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81. Health Care Career Information Biotechnology careers / Mosby Lifeline, c1996 W 21 M894 1996 n.6; BOOKS W 21 M8941996 n.6 Guide) Summary Covers biotechnician, genetic counselor, development http://hml.org/CHIS/career.html | |
82. The Genetics Society Primary purpose is the study of the mechanisms of inheritance. Features membership, publications, education and careers, meetings, and lectures. http://www.genetics.org.uk/ | |
83. Vanderbilt Program In Human Genetics Research molecular, clinical, and population levels of how genes influence complex traits. Includes core facilities, news, educations, and careers. http://phg.mc.vanderbilt.edu/ | |
84. Genetics At Otago University Combines the classical approaches of Mendelian genetics and cytogenetics with the recently developed discipline of molecular genetics. Information for undergraduates and postgraduates and on research, careers, contacts and links. http://osms.otago.ac.nz/genetics/home.htm | |
85. Home Page Independent body representing professionals working in research, and providing services to the population of the United Kingdom. Features a discussion forum, careers, and a patients section. http://www.bshg.org.uk/ | |
86. Genetic Alliance Educational Resources CAGC provides information for professionals and patients, including information aboutcareers in genetic counseling, the genetic counseling process and clinic http://www.geneticalliance.org/diseaseinfo/edresources.html | |
87. Science Career Information For Undergrads And High School Students (Furman University). People Doing Science. Profiles of people with various biomedicalcareers. Entries range from neuropathologist to genetic counselor. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/4707/hs-career.html | |
88. Career Center - Information Night: Careers In The Health Sector Information Night careers in Health For All Majors Wednesday, October 17 CancerGenetic Counselor/Teratogen Counselor, Lucille Packard Children's Hospital at http://career.berkeley.edu/Calendar/InfoNightHealth.stm | |
89. Health And DNA: Predictive Genetic Testing Health and DNA. New genetic Nutritional Analysis. Order predictivegenetic tests. Predictive genetic testing is at the leading edge http://www.healthanddna.com/ | |
90. Genetic Nutrition Analysis Our genetic Nutrition Analysis Panel examines 7 genes that play major roles in yourbody's detoxification capacity, antioxidant capacity, alcohol metabolism http://www.healthanddna.com/nutrigeneticstest.html | |
91. Bio-2--Careers In Biotechnology Explains what the field is, course requirements, and types of jobs that involve this type of training.Category Business Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals careers...... careers in Biotechnology Research. These men and women are working to unravel thegenetic codes that govern the biological processes of different forms of life http://www.biotech.iastate.edu/biotech_info_series/bio2.html | |
92. Genetic Quality - The Jackson Laboratory genetic Quality Control. For more information about the genetic qualitycontrol at The Jackson Laboratory, please refer to the following http://jaxmice.jax.org/geneticquality/ | |
93. Evolution Via Genetic Algorithms - Computerworld Computerworld Evolution via genetic Algorithms By GARY H. ANTHES JULY 22, 2002 Content http://www.computerworld.com/softwaretopics/software/appdev/story/0,10801,72840, | |
94. NZIFST - Careers And Education In Food Science And Technology Home Resources careers and Education, http://www.nzifst.org.nz/career.htm | |
95. Harris Interactive | The Harris Poll - If Genetic Tests Were Available For Disea If genetic Tests Were Available for Diseases Which Could be Treated or Prevented,Many People Would Pay to Have Them. TABLE 1. FAMILIARITY WITH genetic TESTING. http://www.harrisinteractive.com/harris_poll/index.asp?PID=304 |
96. Decoding The Human Condition A genetic counselor at a multispeciality group medical practice on the East Coast,Martin spends at least an hour with each patient, taking family medical http://www.startribune.com/stories/1758/3645150.html | |
97. EvoWeb - Consultancy Database - KanGAL: Kanpur Genetic Algorithms Laboratory Ind KanGAL Kanpur genetic Algorithms Laboratory http//www.iitk.ac.in/kangal ContactDr Kalyanmoy Deb Tel +91 512 590151 Fax +91 512 590260 Email deb@iitk.ac http://evonet.dcs.napier.ac.uk/evoweb/research_debate/consultancy/consult11.html | |
98. Career Library American Board of genetic Counseling American Board of genetic Counseling. Careersin the genetics Field Federation of American Societies for Experimental http://www.uhs.berkeley.edu/Students/CareerLibrary/links/header.cfm?FIELD=4 |
99. EducationGuardian.co.uk | Higher | 'Genetic Bank' Call By Father Of DNA Research Sciences 'genetic bank' call by father of DNA He believes a comprehensivegenetic record is essential in the fight against crime and terrorism. http://education.guardian.co.uk/higher/sciences/story/0,12243,887786,00.html | |
100. NIGMS -- About NIGMS: Human Genetic Cell Repository ABOUT NIGMS. Human genetic Cell Repository. Points to Consider When Planninga genetic Study that Involves Members of Named Populations. http://www.nigms.nih.gov/about_nigms/repository.html | |
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