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61. Hrip INTRO TO indigenous peoples. UN indigenous RIGHTS. RIGHTS OF DISCOVERY CONQUEST.NATIONSTATES indigenous RIGHTS. MEXICO. guatemala. SOUTH AMERICA. http://www.colby.edu/personal/jdanders/hrip.html | |
62. Press Release - Guatemala: Justice Closer For Myrna Mack? out of an estimated population of between 6 and 7 million, and that genocide hadbeen carried out against guatemala's indigenous peoples in four specific areas http://www.amnestyusa.org/news/2002/guatemala09022002.html | |
63. World Bank Launches Paper On Justice And Indigenous Peoples In Latin America proposals that were presented at the Second International Seminar on the Administrationof Justice and indigenous peoples, held in guatemala in September 1998. http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/NEWS/0,,contentMDK:20017477~menuPK:3446 | |
64. Konferansen 2001: Competence Building And Indigenous Peoples Competence Building and indigenous peoples Alle dokumenter Le Roux, Working Groupfor indigenous Minorities, Botswana. EXPERIENCES FROM guatemala AND NICARAGUA. http://www.uit.no/ssweb/forum/konferanse2001/rapport_2001.htm | |
65. Indigenous Peoples The Mayan Forestry Action Plan is a process of consultation on forestryand agriculture with farmers and Mayan women in guatemala. http://www.itpcentre.org/env_mayan.htm | |
66. Indigenous Peoples of indigenous peoples themselves. Despite its importance, to date only nine countrieshave ratified this Convention Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, guatemala, http://www.itpcentre.org/legislation/english/ilo1eng.htm | |
67. American Declaration On The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples 2001 Organized by the Government of the Republic of guatemala and the indigenousCouncil of Central America (CICA). indigenous peoples Declaration indigenous http://www.dialoguebetweennations.com/OASdeclaration/english/english.asp | |
68. Kenneth Editorial in the Summit Declaration was to ensure that the input from the indigenous Conclaveof the Americas, held in guatemala, and the indigenous peoples Summit of http://www.dialoguebetweennations.com/dbnetwork/english/kenneth_editorial.htm | |
69. The Americas Region Has Continued To Play An Important Role In In Bolivia, Peru and guatemala, indigenous peoples are on average 25 percentmore likely to be living in poverty than nonindigenous people. http://www.trickleup.org/wor.americ.info.html |
70. Library.amnesty.it: Guatemala: First Anniversary Of CEH Report - Mass Murderers Genocide The CEH found that the Guatemalan army had carried out genocide againstGuatemala's indigenous peoples in four specific regions of the country, yet http://www.amnesty.it/ai.nsf/Index/AMR340052000 | |
71. IIHR Newsletter, N° 52: Integrated Plan For Guatemala The indigenous peoples and Human Rights Program organized this second seminarin conjunction with the Supreme Court of Justice of guatemala and the http://www.iidh.ed.cr/docweb/boletines/ingles/newsletter52/guat.htm | |
72. Findings The governments of the partner countries either had no particular development policyregarding indigenous peoples (guatemala and Ecuador) or remained well http://www.bmz.de/en/media/evaluation/sektorevaluierungen/EvalBericht105/EvalBer | |
73. Protected Areas Gabon Polemic agreement on the Lope Reserve; India indigenous peoples victimsof conservation at Rajive Gandhi National Park; guatemala Actions to defend http://www.wrm.org.uy/subjects/areas.html | |
74. Internatinoal Projects peoples who are involved in or caught between the struggle going on there. Top.Guatemal Working with the indigenous communities throughout guatemala. http://www.uoregon.edu/~cics/projects.htm | |
75. Untitled Document and groups of our people wherever we live, whether in Alaska, guatemala Panama, Mexico lessthan an affirmation of all of ourselves as indigenous peoples of the http://nativeamericas.aip.cornell.edu/win98/win98lw.html | |
76. LPDC | October 12, 2002 } International Indigenous Peoples Day Events Day in Solidarity with Native peoples of the Julian Burger (Secretary of the IndigenousUnit at José Morales (Maya K'iché from guatemala, representative of http://www.freepeltier.org/iipd_events.htm | |
77. INDIGENOUS-FOLKLORE-TRADITIONS outside world on an isolated indigenous tribe, the Many native peoples of the BrazilianAmazon have Semana Santa en guatemala (Easter in guatemala) Produced by http://www.latinamericanstudies.villanova.edu/media/indigenous.htm | |
78. GTI97_COPMAGUA_ingl Organization of guatemala, COPMAGUA- wish to contribute some reflections to thediscussion of the Draft declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples. http://www.puebloindio.org/ONU_info/info97/GTI97_COPMAGUA_ingl_copy(1).htm | |
79. About Saq' Be': Organization For Mayan And Indigenous Spiritual Studies The Mayan people of guatemala are one of the groups of indigenous peoples of thiscontinent with an incredibly rich, deep spirituality and understanding that http://www.sacredroad.org/about/ | |
80. WCSF Online The News Service For The World Civil Society Forum Summary Working Group on indigenous peoples, Gender and indigenous children andthe role of traditional y Artesanal Pop Atziak (guatemala); Ms. Martha Llanos http://www.mcart.org/wcsfonlinenews/en/16-jul-02/summ_16.18.cfm | |
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