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61. UK Genealogy - Cemeteries - Geneology List the largest collection of genealogy links; over as well as much informationabout cemeteries in general. will do free lookups on obituaries Tombstones http://www.genealogylinks.net/uk/allukcemeteries.htm | |
62. Online Cemeteries, Memorials, Obituaries Memorials That Live On Canadian web site for posting obituaries, online memorials CemeteryRecords Online cemeteries and genealogy The genealogist's http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/rm427/memorial.html | |
63. Holland And Mills Genealogy Home Page Includes surnames Woodward, Mills and Burkholder Families.Category Society genealogy Personal Pages H...... Links to Other genealogy Sites The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Census RecordsCensus Links Online cemeteries and obituaries Rootsweb - cemeteries http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~mhmills/ | |
64. Jittery Genealogy Jittery genealogy Tips from the Ancestry.com Daily Newsletter ~~~~~QUIVERING HALLOWEEN QUOTES cemeteries, Gravestones, obituaries, etc http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~homespun/hgenealogy.html | |
65. Durham County Library Reference Pages; Genealogy North Carolina Records Census, cemeteries, Land, obituaries, Personal, Taxesand Vital Records. From Cyndis List of genealogy Sites on the Internet. http://www.durhamcountylibrary.org/reference/genealogy.htm | |
66. Genealogy Helplist Oklahoma genealogy Helplist Oklahoma. Page Index. Ok. cemeteries. Samantha MooreBawna@aol.com Tulsa County, Oklahoma Death, burials, and obituaries. http://helplist.org/usa/ok.shtml | |
67. Genealogy Helplist Oregon genealogy Helplist Oregon. Jackson County death records over 50 years old; MedfordMail Tribune obituaries; Visit local cemeteries and take pictures of http://helplist.org/usa/or.shtml | |
68. Milwaukee Genealogy, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin DEATHS cemeteries and obituaries. Cemetery Transcriptions. CemeteryX Unknown or Burial not in Milw. County. Milwaukee County Obits. http://www.linkstothepast.com/milwaukee/ | |
69. Genealogy Road Blocks: Get All The Free Genealogy Information You Want! Religion First look for Church records, History, Biography, Civil Registration.Then look for Bible records, cemeteries, obituaries, genealogy. http://www.comedition.com/Family/Genealogy/Forms and Checklists/Road Blocks.htm | |
70. Genealogy/Cemeteries Links In Ruby Glen Home Family And Hobby Directory exchange, topics, resources and information to aid in your genealogy and family research.Including adoption, military, cemeteries, obituaries, native american http://rubyglen.com/cgi2/pages/Genealogy/Cemeteries/ | |
71. Genealogy Sites To See GO TO Immigration ~ genealogy MegaSites ~ Minnesota genealogy ~ obituaries cemeteries ~ Search For Your Family genealogy MEGASITES http://www.tds.lib.mn.us/GenealogySites.htm | |
72. Cemeteries, Funeral Homes And Obituaries cemeteries, FUNERAL HOMES, AND obituaries. to us about our ancestors are obituariesfrom newspapers Historical Societies and/or State genealogy Societies have http://mail.wyoming.com/~msaBan/cemeteries.htm | |
73. Top Genealogy Sites Ancestors Attic genealogy Links Nice Graphics, Tools, Tips and Forms, Naming Mapsand Land Information, 1894 News Clippings, cemeteries and obituaries; http://www.telusplanet.net/public/mtoll/topsites.htm | |
74. GoGenealogy.com And GenSwap.com Present Free Genealogy And Ancestry Data (Unless the demand is too great, then I would have to ask for a small fee.) I helpchart and maintain cemeteries in our area obituaries/Funeral Home Records. http://www.genswap.com/free.html | |
75. Slovenian Genealogy - Slowenische Genealogie - Slovensko Rodoslovje genealogy and Heraldry in Slovenia by Tomaz Pisanski. genealogical sources * Statusanimarum * Land registers * cemeteries, Graves, obituaries * WW I and http://www2.arnes.si/~rzjtopl/rod/rod-an.htm | |
76. United States Cemeteries At Cemetery Junction A Directory of Active and Retired Cemetery Addresses and Links.Category Society Death Death Care cemeteries Locating Graves...... Search For Ancestors Interment .Net - Olive Tree genealogy. Also, as many of thecemeteries in this effort to establish citations to obituaries in print, is http://www.daddezio.com/cemetery/junction/ | |
77. The Breakfast Bar- Genealogy : Cemeteries and other information pertaining to cemeteries, for genealogists buried there inthe genealogy section to locate, categorize, and present obituaries and other http://www.breakfastbar.net/roots/r_cemetery.html | |
78. Reference Pages For Chris Kyle obituaries TimesDispatch obituaries Richmond VA Return to Top Mailing Lists. GenealogyResources on the Internet Return to Top cemeteries and Funeral Homes. http://members.tripod.com/~easternstar/genealogy.html | |
79. Genealogy Sites To See on ObitFinder for recently published obituaries from approximately for example,Kiester cemeteries, Sibley County Local History and genealogy Research Guide http://www.litch.com/library/SitesToSee/GenealogySites.htm | |
80. UNLV Library Research Guide - GENEALOGY Biographies; cemeteries; Diaries; Ethnic group name genealogy (ie Hispanics -genealogy); genealogy; Indians of North America - genealogy; Heraldry; obituaries; http://www.library.unlv.edu/help/howdoi/genea.html | |
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