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81. International Budget Project - FAQ the special interest of many ngos in assessing emphasis was on using budget analysisto address International Budget Project affiliated with any government? http://www.internationalbudget.org/faq/ | |
82. Menu The National ngos Center for Population and Development. NCPD. Core Secretariat FunctionalAnalysis. Advocacy. Information Services. government, Donors and Business. http://www.ncpd.org.eg/org_files/wsn211.htm |
83. The World Bank Sofia Office Yes, improving partnerships between ngos and government is helpful.And this is not something unique to Bulgaria its something http://www.worldbank.bg/news/bg-news-csd-tobrien-interview.phtml | |
84. Developing Mongolia's Legal Framework: A Needs Analysis - Turkish Government - A Legal Framework A Needs analysis Appendices 'Law Turkish government. http://www.adb.org/Documents/Papers/Mongolia_Legal_Framework/tur_gov.asp?p=lawde |
85. Wired Strategies International Services a speech (in French) on egovernment to a rights, women's rights, and legal reformNGOs in Cote d of Barcelona Web site, including analysis and recommendations http://www.wiredstrategies.com/international.htm | |
86. Local Government, Initiatives In Europe TI Romania Corruption in Local government Research Programme TI Romania Analysisof Corruption in the City of a workshop with public officials, ngos and the http://www.transparency.org/building_coalitions/public/local_goverment/projects_ | |
87. Reuters AlertNet - Sudan Oil Investment Under Fire From European NGOs percent secular, reflecting the balance of ngos active in We dont agree with theiranalysis of the against the National Islamic Front government in Khartoum http://www.alertnet.org/thefacts/reliefresources/228464 | |
88. WWF - India - Campaigns will bring together policy makers, legal fraternity, government departments, NGOsand other the IGCMC include i). Change detection analysis for the http://www.wwfindia.org/jsp/jsp/Campaigns1.jsp?code=8 |
89. IATP Trade Observatory Related Sites of data development, dissemination, and research and analysis on international TradeAdministration, Department of Commerce and US government organizations and http://www.tradeobservatory.org/relatedSites/index.cfm?c_id=27 |
90. Middle East Policy Council Resources - Links ECONOMIC EDUCATION FOREIGN government GENERAL ngos US government Ft.com offers editorialanalysis of financial KIA is an autonomous government body responsible http://www.mepc.org/public_asp/resources/links.asp | |
91. Sovereignty International governance. Read more. Reinventing government a Review. click image 2000.Full text. ngos meet to push global governance. Hundreds of http://www.sovereignty.net/ | |
92. Support Center For Associations And Foundations (SCAF) of Belarus as well as from ngos, think tanks the meetings, and the participation fromgovernment/parliament and Monitoring and analysis of the Dialogue of Public http://www.dialogue.unibel.by/cvckoord_e.htm | |
93. ReliefWeb: Humanitarian Situation In Angola: Monthly Analysis Feb 2001 including representatives of government ministries, Angolan of national and internationalNGOs, religious organisations and Governor for analysis, feedback and http://www.reliefweb.int/w/Rwb.nsf/f303799b16d2074285256830007fb33f/b41ea3e40f5e |
94. African Books Collective Ltd taken place and look at the role of ngos against the is the focus of this indepthanalysis of Nigeria The financial scandals of the government of his successor http://www.africanbookscollective.com/acatalog/Online_Catalogue_Government_and_P | |
95. The Way Forward For Disability Support Through Danish NGOs - Chapter 2 - 2. Mobi initiated by Danish disability organisations indicates that a systematic analysisof the NUDIPU structures at the same time as devolved government bodies were http://www.um.dk/danida/ngostudier/handicapraadet/uk/chapter_2/2_3.asp | |
96. BSR » Analysis & Trend Reporting This shift has come as United Nations, ngos, and academics recognized that governmentand ngos cannot effectively fight the AIDS pandemic alone, and that http://www.bsr.org/BSRResources/Magazine/CSRTrends.cfm?DocumentID=759 |
97. World Press Review - Terrorism - Osama Bin Laden Ababa, Ethiopia, Dec. 11, 2002. in the governments decision to issuea general warning about terrorism. Ministers and public officials http://www.worldpress.org/Asia/869.cfm | |
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