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81. CREES | Center For Russian And East European Studies Middle School teacher Network The Eastern World, The Western World; PostSecondarycurriculum Development Program Grants and curriculum Materials; http://www.umich.edu/~iinet/crees/outreach/ | |
82. Earth Partnership Index Guides to conducting class activities and projects in ecological restoration, teacher summer institutes, woodland restoration curriculum for teachers, newsletter, and other curriculum resources. From UWMadison Arboretum. http://wiscinfo.doit.wisc.edu/arboretum/earth_partnership_index.htm | |
83. SBC Webhosting.com | Michiganpass.com Provides complete curriculum, including materials, text, workbooks and teacher keys that are tested and suited for independent or semiindependent study and use. http://www.michiganpass.com | |
84. Barr's English Class Long standing website of Bob Barsanti, a high school English teacher on the island of Nantucket. Contains student work, lesson plans, curriculum, interesting ideas, and links. http://www.barrsenglishclass.com |
85. ALPS Home Page Education with New Technologies. Build New Interactive look at Understanding;curriculum Design Tool; Starting Block; Connection Cube; Kick http://learnweb.harvard.edu/alps/home/index.cfm | |
86. Index Of /teachers Living In Water a classroom-based, interdisciplinary aquatic science curriculumfor grades 5-7. teacher-Led Visit Elementary - A lesson, complete with http://www.aqua.org/education/teachers/ |
87. Pamor Badai Indonesian Martial Art based on the teachings of master teacher A.D. Nelson as they are taught in the Netherlands. Information on Pencak Silat history, schools, curriculum, picture gallery, and contact facilities. Languages are Dutch and English. http://pamorbadai.be | |
88. Literacy Time Ideas and activities for using ICT in the Literacy Hour can be foundon the teacher Resource Exchange. Last updated February 2003. http://curriculum.becta.org.uk/literacy/ | |
89. Educate The Children / Teacher Zone school teacher, there are lesson plans, worksheets, articles and teaching strategiesavailable to view and download. All resources are National curriculum http://www.educate.org.uk/teacher_zone/ | |
90. Science And Technology Concepts For Middle Schools (STC/MS) STC/MS is an inquirybased middle school science curriculum developed by the National Science Science Resources Center. This student/teacher site supplements the STC/MS curriculum and can be used as a research guide for students. http://www.stcms.si.edu/stcms.htm | |
91. BizEnglish - American Business English Internet School- Offers a language training solution for corporations and for language schools to supplement the curriculum. Also an individual option for personalized learning. Includes teacher training and an email service for idioms. http://www.bizenglish.com/ | |
92. USOE Web Site Index USOE Home Site index State Board Programs Information Deaf and Blind. ScienceCurriculum and Instruction. Science teacher Resource Guide, Grades K-6. http://www.usoe.k12.ut.us/siteindex.htm | |
93. Eco-Troubadour Stan Slaughter teacher and seasoned performer who travels throughout the U.S. performing for children and adults at schools, museums, libraries and festivals. Combines innovative environmental education with lively, fact filled assemblies and workshops supported by curriculum resource materials. Website has extensive program information and links. http://www.stanslaughter.com | |
94. Teacher Pages Hundreds of organized links related to early childhood issues.Category Reference Education Early Childhood...... curriculum, Developmentally Appropriate Practice/ Best Practice. Select a Page. http://users.stargate.net/~cokids/teacher.html | |
95. Teacher's Page - Education - University Of Alberta Libraries teacher's Page K12 Resources. Education Related Web Sites in Alberta http//www.library.ualberta.ca/subject/education/ed_alberta/index.cfm; http://www.library.ualberta.ca/subject/education/k12/index.cfm | |
96. Mrs. Gordon's Second Grade Class, Sherman Avenue Elementary Assignments, spelling words, teacher bios, photos, calendar, curriculum, due dates, announcements, class rules, etc. Sherman Avenue Elementary, Vicksburg, MI. http://www.mrsgordon.com/ | |
97. NIDA - The Brain: Understanding Neurobiology Through The Study Of Addiction - Hi Direct link to the NIDA curriculum is http//scienceeducation.nih.gov/Customers.nsf becauseof the way they were presented. - Field Test teacher It appears http://www.drugabuse.gov/Curriculum/HSCurriculum.html | |
98. Keluarga Silat Nasional Indonesia PERISAI DIRI Founded by master teacher Dirdjoatmodjo, today this is one of the largest Silat schools in Indonesia, and one of the original members of Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia (IPSI, Indonesian Silat Federation). Information on history, teaching curriculum, schools philosophy, news, contact facilities. http://www.perisaidiri.or.id |
99. ZDNet Teacher Zone Comprehensive collection of articles relating to technology and education, including how to overcome common problems with school technology programs, ideas to integrate technology with curriculum, and safe web surfing practices. http://www.zdnet.com/zdtv/callforhelp/teacherzone/ |
100. Curricular Resources Curricula prepared for the YaleNew Haven teacher's Institute. Curricula consist of synopses written by their authors and contain recommendations of the school courses and grade levels where the units may best apply. http://www.cis.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/ | |
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