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Genealogy Jewish Cemeteries & Obits: more detail |
21. FAMILY HISTORY cemeteries. * Censuses. * Church Records. Misc. Info (Land, obits, Organizations,Professions, etc.). * Pioneers. jewish genealogy. * Native American genealogy. http://www.jacksonvillestory.com/FAMILY HISTORY MAIN PAGE.htm | |
22. Israel GenWeb Project - Genealogy For The State Of Israel, Jewish Genealogy Reso jewish genealogy for the Nation of Israel, Jerusalem Israel genealogy, jewish genealogy, jewish family research, Holocaust Information Surname Databases, Bible, Bios, Deeds, obits, Pensions, Wills! comprehensive resource for jewish genealogy Research on the internet. London jewish genealogy jewish Records in London http://www.rootsweb.com/~isrwgw | |
23. Genealogy Resources On The Internet - Cemeteries/Monuments/ Historic cemeteries website at http//freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com mail mode)or txrockdale-jewish-cem-d a genealogical interest in the cemeteries in Wood http://www.rootsweb.com/~jfuller/gen_mail_cemetery.html | |
24. Ohio Genealogy jewish genealogy. genealogy Research at the National Archives. Wakeman, Ohio. NEOhio genealogy History. Cuyahoga County cemeteries. Cuyahoga County Home Page. http://www.rootexinc.net/Ohio.html | |
25. Clear Day Jehovah's Christian Witness Judaism and jewish Resources AN UNANSWERED LETTER TOGOD cemeteriesDEATH RECORDS WHITNEY AND ALLIED FAMILIES genealogy RESEARCH http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~fox2/death.html |
26. Oregon Resources At RootsWeb jewish Genealogical Society of Oregon Oregon jewish History, cemeteries Database,Special Washington The Olden Times Oregon genealogy Resources from http://resources.rootsweb.com/USA/OR/ | |
27. Virginia Resources At RootsWeb germany,poland,ireland,hungary,jewish Phipps Family collecting and distributing genealogydata and for Virginia Counties, cemeteries, obits, Marriages, Wills http://resources.rootsweb.com/USA/VA/ | |
28. Genealogy: Oregon Genealogy Sites Oregon jewish cemeteries; Portland,OR Vancouver,WA cemeteries Photos Portland,Multnomah County, Oregon and All genealogy Sites Directory. cemeteries. Census. http://www.genealinks.com/states/or.htm | |
29. Genealogy And History: Female Ancestors The mission of the jewish Women's Archive is to uncover, chronicle and transmitthe rich legacy of jewish women and All genealogy Sites Directory. cemeteries. http://www.genealinks.com/female.htm | |
30. AccessGenealogy - Oklahoma Genealogy Resource Center Index of Obituaries 19841994 jewish-American US genealogy RESOURCES ON THE INTERNET.Maps. archives, libraries, census, biographies, cemeteries, church, court http://www.accessgenealogy.com/oklahoma/ | |
31. AccessGenealogy - South Carolina Genealogy Resource Center Index of Obituaries 19841994 jewish-American US archives, libraries, census, biographies,cemeteries, church, court obituaries in family and genealogy studies. http://www.accessgenealogy.com/southcarolina/ | |
32. San Antonio Public Library: Genealogy Use the above link to locate the localities of cemeteries, churches, schools jewishGen The official home of jewish genealogy and jewish genealogical links http://www.sat.lib.tx.us/html/genealogy.htm | |
33. Cyndi's List - U.S. - Pennsylvania in preserving historical information about these cemeteries. kin2me genealogy ServicesGenealogical research service including New Jersey and jewish research. http://www.cyndislist.com/pa.htm | |
34. Hot List For Genealogy Back to Top. cemeteries/ obits/ Death Records Ancestry Search Database Search Index;Eastman's Online genealogy Newsletter; Lineages (AGLL Heritage Quest); http://home.earthlink.net/~rodbush/hotlist.htm | |
35. Portland, OR & Vancouver, WA - Our Tree Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington area cemeteries, Funeral Homes PRESIDENTIALAncestor Tables Index of /pub/genealogy/text/jewish LivingHeirs.com http://www.cemeteryinfo.net/misc/ourtree.html | |
37. Genealogy Refdesk.com included veterans cemeteries and cemeteries flooded by obituary death dates (fulltextobits not included Virtual Shtetl - jewish genealogy; What's in Your Name? http://www.refdesk.com/factgene.html | |
38. Other Databases Geneology jewish Cemetery Project jewish Gen jewish genealogy jewish genealogy Links Mennonite 130million individuals World GenWeb genealogy Megasite over cemeteries. http://www.genealogylinks.net/gen-int.htm | |
39. Genealogy In St. Louis This database contains nearly a half million burials in fifteen cemeteries in the LouisHistory and genealogy (Updated 7/5/2002 jewish Genealogical Society of St http://genealogyinstlouis.accessgenealogy.com/ | |
40. Genealogy Resources American jewish Year Book Cumulative Index of Records Online cemeteries and GenealogyCemetery Registration Largest collection of US cemeteries on the net. http://www.geocities.com/christymw1/genealogy_resources.html | |
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