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Gemology Societies & Associations: more detail |
61. Geology Virtual WWW Library - Computer Software And Hardware Environmental/Engineering. gemology Gemstone Calculators Various CalculatorsOnline to Calculate Carats, SG and Precious Metal Weight. http://www.geologyone.com/computerlinks.htm | |
62. Geology Virtual WWW Library - Geology Bob's Rock Shop Mineral Collecting and Mineralogy Fluorescent Mineral Society- Images and Information on Fluorescent Minerals gemology and Lapidary Pages http://www.geologyone.com/geologylinks.htm | |
63. Lapidary Journal - Lapidary Journal General Discussion Board Gemstones gemology, 14, 32, Oct 06, 2002 352 PM, http://bbs.lapidaryjournal.com/index.cfm?CFB=1 |
64. Resource Page Of Lapidary Mineral Links The Wire Artist (a magazine for those who do gold wire work); Ruby City, Franklin,NC; Lapidary Journal; Your Gemologist; Internet Course on gemology. http://www.ontariorocks.ca/blms/resources.html |
65. Resource Page Of Brantford Lapidary Mineral Society, Inc The Wire Artist (a magazine for those who do gold wire work); RubyCity, Franklin, NC; Lapidary Journal; Internet Course on gemology. http://www.nseaa.com/blms/resources.html |
66. Kreigh's Web Resources Collection For Rockhounds A large collection of links and original information for Rockhounds about geology, minerals, fossils, Category Science Earth Sciences Rocks and Minerals Rockhounding...... Univ of Wisconsin Geology Course. Lapidary Help and Tips from geology.wisc.edu.An Introduction to Geology and Hard Rock Mining. GEMSTONES gemology. http://tomaszewski.net/Kreigh/Minerals/MineralLinks.shtml | |
67. UK Student Guide Gems Stones It has a panel comprising of prominent scholars coming from diverse fields suchas Astrology, Palmistry, Numerology, Rudraksha, gemology, Vastu and Vedic http://www.ukstudentguide.co.uk/netguide/PPF/UK_Student_Guide/Gems_and_Stones/GC |
68. Quarries Stone Rock And Marble For Sunnybank Brisbane Queensland Quarries stone rock and marble Sunnybank Brisbane Queensland Australia http://www.uq.net.au/~zzrawill/sunnybank/retail/stones | |
69. Bookmarks For Librarians Organisations Conferences, Petrology, Annotated links to internet resources, especially for mineralogists, petrologists, crystallographers geologists. http://www.woodbridge.lib.nj.us/bookmark.htm | |
70. Funjewelry.com - Jewelry - Fine Funjewelry.com jewelry - fine http://www.funjewelry.com/links/jewelry-fine.html | |
71. Funjewelry.com - Gems Cool Beads_1 Diamonds_13 Faceting_4 Gem Societies_2 Gemology_1 Gems _6 Jewelry_175 Jewelry Antique_11 Jewelry - Associations_1 Jewelry http://www.funjewelry.com/links/gems.html | |
72. Lapidary Journal - Lapidary Journal General Discussion Board Lapidary Journal Bulletin Boards forums where you can post about gemstones, jewelry making, minerals, fossils, beading, and more! http://bbs.lapidaryjournal.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=search&CFB=1 |
73. Links http://www.tmm.utexas.edu/npl/mineralogy/Links/ | |
74. Tucson Gem Show Guide WWW.TUCSONGEMSHOWGUIDE.COM. The Most Complete. TUCSON CITYWIDE GEM SHOW DIRECTORY. http://www.tucsongemshowguide.com/exhibitors_select5.asp | |
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