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Dogs Wild Endangered & Threatened Species: more detail |
41. Endangered Species - Parks Victoria's Role, Definitions populations in Australia including cats, dogs, foxes, rabbits denote species thatare extinct, endangered, vulnerable, rare not located in the wild during the http://www.parkweb.vic.gov.au/education/endangered_species/ba3.htm | |
42. EPA: Federal Register: Endangered And Threatened Wildlife And Plants; 90-day Fin Committee on the Status of endangered wildlife in blacktailed and Gunnison's prairiedogs show nearly Scientists discovered the plague among wild rodents near http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/EPA-SPECIES/1999/March/Day-25/e7273.htm | |
43. My Views On Ferret Legalization In California domestic ferret, unlike domestic cats and dogs, can not to become accustomed to livingin the wild. now federally and state listed endangered and threatened http://www.geocities.com/angelica_falconi/laws.htm | |
44. ENDANGERED In The Wild : North America of canine distemper brought by domestic dogs and coyotes 10 known blackfooted ferretsin the wild. listed as endangered when the endangered species Act (ESA http://www.bagheera.com/inthewild/van_anim_ferret.htm | |
45. ENDANGERED In The Wild : Oceans Includes information about the appearance, length, weight, and diet.Category Kids and Teens School Time Leatherback Turtles...... Domestic dogs and pigs, which accompany human settlement, also are Can you think ofany other endangered species in a or hinder the survival of wild sea turtles http://www.bagheera.com/inthewild/van_anim_turtle.htm | |
46. Conservation Of The Wild Ancestors Of Domestic Animals populations of New Guinea singing dogs (Canis lupus Although the wild boar is notgenerally threatened genetic integrity of its most endangered subspecies, Sus http://www.uga.edu/srel/Reprint/2004.htm | |
47. Black-Footed Ferret (Endangered Species), Wildlife Species Information: U.S. Fis wild ferrets hunt prairie dogs at night but for farming; efforts to eliminate prairiedogs, which competed a species is likely to become endangered within the http://species.fws.gov/species_accounts/bio_ferr.html | |
48. Conservation This decline in prairie dogs and their in the reintroduction of ferrets into thewild. the species, eg, extinct, endangered, threatened, regionally threatened http://oz.plymouth.edu/~lts/conservation/Endangered/ferret.html | |
49. New Conservation Center To Breed Endangered Ferrets footed ferret and reclassify it from endangered to threatened about 1,350 ferretswere released into the wild. free colonies of blacktailed prairie dogs remain http://mountain-prairie.fws.gov/pressrel/01-33.htm | |
50. Welcome To Korea Customs Sercvice dogs that have been in Central and South America pose a special health Under theConvention on International Trade in endangered species of wild Fauna and http://www.customs.go.kr/eng/PRBS141.htm | |
51. Endangered Species Possibly Seen On Safari In Southern, East Africa.. Some parks in Botswana also have the wild dogs. In the wild, cheetahs also have tocompete with other of chimpanzee species that are endangered, mostly because http://www.go2africa.com/_safaris/endangered.asp | |
52. High Country News Zoology professor David Wasser uses dogs to sniff out bear scat but decides not tolist it as endangered yet The Alliance for the wild Rockies has launched the http://www.hcn.org/servlets/hcn.ArchiveBySubject?subject=Endangered Species&cate |
53. Glossary dogs and ferrets do not depend on people, they are wild. Stray cats and dogs usuallylive in towns and cities Vulnerable species, The species isn't endangered yet http://www.kcc.org.nz/glossary.htm | |
54. WWF US: Endangered Spaces - Global 200 Habitats Of The Earth And Ocean is working to protect wild salmon threatened by mining about how to protect this endangeredspecies and its Tracking Africa's wild dogs wild dogs once roamed http://www.worldwildlife.org/global200/spaces.cfm?sectionid=207&newspaperid=20 |
55. Endangered Species Images From Optilearn Red Wolf Canis rufus This endangered species is smaller Northern wild Monkshood Northernwild monkshood Aconitum prairie and very many prairie dogs are needed http://eelink.net/EndSpp.old.bak/Optilearn.html | |
56. Animal Facts In 1998, there were 56.8 million dogs and 71.3 and gunning of nearly one million wildanimals and all large mammal species are threatened or endangered in the http://www.animalliberationfront.com/animal_facts.htm | |
57. National Geographic News: Animals & Nature difference between wolves that remained wild and wolves CrisisResponse dogs OfferComfort After Tragedy those federally designated as endangered or threatened http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/animals_05.html | |
58. African Wildlife Foundation: News And Headlines But African wild dogs are a globally endangered species. the remnant populationof perhaps 75 wild dogs in Kajiado The wild dogs survival as a species http://www.awf.org/news/10502 | |
59. EcoISP.com Switch Now And Save The Earth While You Surf! as food sources like prairie dogs and ground few swift foxes remain in wild populationsscattered The Turner endangered species Fund (TESF) has undertaken the http://www.ecoisp.com/species6.asp | |
60. ESPN NBA.com NHL.com RPM ABC EXPN Insider Shop foxes are listed as a threatened species in South efforts to give federal Endangeredspecies Act protection smallest of North America's wild dogs, weighing up http://espn.go.com/outdoors/conservation/news/2002/0103/1305135.html | |
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