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81. WS01 - 19530 - Concurrent Programming 19530V concurrent programming. The goal of the class is for students to become proficientin the concepts and programming techniques of concurrent programming. http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/lehre/WS01/19530-V/ | |
82. OUP USA: Concurrent Programming concurrent programming The Java Programming Language STEPHEN HARTLEY, Richard StocktonCollege concurrent programming shows readers how to utilize the Java http://www.oup-usa.org/docs/0195113152.html | |
83. BP Microsystems: 2700 Concurrent Programming System® Return to BP's home page 2700 concurrent programming System ® ConcurrentProgramming The 2700 is a parallelconcurrent programmer. http://www.bpmicro.com/web/products.nsf/deaedaccb76f4c3b8625666e0080e436/3915738 | |
84. BP Microsystems: 2200 Concurrent Programming System® BP Micro's concurrent programming System supports more devices, programsfaster than any other parallel programmer. Return http://www.bpmicro.com/web/products.nsf/deaedaccb76f4c3b8625666e0080e436/bc7af9c | |
85. Safari Tech Books Online - Concurrent Programming In Java™: Design Princip , Table of Contents. concurrent programming in Java Design Principlesand Patterns, Second Edition. By Doug Lea. Publisher, Addison Wesley. http://proquest.safaribooksonline.com/0201310090 | |
86. [ARTICLE] 3 Technical Articles About Concurrent Programming (multithreading) : D ARTICLE 3 technical articles about concurrent programming (multithreading) DevShed Open Source web development forums. Topics http://forums.devshed.com/archive/26/2002/09/3/43789 | |
87. Concurrent Programming On The Web With Webstream concurrent programming on the web with Webstream. Abstract. We describe Webstream,a concurrent streambased scripting language for client-side web programming. http://www-lp.doc.ic.ac.uk/~klc/webstream.html | |
88. Concurrent Programming concurrent programming concurrent programming in Java Java Threads; SynchronizingJava Threads; Animating Applets using Threads; Multithreaded http://www.ase.md/~aursu/Concurrent_Programming_en.html | |
89. NUS/CS 3211 Home Page CS 3211 Parallel and concurrent programming Spring 2003 LecturerGheorghe Stefanescu and TA Soo, Yuen Jien, ..Hot..News.. Lecture http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~cs3211/ | |
90. Concurrent Programming In Java Book Review of concurrent programming in Java. Finally, chapter 8 describesmeans to coordinate interactions between objects with concurrent programming. http://www.compunotes.com/BookReviews/concjava.htm |
91. CMPS203 Lecture On Concurrent Programming CMPS203 Lecture on concurrent programming. 5/24/02. Click here to start. Tableof Contents. CMPS203 Lecture on concurrent programming. Requirements. http://www.cse.ucsc.edu/~charlie/presentations/cmps203S02/parallelProgramming/ | |
92. The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Concurrent Systems Please contact Jonathan Bowen if you know of relevant online information not included here or would like to maintain information on a particular topic. University of Twente, The Netherlands. concurrent and Logic programming, Department of Computer Science, University of http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/archive/concurrent.html | |
93. Laboratorio De Fundamentos Da Computación E Intelixencia Artificial Affiliated with the University of Corunna. Does research in theoretical Computer Science, programming, distributed and concurrent functional environments and formal methods in Software Engineering. http://carpanta.dc.fi.udc.es/ | |
94. Scsh - The Scheme Shell A broadspectrum systems-programming environment for Unix embedded in R5RS Scheme (actually within version 0.53 of Scheme48). Support for concurrent system programming, sophisticated I/O and automatic garbage collection for process resources. http://www.scsh.net | |
95. CS 342: Control Structures An introduction to advanced control structures with an emphasis on concurrency andwriting concurrent programs. programming techniques and styles are examined http://www.student.math.uwaterloo.ca/~cs342/ | |
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