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21. GenHelp :: Genealogy Help At Your Fingertips Jan 10, 2002) · genealogy Mailing Lists (Jul 11, 2002) · genealogy Search Engines Jun14, 2002) · Military Records (Feb 07, 2003) · native americans (Feb 07 http://www.genhelp.org/index.php?catid=22 |
22. Chickasaw Genealogy ~ Native American Nations Chickasaw Nations My native americans Nations. Our Online Community.Post a Chickasaw Query. native American Land Patents A listing http://www.nanations.com/chickasaw/ | |
23. Native American Databases 1832 Minnesota native americans, 1851, native American Tribes of the Frontier, nativeAmerican Tribes/Reservation Lands, 1905. native American genealogy, native http://ok13.com/websites/mypahoa/venite/native.htm | |
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30. Native American Culture And History Guide .. The History Beat History of native americans in West Virginia; How To Guide for native americans by Paul Sarrett Jr. (genealogy Guide); Indian genealogy Links by al intra; http://society.searchbeat.com/nativeamerican.htm | |
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33. The Olive Tree Genealogy: Native American Links To Online Databases FREE search of offsite native American genealogy Records Find your Ancestors Springs,Colorado Ute Census, 1904-08 ° Michigan native americans History, 1887 http://olivetreegenealogy.com/moh/mohlinks.shtml | |
34. Cherokee And Other Native Americans From The Blue Ridge Walking Bear Promoting an understanding of native American Culture andnative American genealogy. Everyone is invited to visit and enjoy. http://www.blueridgeonline.com/NatAmer.htm | |
35. Native American Heritage Month 2001: Genealogy Resources For Native Americans genealogy RESOURCES FOR native americans. BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS US DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR URL http//www.doi.gov/bia/ancestry http://www.colapublib.org/native/genealogy.html | |
36. Michigan Native Americans History, 1887 -- Genealogy Database For Family History Michigan native americans History, 1887, Search the Michigan nativeamericans History, 1887 Database For Your genealogy. Discover http://www.familydeathrecords.com/db.asp?dbid=4215 |
37. Native Am. Research In Mich. INDIAN TREATY LIBRARY and to Notable Women Ancestors native americans. To discussnative American Research in Michigan and Wisconsin This is a genealogy Site. http://hometown.aol.com/roundsky/introduction.html | |
38. Heart Of Two Nations History, Literature genealogy Resources History The WPA Oklahoma Slave Narratives,Edited by T. Lindsay and Africans and native americans, by Jack Forbes. http://hometown.aol.com/homalosa/ | |
39. Native Americans AntiSpam Info. GoCee.com genealogy Center. native americans. Oneida IndianNation; native American genealogy; nativeWeb; A Guide to the Great Sioux Nation; http://mentorms.best.vwh.net/genealogy/native.htm | |
40. Online Native American Indian Genealogy Databases and records Navajo americans who died in Northwestern New Mexico OnLine Sourcesfor Oneida Indian genealogy South Dakota native American genealogy includes http://zensite.home.att.net/genealogy/nativeamericans.html | |
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