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81. Memorial Day Links Flag Remember History, memorials Arlington National Cemetery memorials to Veterans FirstObservance American Revolution, war of 1812. civil war, Spanish American war. http://www.giftideacenter.com/Holidays/Memorial_Day/holiday_links.htm | |
82. BBC NEWS | Special Report | 1998 | 10/98 | World War I | War Memorials: Lest We World war I (191418). Some of the earliest memorials commemorate battleswhich took place during the civil war in the 17th Century. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/special_report/1998/10/98/world_war_i/newsid_19 | |
83. American Civil War Battlefield Parks veterans who had fought in the civil war, there were the different theaters of operationduring the war. They were further intended to be memorials to members http://www.swcivilwar.com/cw_parks.html | |
84. Education World® - *History : By Region : North America : USA : 19th Century : American civil war Information about famous battles and leaders. IncludesEmancipation Proclamation, Gettysburg Address, and Sultana. http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=1461 |
85. Ohio Civil War Bibliography 1887 Reprint Ohio memorials At Gettysburg Veterans paper with great accounts of battlesand soldier Borne The Battle Research Guide to civil war Material in http://www.ohiocivilwar.com/cwbiblio.html | |
86. Civil War Related Police Directory_1 Police Humor_3 Police Memorials_1 Political about slavery,reconstruction, abraham lincoln, gettysburg, civil war battles and leaders http://www.jackwalters.com/links/civilwarrelated.html | |
87. US Civil War Links history, battle reenactments, parades, memorials, and school in almost all majorbattles fought by civil war Studies at American Military University American http://www.us-civilwar.com/addlink/usrlinks.html | |
88. War Memorials historians to formulate the particular battles and or story, but an overall NationalCivil war Memorial HOME INTRODUCTION war memorials NCWM CONTRIBUTE http://www.nationalcwmemorial.org/warmemtext.htm | |
89. USCWC -- Index Of Civil War Information Available On The Internet The United States civil war Center's Index of civil war information provides a comprehensive, searchable index of online information. http://www.cwc.lsu.edu/civlink.htm | |
90. Victorian Links: Wars_and_Conflicts/American_Civil_War Top wars and Conflicts American civil war. Victorian Links warsand Conflicts American civil war. Listings A Sampler of civil http://www.victorianlinks.com/links/Wars_and_Conflicts/American_Civil_War/ | |
91. Sitemap - National Heritage Area On The Civil War In Tennessee http://chp.mtsu.edu/tncivwar/sitemap.php |
92. Artzia: History Calendars well as landmark events and battles on the Battlefield Calendar captures the CivilWar's greatest battlefield Carolina and Virginia State memorials, along with http://artzia.com/History/Calendars.shtml | |
93. Access Genealogy - Vermont Military Resources For The Revolutionary War, Civil W of 1812 Brief summaries of battles with maps and illustrations. Medal Winners. CivilWar Medal of Honor Recipients AL and MZ Confederate Roll of Honor. memorials. http://www.accessgenealogy.com/military/vermont/ | |
94. Women And The Military - Museums And Memorials Sybil Luddington to statues and other memorials to First Subscribe to America's CivilWar and get 6 issues for yourself in the thick of famous battles like The http://womenshistory.about.com/cs/militarymuseums/ | |
95. Gettysburg - 140th Anniversary Visit Manassas for the twin battles of Bull training camps, demonstrations of CivilWar tactics, Sutlers explore the 1,000plus memorials, theatres, waxworks http://www.battletours.co.uk/2003/getty.htm |
96. MilitaryHistoryOnline Today there are still few memorials at the site of the Battle of Franklin toeither side. The field is in danger of being completely swallowed up. http://www.militaryhistoryonline.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=3462 |
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