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1. Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics And Computer Science Libraries, Asia/Pacific For pamapf is an electronic discussion list for Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics andComputer Science librarians and information specialists in the Asia Pacific http://msowww.anu.edu.au/library/pam/discus.htm | |
2. Community Information Database Communication Systems See Computer Networks 1 Computer Networks See alsoComputer Bulletin Boards 1 computer science libraries 5 Constitutional http://sjsulib1.sjsu.edu:81/search/dComputer science -- Libraries./dcomputer sci | |
3. Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics And Computer Science Libraries, Asia/Pacific For pamapf is an electronic, discussion-list for Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics andComputer Science librarians and information specialists in the Asia Pacific http://lib.zju.edu.cn/pam-apf/discus.htm | |
4. Computer Science Libraries Information And Links CD Click Here KeyWorlds.com Computers_Technology Misc ComputerScience Libraries Links Stanford University - Mathematical http://www.keyworlds.com/c/computer_science_libraries.htm | |
5. Computer Science A gateway to computer science resources on the Web, arranged by broad subject categories.Category computers computer science Directories...... Hall has an extensive listing of computing and computer science courses. resources,standards and documentation, the C++ standard libraries, standard temple http://library.albany.edu/subject/csci.htm | |
6. LSU Libraries -- COMPUTER SCIENCE Indexes and Databases LSU libraries subscribes to Journals and Scholarly Publications Bibliographies of computer science. A large collection of technical bibliographies. From the University of Karlsruhe. and Databases LSU libraries subscribes to. Applied science and Technology Abstracts. computer Select Middleton Library http://www.lib.lsu.edu/sci/compsci.html | |
7. UF Smathers Libraries Subject Guide: Computer Science computer science Technical Reports Each participant has provided online information about their work. Architecture of the Digital Library http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/msl/comput.html | |
8. USB SCIENCE LIBRARIES Access to the seven branch science libraries (biology, chemistry, computer science, geoscience, marine and atmospheric sciences, engineering, and math/physics/astronomy) and to general databases and Internet resources. http://www.sunysb.edu/sciencelibs/ | |
9. By Subject | Computer Science Please consult the Engineering Library web site for more information about engineering resources. All computer science Resources Find It. UW libraries Catalog. Top 20 Databases For more information, or to request specific computer science resources, please feel free to contact one of the http://www.lib.washington.edu/subject/ComputerSci | |
10. C++ In AP Computer Science C++ in AP computer science. code for 2001 A and AB exam questions, tested, compiled, and with test harness. Projects/libraries. Creating libraries/projects with different compilers. http://www.cs.duke.edu/~ola/ap.html | |
11. University Of Nevada At Reno Science Libraries Access to the five science libraries DeLaMare (earth sciences, engineering, and computer science), Life and Health sciences, Mary B. Ansari Map, Physical sciences, and Savitt Medical. http://www.library.unr.edu/sciencelibs/Default.htm |
12. Computer Science Resources libraries DEPARTMENTS Engineering Library Information computer science DepartmentFaculty of Engineering Electrical Engineering Department Course Information http://www.library.yale.edu/science/subject/computerscience.html | |
13. BURKS 6 Online Free online version of a very low cost dual CDROM set for computer science students. Includes libraries, compilers, tutorials, extensive reference materials, for over 24 languages. http://burks.bton.ac.uk/ | |
14. Faculty Of Mathematics & Computer Science - Libraries computer science journals are shelved separately on the First Floor with most ofthe material in that area. The Weizmann Institute libraries have access to http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/library.shtml | |
15. BySubject/CS-ECE Computer Science And ECE Libraries [Carnegie Back to top. September 1999 http//www.library.cmu.edu/bySubject/CS+ECE/libraries.htmlMissy Harvey, computer science Librarian, harvey@andrew.cmu.edu. http://www.library.cmu.edu/bySubject/CS ECE/libraries.html |
16. Ada 95 Reference Manual Language And Standard Libraries Edited by S. Tucker Taft, Robert A. Duff; SpringerVerlag, 1997, ISBN 3540631445. Treats Ada International Standard ISO/IEC 86521995(E). Lecture Notes in computer science, 1246. Springer-Verlag http://www.springer-ny.com/detail.tpl?isbn=3540631445 |
17. BySubject/CS-ECE Computer Science And ECE Electronic Journals Missy Harvey, computer science Librarian, harvey@andrew.cmu.edu. Carnegie Mellon University libraries http://www.library.cmu.edu/bySubject/CS+ECE/lib/journals.html |
18. BySubject/CS-ECE Computer Science And ECE Electronic Journals [ http//www.library.cmu.edu/bySubject/CS+ECE/journals.html Missy Harvey, ComputerScience Librarian, harvey@andrew.cmu.edu. Carnegie Mellon University libraries. http://www.library.cmu.edu/bySubject/CS ECE/journals.html |
19. Software Finish ANSI C libraries from the computer and Information science University of Oregon. The aim is to make porting code to Cybikos easier as well as shorten the learning curve for programming in C on Cybikos. http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/wearables/software.html | |
20. A Survey Of Applications Of CSCW For Digital Libraries a review of the field of CSCW with respect to digital libraries; covers both library information science and computer science http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/computing/research/cseg/projects/ariadne/docs/survey | |
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