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41. Native American Ancestry And Indian Genealogy Tennessee State Library and Archives Suggestions for native American GenealogyResearch. WISCONSIN Oneida Nation of Wisconsin. native americans IN THE ARTS. http://www.censusdiggins.com/native_american_ancestry.html | |
42. The Genealogy Forum: Thanksgiving And Native Americans Thanksgiving and native americans. native americans' Perspective Back to ThanksgivingCenter. AOL Member Exclusive Go Directly to The genealogy Forum on AOL! http://www.genealogyforum.rootsweb.com/gfaol/Thanksgiving/NA.htm | |
43. Native Americans and South America World History Archives native americans of the of the NewFranceera THE AFRICAN-native AMERICAN HISTORY genealogy WEBPAGE native http://www.teacheroz.com/Native_Americans.htm | |
44. GENEALOGY-DNA-L: [DNA] Native Americans genealogyDNA-L Archives. From Bette Richards betterichs@earthlink.net SubjectDNA native americans Date Tue, 4 Feb 2003 143338 -0700 Some time ago I http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/GENEALOGY-DNA/2003-02/1044394418 | |
45. GENEALOGY-DNA-L: Re: [DNA] Native Americans DNACousins@aol.com Subject Re DNA native americans Date Wed to know is whetheryou are native American it Ann Turner DNACousins@aol.com genealogyDNA List http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/GENEALOGY-DNA/2003-02/1044459355 | |
46. Carolyne's Native American Genealogy - Native American History A ceremony called Potlatch by native americans of the to join the SouthernMetisgenealogy discussion list for excellent books about native American history http://www.angelfire.com/tx/carolynegenealogy/page10history.html | |
47. Carolyne's Native American Genealogy - Marriage Of History And Native American G Marriage of History and native American genealogy, Part I. native americans wereaffected by all those things and many more, including the social customs of http://www.angelfire.com/tx/carolynegenealogy/howto_2.html | |
48. Native American Genealogy Arkansas Cherokee genealogy Arkansas Chickamauga Cherokee genealogy research site TribalSite; Erie History; native American Sites; native americans in Northern http://www.genealinks.com/nativeamerican.htm | |
49. Native Americans Tree genealogy Mohawk Section; Nation Web - Resources for Indigenous Cultures Aroundthe World; National Archives National Archive material on native-americans http://www.telusplanet.net/public/mtoll/namericans.htm | |
50. Native American Genealogy At this site, native americans who have their own web pages and want to be part of ofthe site To qualify you have to have something about genealogy on your http://www.nativeculture.com/lisamitten/indian_genealogy.html | |
51. Native / Metis Genealogy Links: Aboriginal Genealogy. americans, 1823 Minnesota native americans, 1851 NAIL native American Data nativeAmerican genealogy native American genealogy Links native americans in SD http://members.shaw.ca/justgen/ntv.htm | |
52. Special Libraries In Colorado By Subject: Native Americans SLIC Home Subject Index. native americans. Buffalo Bill Museum. genealogyCollection (Western History/genealogy Dept.) Denver Public Library. http://www.virtualref.com/_slic/s58.htm | |
53. TFC's Genealogy Wire! Mohawk, Navajo, Osage, Potawatomi, Powhatan. Pueblo, Seminole, Shawnee, Sioux, Wyandot.Cyndi's Listnative americans; DistantCousin's native American genealogy Resources; http://www.thefamily.com/genealogy/native/ |
54. Research Guide To Native American Resources At The Connecticut State Library most of Connecticut's probate districts, including files pertaining to native americans,are included in the corridor off the History and genealogy reading room http://www.cslib.org/indians.htm | |
55. Genealogy Resources On The Internet - WWW/American Indian Includes native americans of Mexico and Central America. Cherokee genealogy Pagehttp//www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Academy/6713/Cherokeegenealogy/ This site http://www-personal.umich.edu/~cgaunt/amind.html | |
56. NativeWeb Resources: Genealogy (Tracing Roots) Researching Black Indian genealogy of the Five Civilized Tribes Itis known that many Africans intermarried with native americans. http://www.nativeweb.org/resources/genealogy_tracing_roots_/ | |
57. RuthAnns' Native American Page native American genealogy. native American Links and Resources. New Sitefor native americans. native American Tribes Reservation Lands, 1905. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~ruthann/native/na.htm | |
58. Native American Genealogy Your first stop for a treasure trove of genealogy links for native americans.Includes Boards genealogy and native americans Bulletin Board. http://home.ptd.net/~nikki/nativeam.htm | |
59. The Seeker, Site Seeking - Native American Sites Media Kit. Radio. native American Sites. For other genealogy related Sites, Checkout The Seeker's genealogy Sites! African native americans We are still here! http://www.the-seeker.com/native.htm | |
60. Native American Genealogy Index of native American genealogy Resources on the Internet Indian Circle Web Americanrecords scroll down for the heading native americans Cyndi's List http://www.system.missouri.edu/shs/nativeam.html | |
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