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41. Crime Prevention crime prevention The London Police endorse and support the London Block Parent Program,which is an organization composed of voluntary citizen involvement. http://police.city.london.on.ca/Organization/Uniformed/Crimeprevention.htm | |
42. Peel Regional Police Homicide Bureau arrested and charged, Kemar Troy THOMPSON, 23 years of Toronto, withSecond Degree Murder, for his involvement in the TOP TEN crime prevention. http://www.peelpolice.on.ca/ | |
43. Alberta SOLICITOR GENERAL - Crime Prevention In 1991, the federal government ended its involvement in crime prevention Week andAlberta Solicitor General began to organize the week with a provincial focus http://www4.gov.ab.ca/just/crimeprev/week.cfm | |
44. From Pain To Power: Community Involvement Since The 1982 Task Force Report Aside from its trauma healing benefits, victim involvement is important reform thecriminal justice system, and promote crime prevention through addressing http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/publications/infores/fptp/cis1982.htm | |
45. Justice Topics: Browse Through BJA's Criminal Justice Strategies, Activities, An will provide the information and resources needed to increase involvement in these toaid law enforcement agencies in both furthering crime prevention and in http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/BJA/topics/crime_prevention.html | |
46. Crime Prevention Resource Center because they lack other positive alternative activities, like sports; because theylack parental involvement; Copyright crime prevention Resource Center - All http://www.tccrime.com/hot_parent.html | |
47. International Center For The Prevention Of Crime and the 1996 Constitution emphasize community involvement and a Responsibility fornational crime prevention strategies and initiatives, originally located in http://www.crime-prevention-intl.org/english/icpc/committee.html | |
48. International Center For The Prevention Of Crime choosing to invest in crime prevention. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE presents ICPC's technicalassistance policy as well as examples of past involvement in different http://www.crime-prevention-intl.org/english/ | |
49. Parent Involvement - Health Safety Involve your children and teens in local crime prevention activities. Their involvementteaches them that they can constructively affect their communities. http://www.pta.org/parentinvolvement/healthsafety/hs_safeguarding_children_commu |
50. DFK - Deutsches Forum Für Kriminalprävention - The Tasks Of The DFK further training and education, Active involvement in crime prevention at Europeanlevel as well as exchange of expertise and cooperation at international level. http://www.kriminalpraevention.de/aufgaben_e.html | |
51. AIC: Private Sector And Community Involvement In The Criminal Justice System ; P Community crime prevention Toward Safer Communities Colin Hicks. CorporateInvolvement in Community Safety Programs Margaret Miller and David Brown. http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/proceedings/23/ | |
52. Community Safety And Security: Crime Prevention And Development At The Local Lev While the NCPS encourages the more active involvement of local authorities incrime prevention, local authorities already have an extensive history of http://www.iss.co.za/Pubs/ASR/6No4/Bruce.html | |
53. Usaonwatch.org - Weekly News Enhance Neighborhood Watch; August 12 19, 2002 Maine Sheriff Triesa Twist on Community involvement in crime prevention; August 5 - 12 http://www.usaonwatch.org/news.asp | |
54. Community Resource And Involvement - Crime Prevention - City Of Commerce 2535 COMMERCE WAY COMMERCE, CA 90040 (323) 7224805. crime prevention Welcome!Information coming soon. Back to Community Resources and involvement. http://www.ci.commerce.ca.us/crimeprevention.htm | |
55. Family Support And Community Safety Newsletter on crime prevention that includes feature topic, successful programs,federal policy updates and news, and strategies for community involvement. http://www.frca.org/lcenter/showtopic.php?action=viewpub&categoryid=5 |
56. National Match Beneficiaries teen targeted), National crime prevention Coalition of of Transportation, Alcoholabuse prevention. National Fatherhood Initiative, Encourages parental involvement. http://www.mediacampaign.org/newsletter/fall98/update9.html | |
57. Guidance On Statutory Crime And Disorder Partnerships 2. Clear, accurate and relevant information about police crime prevention policyand 8. Their involvement is based on a principle of partnership involving http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/cdact/actgan4.htm |
58. Crime Prevention And Environmental Design (USA) Committed to stamping out crime through community involvement and crimeprevention programs include BOLT, CLD, Safe City USA, and Spooky Night Sprint. http://www.crimeresearch.org.za/crimeprev.html | |
59. Community Safety And Conservation Division: Events Event title Resident involvement in crime prevention Date April 23,2002 Location San Francisco, CA The Hilton San Francisco and Towers. http://www.hud.gov/pih/programs/ph/de/events.html | |
60. Lawlink NSW: CPRM - Chapter 9 - Social Crime Prevention Strategies local councillors and mayors, the involvement of local police, support from councilYouth Services coordinators and a clear focus on crime prevention were the http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/cpd.nsf/pages/module_9 | |
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