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41. Attorney General - Crime Prevention Tips crime prevention Tips from the National crime prevention Council.Home safety Make sure you have sturdy, metal or solid wood doors http://www.state.de.us/attgen/main_page/crimeprev.htm | |
42. Attorney General - Resources crime prevention Tips. Law School Information. Research Resources. The LegalResearch Center; Law Guru; National Association of Attorneys general. http://www.state.de.us/attgen/main_page/resources.htm | |
43. Crime Prevention [Conferences] This conference is being organised by the Australian Institute of Criminology inconjunction with the crime prevention Branch, Attorneygeneral's Department. http://www.aic.gov.au/conferences/crimpre/ | |
44. General Crime Prevention And Safety [Local Government Crime Prevention] general crime prevention and safety. crime prevention resource manual crimeprevention Division, Attorneygeneral's Deparment, New South Wales; http://www.aic.gov.au/research/localgovt/safety.html | |
45. Literature Catalogue - General Crime Prevention Literature Literature Catalogue. general crime prevention Literature. Order literatureonline. Literature Menu http://www.west-midlands.police.uk/literature/crime_prevention.htm | |
46. 1998-11-07 / Scott: Annual General Meeting Crime Prevention Association Of New B ANNUAL general MEETING AND CONFERENCE. crime prevention ASSOCATION OFNEW BRUNSWICK AND FREDERICTON COMMUNITY crime prevention COUNCIL. http://www.sgc.gc.ca/publications/Speeches/19981107_e.asp | |
47. Solicitor General Awards Crime Prevention Funding To Ottawa-Carleton Family Viol SOLICITOR general AWARDS crime prevention FUNDING TO OTTAWACARLETONFAMILY SERVICE CENTRE AND JOHN HOWARD SOCIETY. OTTAWA, December http://canada.justice.gc.ca/en/news/nr/1999/doc_24409.html | |
48. Newsroom - General Press Releases Current Press Releases Media Advisories crime prevention Judicial Appointments crimeprevention. View Archives. crime prevention. Family Law Assistance Services. http://canada.justice.gc.ca/en/news/press_releases/crime.html | |
49. ATTORNEY GENERAL ANNOUNCES YOUTH CRIME PREVENTION AWARDS FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, May 27, 1998, CONTACT MARY HORSCH DIRECTOROF COMMUNICATIONS. ATTORNEY general ANNOUNCES YOUTH crime prevention AWARDS. http://www.accesskansas.org/ksag/contents/news-releases/news98/98yth.htm | |
50. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, October 9, 2002 CONTACT MARY crime prevention efforts by Kansas law enforcement officers, are sponsored by theAttorney general's Committee on crime and Violence prevention and the Kansas http://www.accesskansas.org/ksag/contents/news-releases/2002news/wheat02.htm | |
51. D-crime; Documents; Drug Control And Crime Prevention Abuse general Assembly resolution A/RES/39/142 14 Dec 1984. UN LEAD OFFICE -. backto top UN-ODCCP UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR DRUG CONTROL AND crime prevention, http://www.un.org/partners/civil_society/docs/d-crime.htm | |
52. UN HOMEPAGE UN System Links Main UN Bodies Secretary-General More news on LAW, crime prevention Presidents of UN tribunal, GeneralAssembly deplore Serb premier's assassination 13 March. http://www.un.org/apps/news/subject.asp?SubjectID=8 |
53. Dyer Police Department - General Crime Prevention Tips Dyer Police Department general crime prevention Tips. Three factors mustbe present for a crime to occur desire, ability and opportunity. http://www.dyeronline.com/police/CPTips_General.htm | |
54. Keller PD - General Crime Prevention Tips general crime prevention Tips. Visit our other crime prevention Tips pagesgeneral crime prevention Tips; Auto Theft prevention; Vacation Precautions. http://www.kellerpd.com/generaltips.htm | |
55. EUROPA - Justice And Home Affairs - Police And Customs Cooperation, General Crim general crime prevention, ie. And since this year, we have the Hippokratesprogramme on crime prevention (both general and organised crime). http://europa.eu.int/comm/dgs/justice_home/policecustoms/wai/dg_policecustoms_en | |
56. EUROPA - Justice And Home Affairs - Introducing - European Commission terrorism, enlargement, external relations) Police and customs cooperationand general crime prevention; Fight against organised crime; http://europa.eu.int/comm/dgs/justice_home/index_en.htm | |
57. Nevada Attorney General Cyber Crime Prevention Tips AGE OF THE INTERNET EVERY BUSINESS IS AT RISK. THE ATTORNEY GENERALAND NEVADA'S HIGH TECH crime TASK FORCE OFFER THESE TIPS http://ag.state.nv.us/hi_tech/bustips.htm |
58. General Services - University Police, UB Department of Public Safety University Police Home About Us Announcements GeneralServices crime prevention/Safety Statement on Prejudice Smoke-Free Policy http://www.student-affairs.buffalo.edu/public-safety/servc.shtml | |
59. Index Of University Police Crime Prevention Sites - University Police, UB NY 142604900 Tel (716) 645-2227 Fax (716) 645-3758 Emergencies Service Tel(716) 645-2222 Director Mr. John Grela E-Mail general Related Documents. http://www.student-affairs.buffalo.edu/public-safety/crimeprevent.shtml | |
60. Chandler's Senior Crime College Recognized As Outstanding Crime Prevention Progr In July 1998 general Chandler developed a crime prevention program designedfor senior citizens known as Athe Senior crime College@. http://www.law.state.ky.us/news/2000rel/028_17oct00.htm | |
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