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1. DECLARATION OF ATITLÁN, GUATEMALA, Indigenous Peoples Consultation On The Rig International Indian Treaty Council CONSEJO INTERNACIONAL DE TRATADOS INDIOS WORKING FOR THE RIGHTS AND RECOGNITION OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES" DECLARATION OF ATITLÁN, guatemala indigenous peoples Consultation on the Right to Food A Global http://www.treatycouncil.org/new_page_5241224.htm | |
2. NATIVE-L (June 1993): Guatemala Indigenous Peoples Conference guatemala indigenous peoples Conference. hrcoord@oln.comlink.apc.orgWed, 26 May 1993 010400 PDT http://nativenet.uthscsa.edu/archive/nl/9306/0041.html | |
3. Rigoberta Menchu Tum (Guatemala) Indigenous Peoples And Freedom Of Expression indigenous peoples and freedom of expression case in countries characterised by cultural diversity such as guatemala, Peru, Ecuador and Brazil, to mention only a few http://www.unesco.org/op/eng/3may98/menchu.htm | |
4. Copy Of DECLARATION OF ATITLÁN, GUATEMALA, Indigenous Peoples Consultation On COMUNICADOURGENTE. CONDENA AL USO DEL MAIZ TRASGENICO EN guatemala. http://www.treatycouncil.org/new_page_52412242.htm | |
5. Guatemala Solidarity Network Works with Guatemalan organisations and communities striving for human rights, social and economic justice and the empowerment and participation of indigenous peoples and all marginalised groups. http://www.guatemalasolidarity.org.uk/ | |
6. The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Indigenous Studies CWIS George Manuel Librar Collection of links to indigenousstudies resources is categorized by region, including the Pacific, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. archive of the political struggles waged by indigenous peoples seek to achieve the full expression of self-determination. The Maya of guatemala - Extensive Maya links and resources http://www.cwis.org/wwwvl/indig-vl.html | |
7. Indigenous Peoples' Global Consultation, Right To Food, April 2002 Guatemala / C International Indian Treaty Council CONSEJO INTERNACIONAL DE TRATADOS INDIOS WORKING FOR THE RIGHTS AND RECOGNITION OF indigenous peoples" indigenous peoples' Global Consultation, Right to Food, April 2002 guatemala / Consulta Global de Pueblos http://treatycouncil.org/new_page_5241223.htm | |
8. NATIVE-L Mailing List: Violence Against Indigenous Peoples In Guatemala violence against indigenous peoples in guatemala.omct@iprolink.ch 25 Apr 1997 025930 http://nativenet.uthscsa.edu/archive/nl/9704/0115.html | |
9. Fact Sheet No.9(Rev.1), The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples Among many indigenous peoples are the Indians of the Americas (for example, the Mayas of guatemala or the Aymaras of http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu6/2/fs9.htm | |
10. Error 504 for teachers resources activities, Learn more about Rigoberto MenchúTum and the struggles of guatemala's indigenous peoples http://www0.un.org/cyberschoolbus/indigenous/identify_focus.asp | |
11. ATAGU - Debat: Indigenous Peoples In The Americas with the exception of guatemala, indigenous peoples are concentrated in specific regions. indigenous peoples are said http://www.atagu.gl/debat/indlaeg/1997/97011004.htm | |
12. IMADR/News On Guatemala And Maya Indigenous Peoples/2003/No.6 . News on guatemala and Maya indigenous peoples. Compiled by IMADR Webmaster. http://www.imadr.org/project/guatemala/news6.html | |
13. Identify Indigenous Peoples - UNCyberschoolbus Learn more about Rigoberto Menchú Tum and the struggles of guatemala's indigenous peoples http://www.un.org/cyberschoolbus/indigenous/identify_focus.asp | |
14. IMADR/Guatemala Project/Rodolfo Stavenhagen On Indigenous Peoples And Puebla-Pan . Rodolfo Stavenhagen on indigenous peoples and PueblaPanama Plan (PPP).. The debate on dams and indigenous peoples has wider implications http://www.imadr.org/project/guatemala/ppp.stavenhagen.html | |
15. Indigenous Women In Guatemala And Australia: Bringing Worlds Together Bringing Worlds Together Juanita Batzibal and Medarda Castro are Mayan indigenous women working on indigenous rights and identity with Community Aid AbroadOxfam's guatemalan program. an outspoken activist against the genocide of guatemala's indigenous peoples. Juanita Batzibal avoided a similar fate http://www.caa.org.au/world/latam/guatemala/indigenous_women.html | |
16. AI Canada | Human Rights And Indigenous Peoples: Guatemala Action Kimy Pernía Domicó, a prominent defender of the rights of indigenous peoples inColombia 2. guatemala A Mayan community of 15 families in El Estor, guatemala http://www.amnesty.ca/IndigenousPeoples/actGuatemala.htm | |
17. Home The Forest peoples Programme supports forest peoples rights to determine their own futures, to control the use of their lands and to carry out sustainable use of their resources. indigenous peoples and Protected Areas in Africa From Principles to Practice Declaration of Atitlán, guatemala indigenous peoples Consultation on the Right to Food A Global http://www.gn.apc.org/forestpeoples |
18. AI Canada | Human Rights And Indigenous Peoples Sauce, a Mayan community of 15 families in El Estor, guatemala, has been PerníaDomicó, a prominent defender of the rights of indigenous peoples in Colombia http://www.amnesty.ca/IndigenousPeoples/ | |
19. Working With Indigenous Peoples In Mexico And Central America power structures. See also Around the World indigenous peoples Aroundthe World - Central America guatemala - indigenous Women. http://www.caa.org.au/world/latam/indigenous/ | |
20. Overview Of The Indigenous Peoples And Poverty Study In Latin America that is poor) Country indigenous Nonindig. indigenous peoples Country Ethnic Group Earnings Ratio Discrimination (%) Bolivia indigenous 0.61 28 Nonindig. guatemala indigenous http://www.worldbank.org/education/economicsed/tools/training/Indig.ppt | |