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101. Byrd Polar Resesarch Center Research focuses on the role of cold regions in the global climate system. Includes publications, conferences, links to related sites. http://www-bprc.mps.ohio-state.edu/ |
102. Climate Action Network Europe, Brussels, Belgium - Environmental Coordinating office for environmental groups in Western Europe working on climate change issues.Category Regional Europe Science and Environment Organizations......climate Action Network Europe is a non profit organisation, coordinationoffice working on climate change issues in Europe. http://www.climnet.org/ |
103. Taking Action This page has moved. This page can be found at http//climate.wri.org/. In a moment,you should be redirected to this page, or you may click on the link above. http://www.wri.org/climate/ |
104. Minco Community Profile Location and climate, population and economic statistics, utilities, business and major employers, education, housing and transportation, attractions and recreation information. http://www.odoc.state.ok.us/oknet/commprof.nsf/a7b7c2a75c7c0820862563220067d287/ |
105. EPA Global Warming Resource Center Publications US The USA's Third National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on climate Change .Category Science Environment Global Change......The United States of America's Third National Communication Under the UnitedNations Framework Convention on climate Change. US climate Action Report. http://www.epa.gov/globalwarming/publications/car/ |
106. Climate Change And Greenhouse Gases Article reviews scientific understanding of the issue of greenhouse gases and climate change, as presented in peerreviewed publications. This understanding serves as the underlying basis of the American Geophysical Union's position statement of December 1998. http://www.agu.org/eos_elec/99148e.html |
107. EPA - Partnership Outreach Programs works with businesses, organizations, governments, and consumers to reduce emissionsof the greenhouse gases that contribute to global climate change by http://www.epa.gov/cppd/ |
108. Climate Ark climate change news information portal and archive dedicated to promoting policy that addresses Global climate Change through reductions in carbon emissions, energy conservation, alternative energy sources and ending deforestation. http://www.ClimateArk.org/ |
109. Climate Change And Human Health Integrated Assessment Web This site provides information about the potential impacts of climate change through integrated assessmen Category Science Environment Global Change Impacts and Indicators......This site provides information about the potential impacts of climate change throughintegrated assessment to support policy development and analysis. http://www.jhu.edu/~climate/ |
110. Weather And Climate Resources From the Institute of Global Environment and Society. Includes links to maps, analyses, climate data and satellite images. http://grads.iges.org/listing/wx.html |
111. Utah Climate Center Copyright 19922003, Utah climate Center, Utah State University, 4825 Old Main Hill,Logan, Utah 84322-4825 Telephone (435) 797-2190 Fax (435) 797-2117 Email http://climate.usu.edu/ |
112. Canadian Centre For Climate Modelling And Analysis A division of the climate Research Branch of Environment Canada's Meteorological Service of Canada. Site provides an overview of research and information on their models and results. http://www.cccma.bc.ec.gc.ca/eng_index.html |
113. Potsdam Institute For Climate Impact Research Interdisplinary studies in the natural and social sciences, intended to provide a basis for advising Category Science Environment Global Change Policy...... http://www.pik-potsdam.de/ |
114. New York City Urban Climate Research activities with a particular focus on air exchange in and out of the subway system. http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/climusa/projny.html |
115. NASA Climate News Up to date new and research on global warming, urban heat, and severe storms.Category Science Earth Sciences Meteorology Research......http//www.climatenews.com/ Server Busy. Please try later. www.climatenews.com http://www.climatenews.com/ |
116. The Great Climate Flip-Flop Atlantic Monthly article reviews the abrupt (less than a decade transition) climate changes of the past, analyzes the role of the Gulf Stream's thermohaline circulation switching modes of operation, and presents three scenarios for the future, including potential methods for stabilizing the flipflop tendencies. http://faculty.washington.edu/wcalvin/1990s/1998AtlanticClimate.htm |
117. Welcome To The Natural Resources Climate Change Web Site http://climatechange.nrcan.gc.ca/ |
118. Acoustic Monitoring Of The Ocean Climate In The Arctic Ocean (AMOC) The overall aim of this project is to explore, simulate and design an acoustic concept for longterm monitoring of the ocean temperature and ice thickness in the Arctic Ocean for global warming detection. http://www.spri.cam.ac.uk/sig/amoc_fnd.htm |
119. International Research Institute For Climate Prediction IRI is working to accelerate the ability of societies worldwide to cope with climatefluctuations, especially those that cause devastating impacts on humans http://iri.columbia.edu/ |
120. The Global Warming Information Center Project of the National Center for Public Policy Research; fact sheets, media kits, research, and links critical of the manmade climate change orthodoxy. http://www.nationalcenter.org/Kyoto.html |
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