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61. Florida Attorney General - Criminal Justice Programs The Florida crime prevention Training Institute (FCPTI) was established in 1982in the Office of the Attorney general to provide crime prevention training to http://legal.firn.edu/justice/cjp.html |
62. Wise Owls - Heads Up BC - BC Crime Prevention Association Own Business general Public Fraud Awareness Publications Hot Tips Disclaimer Sponsors. BCCPA Home Page. British Columbia crime prevention Association 131 http://www.bccpa.org/headsup/awareness.html | |
63. Alberta SOLICITOR GENERAL - Crime Prevention The Solicitor general generally announces a call for proposals for the CommunityCrime prevention Grant fund twice per year spring and fall. http://www.gov.ab.ca/just/crimeprev/stats_results.cfm?p_id=673 |
64. GOV> Hawaii Attorney General - Crime Prevention & Justice GOV Hawaii Attorney general crime prevention Justice. From president@pete.comDate Wed, 1 Oct 1997 015735 -0500 (CDT) http http://scout.wisc.edu/addserv/NH/97-10/97-10-01/0027.html | |
65. SaferYou - Free Security, Safety, Crime Prevention, And Protection Information F Areas Businesses and Offices Children and Security Computers Telephones Disasters Emergencies Drug Information Fire Safety Forms general Information Home http://www.saferyou.com/information.htm | |
66. Public Protection Division Senior crime prevention University Office of Attorney general 21 South 12thStreet Philadelphia, PA 191070 Telephone 215560-2270 Fax 215-560-2494 http://www.attorneygeneral.gov/ppd/bcp/SCPU.cfm | |
67. Mike Fisher - Pennsylvania Office Of Attorney General Headlines, press information, a site search engine, and information on state law.Category Society Law United States Pennsylvania...... here Report Incidents of Child Pornography on the Internet Attorney general MikeFisher LifeSmarts State Finals Results Senior crime prevention University. http://www.attorneygeneral.gov/ | |
68. Iowa Attorney General Representing State Government. Issuing Attorney general Opinions. Fightingcrime crime prevention Links. National crime prevention Council. http://www.state.ia.us/government/ag/fighting_crime/Crime_Prevention_links.html | |
69. Iowa Attorney General to develop his juvenile justice and crime prevention priorities.Attorney general Tom Miller supports crime prevention efforts. http://www.state.ia.us/government/ag/fighting_juvenile_crime/ | |
70. Crime-Security-Safety-Lighting - Darksky.org (pdf); ProblemOriented Policing - Google Search. crime and crimeprevention - general Canadian crime prevention Center; crime Times http://www.darksky.org/links/crsesali.html | |
71. APD Crime Prevention Page Crossing Guard Safety Senior Citizen crime prevention Shoplifting prevention TheCitizen Neighborhood Volunteer Groups in general Volunteers in http://www.ci.aurora.il.us/APD/CrimePrevention.html | |
72. Computer Crime Prevention Discussed Eight major industrialized nations have agreed on steps to fight international computer crimes, U.S. Attorney general Janet Reno announced today. News.com http://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,17227,00.html?st.ne.fd.mdh |
73. Criminal Enforcement A critical element of the Attorney general's neighborhood crime prevention efforts,the SNI Jobs For Youth program offers participants the ability to explore http://www.ago.state.ma.us/txt/cpdefault.htm | |
74. Resources & Links Home Links. LINKS. crime prevention, general Links, Government, Judicial.Law Enforcement, Missing Persons, Miscellaneous, Research. Victims http://www.caveat.org/links/ | |
75. Director General Crime Prevention, Youth And Sanctions Dineke Mulock Houwer Director general for prevention, Youth and and society as awhole, is highly relevant in a time when all over Europe crime has grown http://www.minjust.nl/b_organ/npc/actueel/eu-seminar_dgpjs.htm | |
76. NAAG.org: October Launches Crime Prevention Month And Domestic Violence Awarenes In addition, Attorneys general are reaching out share successful methods of prevention,intervention and for more information on crime prevention, contact the http://www.naag.org/news/presmsg_20011022.php | |
77. MBTA Police - Safety/Crime Prevention the MBTA, patrons may protect themselves from becoming victims of crime by keepingalert and following a few proven crime prevention techniques. general Tips. http://www.mbtapolice.com/prevention/general.html | |
78. Crime Prevention, Prison, Criminology Information And Support Office, including general information, home security, places of work, retail crime,neighbourhood watch, crime Reduction Unit more crime prevention links; http://www.support4learning.org.uk/community/crime.htm | |
79. Ieyoub Urges Students Involvement In Crime Prevention ATTORNEY general IEYOUB URGES STUDENTS TO BECOME MORE INVOLVED IN crime prevention.Addresses Middle School Teens During Violence prevention Rally. http://www.ag.state.la.us/pressrel/032498a.htm | |
80. TNRCC To Host First Environmental Crime Prevention Training Conference In Housto Protection Agency, US Fish and Wildlife, and the US Postal Service, Office of theInspector general. The Environmental crime prevention Training Conference is http://www.tnrcc.state.tx.us/exec/media/press/04-02envcrimeconf.html | |
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