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61. Robert Morris University, Pittsburgh, PA - Laws And Regulations also contains federal law and agency FOIA contacts. Law Library includes text of selectedhistoric statutes.Searchable by subject for all laws in force as of http://www.robert-morris.edu/OnTheMove/sentryp.open_page?ipage=1547 |
62. Federal Government -- Sources [Law] [ ALSO! -- U.S. Law ] organized by popular names of public laws (enrolled bills links organized by popularnames of federal acts (eg of 1933; the Trademark Act) and codified statutes. http://www.lawsource.com/also/usa.cgi?us1 |
63. Judges Davis And Montgomery - Links USCA Armed Forces federal Judiciary Home Page federal Judicial Center Legislative(State) State Legislative Sites State Constitutions, statutes Session laws http://www.law.umn.edu/MDavis/links.html | |
64. Search Links -- Eaton County (Michigan) Prosecuting Attorney DC Cir. Dist of Columbia, Official, FindLaw Emory District. federal Cir.Official, Emory. statutes. Michigan statutes · Michigan Compiled laws. http://www.co.eaton.mi.us/ecpa/SearchLegal.htm | |
65. Links federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, Local Eleventh Circuit laws, also known as pamphletlaws , are available in Florida Banking statutes and Rules From the http://miamilawyer.com/links.htm | |
66. LSU Libraries -- Legal Sources of Indexing Terms of the Office of federal Register. State laws and Legislationvia FindLaw; Fulltext state statutes and legislation via Prairienet; http://www.lib.lsu.edu/govdocs/subject/legal.html | |
67. Free Federal And State Law Resources on the Internet, including state and federal laws and US of links to a great varietyof federal and state legal resources on the Net, from statutes to cases to http://wings.buffalo.edu/law/belj/links.html |
68. NACUA's Legal Links federal Communications Commission. Office of Managment and Budget. ADA DocumentCenter. laws.COM. 5. Search Engines (US and State Opinions, statutes and more) http://www.nacua.org/lrs/lawlinks.html | |
69. Law & Tax Sites select state and federal judges, and federal laws on copyright To view the statutes,you must use the Adobe federal Bureau of Investigation Check out the FBI's http://www.uwosh.edu/departments/llr/depts/docs/law.html | |
70. Stanford Law School- Government Resources Census Information US Gov't Statistics federal Judicial Statistics State AdministrativeCode Arizona Constitution statutes Legislation Session laws http://lawschool.stanford.edu/library/gateway/legal/govt-web.shtml | |
71. ED's Law Research Links federal laws Rules. Search. federal Rules of Evidence as of 1996. Californiastatutes All statutes enacted on or after January 1, 1993. http://www.asis.com/~edenson/lawresearch.html | |
72. Adoption Subsidy Advocates: Adoption Policy Resource Center In the Matter of Evan New York, January 30, 1992. laws and statutes. 42 USC673 federal Payments for Foster Care and Adoption Assistance. http://www.fpsol.com/adoption/legal/ | |
73. Laws, Regulations & Cases statutes at Large/US.Code Congressional and Admin. News (laws in their original form1954to present federal Register (proposed and newly passed agency rules http://www.gti.net/mocolib1/laws.html | |
74. UCSC Library--Gov Pubs & Law--Legal Resources Opinions from 1996 federal Circuit Case Search from from the US Constitution - Code - statutes - Regs - Cases and students ONLY California laws and Regs. http://library.ucsc.edu/gov/law/ | |
75. DOJ JMD Library WWW Legal Links How to Find laws, Acts or statutes, (where to obtain), from the US Senate; Legislation,laws and Acts official site; History of the federal Judiciary , official http://www.usdoj.gov/jmd/ls/wwwlegallinkstxt.htm | |
76. Law Databases State and Local statutes. Other Searchable Legal Data Bases. The US TaxCode laws You May Not want to Know. The Code of federal Regulations. http://www.criminology.fsu.edu/cjlinks/law.html | |
77. Statistics And The Law [Carnegie Mellon Libraries] The laws are broken up and the parts The federal government printed the latest completecompilation The Consolidated statutes is the Pennsylvania equivalent of http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~neuhaus/law.html | |
78. How To Effectively Locate Federal Government Information On The WWW: Law to the corresponding section of the statutes at Large ? These laws can be in the appellatecourts on Institute Comprehensive site for locating federal or State http://gort.ucsd.edu/pcruse/universe/law.html | |
79. Wwwhbase information products produced by the federal Government. fulltext state constitutions,statutes (called codes bills that have become laws), and administrative http://usembassy.state.gov/buenosaires/wwwh0059.html | |
80. National Tribal Justice Resource Center federal statutes Links to federal statutes laws, review articles and Links to federaland state laws, law review Law Associations Links to federal, state and http://www.tribalresourcecenter.org/resources/other/default.asp | |
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