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81. HeritageQuest - European Quest european Quest. Gallery Walk Family historians bring their research to lifewith images from genealogy photographer James Derheim at european Focus. http://www.heritagequest.com/genealogy/europe/ | |
82. German Genealogy: Regional Research genealogy.net the number one source for everything about german genealogy. Regionalresearch in German speaking countries. Switzerland. Other european countries. http://www.genealogienetz.de/reg/regio.htm | |
83. Genealogy.com: Helena's European Roots Helena's european Roots Updated February 13, 2003 The content shown on this pagehas been submitted by a genealogy.com customer, and is not subject to http://www.genealogy.com/users/k/m/o/Helena-Kmonicek | |
84. Genealogy.com: Tip 15: Researching In European Emigrant Records Wright has served twice as chairman of the American Library Association'sGenealogy Committee. Next Research Tip european Censuses. http://www.genealogy.com/tip15.html | |
85. Genealogy Privacy, Documents SUBJECT Code of Conduct intended for all the actors in the field of amateur genealogy,as proposed to be harmonized at the level of the european Union ; http://www.genealogyprivacy.org/en/listdocs.html | |
86. Radix - Genealogy Research In Hungary International Jewish genealogy conference, (added 29 Jul 2002 July 2002 Dearborn,Michigan hosts this come together of experts of european genealogical research http://www.bogardi.com/gen/index.shtml | |
87. Genealogy Societies The Computer genealogy Society of San Diego, California, promoting the use of computersin genealogy research with user East european Genealogical Society Inc. http://www.genhomepage.com/societies.html | |
88. European Family: Heraldry And Coat Of Arms., European Family: Heraldry And Coat european family, genealogy database, genealogia de apellidos, familyheraldry. Search your family name and history of your surname. http://www.dolltoy.com/ | |
89. Genealogies - Jewish european Sephardic Institute. Généalogie. Jamaican Jewish genealogy. NetherlandsSociety for Jewish genealogy. Portuguese genealogy Resources. Sephardic Forum. http://jewishhistory.huji.ac.il/Internetresources/gen.htm | |
90. Czech Genealogy Links for family research in the former Czech lands of Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia.Category Regional Europe Society and Culture genealogy...... Archivní fondy a sbírky vC(eské republice In Czech. Basic genealogyLinks Useful for Central european Research. Layouts of european http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~elainetmaddox/czgenealogy.htm | |
91. The Olive Tree Genealogy: Home Of Free Genealogy Databases! genealogy and primary source documents covering a wide spectrum of genealogy, from ships lists to Category Society genealogy Resources...... lists for all of America's major Atlantic ports, plus european, British, and Freegenealogy databases Finding your ancestor has never been easier with these http://olivetreegenealogy.com/index.shtml | |
92. The River Runs Through It Find Immigrant Ancestors. Courtesy of Clifford Neal Smith and WestlandPublications from european Archival Sources. Search from Thousands http://www.theriver.com/westlandpubn/ | |
93. Genealogy Search Engines @Ancestry.com,FamilySearch.org,Genealogy.com,Cyndislist click here; Open Directory Project /genealogy european Governments online *****Have your Family Tree http://www.genealogysearchengines.com/ | |
94. The Genealogy Forum: Internet Center: European AOL Member Exclusive Go Directly to The genealogy Forum on AOL! genealogy Forum.comis a production of Golden Gate Services, Inc. of Franklin, Massachusetts. http://www.genealogyforum.rootsweb.com/gfaol/internet/EEurope.htm | |
95. The Canadian Tree, Geneology Links genealogy links coast to coast in Canada, province by provinceCategory Regional North America Society and Culture genealogy...... Research Links, East european Genealogical Society, Manitoba genealogyLinks, Manitoba Marriages, Submit your Manitoba Marriages here! http://www.kenora.net/manitoba/links.htm | |
96. Early Modern And Modern European History The History Of Europe Dates and Borders The problems associated with european history Search Census Records Free with Registration genealogy.com provides beginners and experts with http://europeanhistory.about.com/ | |
97. Royalty.nu - International Royal Genealogy Victoria) Royals Gedcom Surnames Rulers - Royal Genealogies Hein's Royal genealogyPage EuroStamm - Esoteric Points of european Royal genealogy genealogy of http://www.royalty.nu/history/genealogy.html | |
98. WWW VL - Italian History Index - Prosopography, Genealogy, Biography Institute Florence - Italy Belgian History Film History Dutch History european Integration History Prosopography, genealogy, Biography Istituto http://vlib.iue.it/hist-italy/biography.html | |
99. Jewish Genealogy Names Surnames Ancestry Ancestors Roots Information Research Hi Publisher of information and products of interest to persons who are researching Jewish genealogy Category Society genealogy Religions Jewish...... The International Review of Jewish genealogy. contains 68 pages of information ofinterest to Jewish and Central and Eastern european genealogical researchers. http://www.avotaynu.com/ | |
100. Frontline: Pushkin Genealogy Although the vast majority of African Americans are unfamiliar with Pushkin's Category Arts Literature Poetry Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich...... Although, as we now realize, no Blackamoor at any 18th century european court wasmerely decorative, in Ibrahim's case, Peter's expectations for him were as http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/secret/famous/pushkingenealogy.htm | |
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