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21. TUDelft-ITS Systems Biology Center and M.J.T. Reinders, genetic Network Modeling, Pharmacogenomics 3 (4), p. 507525, Ashley publications Ltd., 2002. http://www.genlab.tudelft.nl/publications | |
22. GA Group Publications List publications List. This page contains a list of publications authored bymembers of the genetic Algorithms Group at George Mason University. http://cs.gmu.edu/research/gag/pubs.html | |
23. National Information Resource On Ethics And Human Genetics -- Georgetown Univers Compilation of links, journals and other publications that offer research about the ethical and moral aspects of applying genetic knowledge to humans. http://www.georgetown.edu/research/nrcbl/nirehg/ | |
24. The GENITOR Research Group In Genetic Algorithms And Evolutionary Hardcopy for some other papers available on request. A Few General Tutorialand Survey Level publications. A genetic Algorithm Tutorial. http://www.cs.colostate.edu/~whitley/Pubs.html | |
25. WHO Publications Genetic Disorders Community Control of genetic and Congenital Disorders. A. Alwan andB. Modell EMRO Technical publications Series, No. 24 1997, 218 http://www.who.int/dsa/cat98/gene8.htm |
26. Martin Pelikan's Home Page Has Moved C.V., list of publications, and explanation of current research. Interests in genetic algorithms. http://www-illigal.ge.uiuc.edu/~pelikan/index.html | |
27. GRAIN | Publications | THE INTERNATIONAL TREATY ON PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES A collaborative briefing by Kalpavriksh (India) and genetic Resources Action International. Websitelink www.grain.org/publications/itasia-feb2002-en.cfm. http://www.grain.org/publications/it-asia-feb2002-en.cfm | |
28. Biosafety Library Lists links to conferences, publications, resources and associations covering genetic diversity and virus protection. http://www.aphis.usda.gov/biotech/biosafe.html |
29. Kanpur Genetic Algorithm Lab Accepted for publications. Deb, K. (In Press). Deb, K, Reddy, AR, and Singh, G (March,2002). Optimal Scheduling of Casting Sequence Using genetic Algorithms. http://www.iitk.ac.in/kangal/pub.htm | |
30. EGE InfoNet Egyptian genetic engineering information network has information on databases, events and available publications. http://www.geocities.com/egeinfonet/ |
31. HGC Website - Publications Page HGC publications will generally be available from this page in portable InvolvementStrategy (March 2002) HGC's interim recommendations on genetic testing and http://www.hgc.gov.uk/business_publications.htm | |
32. Homepage Of Evolutionary Genetics, Groningen Focuses on evolutionary questions, in particular on how genetic structure and variation affect evolutionary and ecological processes. Features staff profiles, publications, and education. http://www.biol.rug.nl/evogen/ |
33. Publications Freeland Lab genetic Code Evolution publications A BioinformaticsLab of the Biological Sciences Dept. at UMBC Home publications http://www.evolvingcode.net/publication.php3 | |
34. Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) CGH is a molecular cytogenetic method of screening a tumor for genetic changes. CGH protocols, images, publications, events and links maintained by the University Hospital Charit©, HumboldtUniversity of Berlin, Germany. http://amba.charite.de/cgh/ | |
35. Capricorn Publications - The Largest Circulation Goat Magazine In The World International genetic Search. ANGORA GOAT BREEDERS. BOER GOAT BREEDERS. BREEDORGANISATIONS. CASHMERE GOAT BREEDERS. WARNING! STUDS TO AVOID Apology. http://www.caprine.co.nz/wa.asp?idWebPage=3106 |
36. Journal Of Biotechnology Papers ranging from genetic or molecular biological positions to those covering biochemical, chemical or bioprocess engineering aspects as well as computer application of new software concepts. http://www.elsevier.com:80/inca/publications/store/5/0/5/5/1/5/ | |
37. GM Publications | About GM | Genetic Modification In New Zealand page Link to Contact Us page Link to Links page GM publications Link back to homepageAbout this site genetic Modification in New Zealand GM publications. http://www.gm.govt.nz/about-publication.shtml | |
38. Laboratory Of Genomic Diversity National Institute of Health, ABOUT LGD, STAFF, publications, PROJECTS, LGDin the NEWS, CONFERENCES, COURSES, publications, LGD Spotlight News. publications http://home.ncifcrf.gov/ccr/lgd/publications/index_n.asp | |
39. NGB - The Nordic Gene Bank: A Plant Genetic Resources Centre A plant genetic resources centre for Nordic agriculture and horticulture. Includes a database for searching for cultivars or accessions stored for specific taxa and a library containing information on the institutes publications. http://www.ngb.se/ | |
40. Publications publications. The Journal of the Association of genetic Technologists The officialjournal of the Association of genetic Technologists is published four times http://www.agt-info.org/Publication.html | |
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