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Commerce Industry Trade Acronyms: more detail |
61. TIA Popular Resources Newsletter (Free to all) Telecom industry trade Statistics/Trends Find / Buy StandardsEcommerce Find Int'l Provider Database SUPERCOMM 2003 trade Show, Market http://www.tiaonline.org/tools/ | |
62. Booksellers Association - #document_title# Interoperability of Data in E commerce Systems www Serials industry Standards Communications(US) www.bisg Simpler trade Procedures Board www.sitpro.org.uk. SKU. http://www.booksellers.org.uk/newlibrary/document_view.cfm?document_id=500 |
63. Business 2.0 - Web Guide - Electronics Electrical Equipment design, solution, and commerce center for the in Electronics Abbreviations/acronymsdictionary mainly electrical/electronics industry trade publications CEE http://www.business2.com/webguide/0,,245,00.html | |
64. Transport Industry Reference Desk International Shipping Glossary National trade Database. Transportation ExpressionsTransportation industry Jokes. Journal of commerce Handbook For Int'l trade http://www.cargolaw.com/d2.referencedesk.html | |
65. Organisation For Economic Cooperation And Development Sahel and West Africa Club. Science, Technology and industry. SIGMA. Statistics.trade. More Education. Electronic commerce. Emerging and Transition Economies. http://www.oecd.org/EN/glossary/0,,EN-glossary-0-nodirectorate-no-no-160-0,00.ht | |
66. Acronym Soup Data Interchange for Administration, commerce and Transport EDM EFTA European FreeTrade Association EIA System EISA Extended industry Standard Architecture ELV http://www.manufacturingnews.com/acronyms.html | |
67. Acronym Glossary Look-up Results Documents and Data Elements in Administration, commerce and industry; InformationTechnology Telecommunications; ITAT International trade and Transport http://www.disa.org/apps/acroglos/acrolook.cfm?acronym= |
69. Acronym Dictionary CIECA Collision industry Electronic commerce Association. CII Center for Informatizationof industry. CSI Customer Satisfaction Index. CTP Corporate trade Payment. http://www.wpc-edi.com/AcronymDictionary/Dictionary.html | |
70. Plastic Industry Organisations, Associations & Forums, Traders, Manufacturers, S of commerce industry, Department of commerce, Government of exports from the Indianplastic industry has reached buyers to find appropriate trade partners in http://www.indianplasticportal.com/plastic-associations/ | |
71. Resources: Web Links tradePort country and industry reports, news, trade guides, event information;trade Compass has many links on international commerce, and features STAT-USA http://www.wcit.org/resources/resources.htm | |
72. Technical Barriers To Trade Inventory - Standards Entities Panama The Ministry of commerce and industry of Panama is Peru The Commission ofTechnical and trade Regulations of INDECOPI (National Institute for the http://www.alca-ftaa.oas.org/cp_tbt/english/tbt_2.asp | |
73. Edifecs - B2B Resources Data Interchange for Administration, commerce and transport transfer EFTA EuropeanFree trade Association EIA Japan EIDX - Electronics industry Data Exchange http://www.edifecs.com/b2b_resources_acronyms.jsp |
74. Semiconuctor Industry trade Administration, Department of commerce provides tariff 1948 as a nonprofitnational trade organization to and business enabler of the fabless industry. http://www.itds.treas.gov/semicon_profile.htm | |
75. IAGC - Glossary DNA, Deoxyribonucleic acid. DTI, Department of trade and industry (UK). EUROPIA,European Petroleum industry Association. ICC, International Chamber of commerce. http://www.iagc.org/content/glossary/glossary.asp | |
76. EDB Mexican Institute of Industrial Property. MITI. Ministry of International trade andIndustry. MLCI. Ministry of Labour, commerce and Industries. MOEA. http://www.apecsec.org.sg/GuideBook/Acronyms.html | |
77. Acronyms Microsoft ICC Interstate commerce Commission ICQ Administration ITC InternationalTrade Commission ITMRA LFIA Louisiana Furnishing industry Association LH http://www.lawrencecountyohio.org/definitions_and_acronyms.htm | |
78. EIDX - Acronyms Beginning With "E" EDIFACT, EDI For Administration, commerce and Transportation. EFTA, European FreeTrade Association, composed of EIAJ, (obs.) Electronics industry Association Japan http://www.eidx.org/publications/abbrev/Abbrev-e.html | |
79. Saint Joseph's University: Francis A. Drexel Library - Library Resource Guide - from major newspapers, business journals, trade publications, and The industry Standard,www.thestandard.net/. Ecommerce Webopedia e-comm.webopedia.com/ Terms http://www.sju.edu/libraries/drexel/business/ecomm.html | |
80. Common Standards-Related Terms And Acronyms USATISC US AlliedTextile industry Standards Coalition. of US textile-related tradeassociations, textile Interchange for Administration, commerce and Transport http://www.atmi.org/Standards/acronym.asp |
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