organizations.Coalitions Ontario Coalition for Better child care, www.childcareontario.org/. http://www.osstf.on.ca/www/links/networks.html | |
16. F. B. Heron Foundation - Program Guidelines In addition, the Foundation supports peer networks, trade associations, and technicalassistance that creates jobs, or quality and affordable child care. http://fdncenter.org/grantmaker/fbheron/prog_guide.html | |
17. USA Child Care | Programs USA child care's goal is to undertake successful programs that focus on buildingstrong provider associations and communication networks, thereby bringing new http://www.usachildcare.org/programs/ | |
18. ONET... Reaching Home Child Care Providers Across Ontario invited to sit with other professional associations who share Level 2 of the FamilyChild care Training has been The networks in Bolton and Thunder Bay piloted http://www.geocities.com/ottawachildcare/onet/ | |
19. Association Des Educateurs Du Quebec for the Council of Canadian child and Youth care associations. Patrick Gallagheris the Past President of this organization which networks on behalf of the http://www.geocities.com/~beardy/QAE1.htm | |
20. Start Up & Funding Your Daycare child care providers and if there are family child care networks in your more than400 state and local family child care provider associations in the http://www.childcarecenters.org/Providers/start_daycare/1.htm | |
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