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81. DITT - Language Shock Media Pack - Member State Provision For GREECE back to HOME page. building learning abilities. State Provision. A multi-mediatraining pack (guide/BBC video/website) for learners, parents and teachers. http://www.ditt-online.org/Msp/Greece.htm | |
82. NATO Media Library: Greece And Turkey Accede To NATO - 18 February 1952 greece and Turkey accede to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Protocolto the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of greece and Turkey. http://www.nato.int/multi/photos/1952/m520218a.htm | |
83. Companies In Greece Offering Media Research Companies in greece Offering media Research. ESOMAR Home What is ESOMAR? ESOMAR Membership Info Press releases Calendar of events http://www.esomar.nl/methserv/47344276.html |
84. WebGuest - Open Directory : Regional : Europe : Greece : News And Media Top Regional Europe greece News and media (32). Advertising@ (10);Attica@ (0); Central Macedonia@ (0); Classifieds@ (1); Crete@ (3); http://directory.webguest.com/index.cgi/Regional/Europe/Greece/News_and_Media/ | |
85. Greece In The Information Society - 8. Mass Media In The Information Society PDGS Partnership for Democratic Governance and Security. Title Greecein the Information Society 8. Mass media in the Information Society. http://www.pdgs.org/Archivo/gr-cap8.htm | |
86. IFEX Alert At the same time, all Greek media rarely mention these minorities, almost alwaysonly to attack them (see Minorities and media in greece at www.greekhelsinki http://www.ifex.org/alerts/view.html?id=9754 |
87. Eumap.org > Library > Greece > General Resources Documents. News from the web ». greece General Resources Documents. Sortby category Legislation (2); Intergovernmental Bodies (2); media (2); Other (2) http://www.eumap.org/library/content/300/10?browse=d&r_kind=19 |
88. Mystic Greece - Ultimate Greek Directory - Search Or Browse By Subject Food. Government. Music. News media. Organizations Societies. People. Travel.Suggest a link. News media. Categories News media, Live (Audio video Streaming). http://mysticgreece.com/link/category/7/ | |
89. Publish.de - Portal Für Vorstufe, Cross-Media-Publishing, Druck Und Weiterverar Translate this page Portal für Vorstufe, Cross-media-Publishing, Druck und Weiterverarbeitung, CroatiaCzech Republic Deutschland France Germany Great Britain greece GUS Hungary http://www.publish.de/html/aktuelles/messen/messen.asp?zip=Greece |
90. The Michigan Daily - Greece, The Pope And Western Media greece, the Pope and Western media By Amer Zahr, The Progressive Pen April 30, 2001So the Greek Orthodox Church is vehemently protesting the Pope s planned http://www.michigandaily.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2001/04/30/3cb30069b3171?in_arc |
91. Media - The Trials Of A Venetian Governor In Occupied Greece (10 August) of historical documents that create a colourful picture of the daily problems ofbeing a Venetian governor in 15th century greece, when it had media REFERENCE http://www.uwa.edu.au/media/statements/2001/08/the_trials_of_a_venetian_governor | |
92. The Firm List Resources: Greece - New Media Groups spotlights.firmlist.com. tools.firmlist.com. behindtheURL.com. greece Newmedia Groups. No Links Available. Global New media Groups. Evolt. FUNKWORKS. http://www.firmlist.com/greece/resources/groups.phtml | |
93. The Firm List Resources: Greece - New Media Awards spotlights.firmlist.com. tools.firmlist.com. behindtheURL.com. greece New mediaAwards. No Links Available. Global New media Awards. ADDY®Awards. The Big 3D. http://www.firmlist.com/greece/resources/awards.phtml | |
94. MediaDesk Hellas Ôï media DESK HELLAS ôïõ Õðïõñãåßïõ Ôýðïõ åíçìåñþíåé ãéá ôï åõñùðáúêü ðñüãñáììá media êáé ôçí ÅõñùðáúêÞ ïðôéêïáêïõóôéêÞ ðïëéôéêÞ http://www.mediadesk.gr/ |
95. FORTHnet Directory: News & Media AEPI AEPI is the Hellenic Copyright Society. Broadcast media in GreeceCatalog with Greek and Cypriot Radio and TV Stations. Petition http://dir.forthnet.gr/7-0-en.html | |
96. Deon Media Navigator t? Netscape Navigator ?atast?ste t? Realplay Player Plugin ?ataste?stet? Windows media Player ?atast?ste t? http://deon.gr/ | |
97. World News Network - WN.com Provides reports and analyses on global issues.Category News Breaking News......Company, WN media, Languages, Advertising, Sitemap, WN Links, Submit Photo, Contacts,Feedback. REGIONAL. ENTERTAINMENT. WN Broadcast WN media WN Arts Music WN Kids. http://www.wn.com/ | |
98. Athos The Holy Mountain ---- Mount Athos ----- Holy Mountain ----- Agio Oros There have been monks on the "Holy Mountain" from Byzantine times; it is the centre of Eastern Category Arts Architecture Religious Christian Monasteries......Welcome to Mount Athos, Is the centre of Eastern Orthodox Monasticism.Set in an area of outstanding natural beauty, it is a treasury http://www.medialab.ntua.gr/athos.html | |
99. Indymedia Èåóóáëïíßêçò - íÝá The summary for this Greek page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://thessaloniki.indymedia.org/ | |
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