ED Home Technology Lesson Plans Information East Detroit Public Schools Lesson Design Author: Denise Davis Subject: Language Arts Grade: 5 Title: Editing and Revision Made Easy Length of Unit: Ongoing Materials Needed: Power Macintosh G3 computers large TV monitor printer Word Processing Program Standards-Based Outcomes (MDE): English Language Arts: I. Meaning and Communication Content Standard I, 2: All students will demonstrate the ability to write clear and grammatically correct sentences, paragraphs, and compositions. 1. Write fluently for multiple purposes to produce compositions, such as stories, reports, letters, plays, and explanations of processes. 4. Identify multiple language conventions and use them when editing text. Examples include recognition of nouns, verbs, and modifiers, capitalization rules, punctuation marks, and spelling. VI. Genre and Craft of Language Content Standard VI, 8: All students will explore and use the characteristics of different types of texts, aesthetic elements, and mechanics - including text structure, figurative and descriptive language, spelling, punctuation, and grammar - to construct and convey meaning. 1. Identify and use mechanics that enhance and clarify understanding. Examples include sentence structure, paragraphing, appropriate punctuation, grammatical constructions, conventional spelling, and relating in sequence an account of an oral or visual experience. | |