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Hawaii Education Agencies & Org: more detail |
21. Title VII Bilingual Education In Hawaii: Lessons Learned programs, projects, and community agencies, and efficient PACIFIC RESOURCES FOREDUCATION AND LEARNING 1099 Street, 25th Floor Honolulu, hawaii 96813 Phone http://www.prel.org/products/Products/bilingual-education.htm | |
22. PREL.ORG - Pacific Resources For Education And Learning of nonprofit groups, and state education agencies are eligible Waikiki Hotel Honolulu,hawaii Conference Website a Pacific Resources for education and Learning http://www.prel.org/products/prelebulletin/feb01.asp | |
23. Hawai`i Department Of Land And Natural Resources: Index to make it easier to ineract with DLNR and its various agencies we have DLNR Exhibits;Conservation in hawaii education site - www.conservationhawaii.org. http://www.state.hi.us/dlnr/TxtIndex.htm |
25. American Lung Association Of Hawaii with local schools ALAH provided asthma education for children By partnering withbusinesses, agencies and grass root 808) 5375971 E-Maillung@ala-hawaii.org. http://www.ala-hawaii.org/ | |
26. Hawaii Island United Way, Family, Social Support, Health Education, Youth, Resid Health education and Services. These agencies provide for the needs of two distinctgroupsthe mentally/physically challenged and the chronically mentally ill. http://www.hawaiiunitedway.org/agencies/agencies.html | |
27. Hawaii Programs Color Studio Arts School West hawaii Dance Theater. National Art education Associationwww.naeareston.org/. National Assembly of State Arts agencies www.nasaa http://www.hawaiiptsa.org/hawaii_programs.htm | |
28. LDAH training for professionals, agencies, organizations involved in education of childrenwith special needs. LDAH. Learning Disabilities Association of hawaii. http://www.ldanatl.org/Affiliates/HI/ldah.html | |
29. RRFC Network funded to assist state education agencies in the systemic improvement of educationprograms, practices States of Micronesia, Guam, hawaii, Idaho, Nevada http://www.dssc.org/frc/rrfc.htm | |
30. OSEP Technical Assistance And Dissemination Network Projects Consists of over 40 projects funded by the United States Department of education's Office of Special Category Reference education Special education...... Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, hawaii, Idaho, Nevada 3808 fax joy@nasdse.orgThe primary information among federal, state, and local education agencies. http://www.dssc.org/frc/oseptad.htm | |
31. About The GOVERNMENT EDUCATION AND TRAINING NETWORK located throughout the CONUS, Alaska, hawaii, and Puerto Rico among the various FederalGovernment agencies in the Alliance for Training education (GATE) (gate http://getn.govdl.org/what_is_getn.htm | |
32. Aloha United Way--Network Of 64 Agencies Links. Here you will find information about our 64 agencies. Prevent Child Abusehawaii; The Salvation Army; Special education Center of hawaii (SECOH); http://www.auw.org/auw_agencies/auw_agencies.asp | |
33. Consumer World: Consumer Agencies Consumers' Insurance Advocate; hawaii selected regulations State and Local ConsumerAgencies (Pueblo's master Center for Financial education; National Charities http://www.consumerworld.org/pages/agencies.htm | |
34. Language, Speech And Hearing Contacts In State Education Agencies Language, Speech and Hearing Contacts in State education agencies Hearing Specialeducation Section hawaii Department of education 3430 Leahi Avenue http://professional.asha.org/resources/states/education_agencies.cfm | |
35. Un-decade-followup@hrea.org - Re: Follow-up To The Decade At The International L international level; From George Kent kent@hawaii.edu 100943 1000; To hr-education@hrea.org. considerableemphasis on what the international agencies might do http://www.hrea.org/lists/un-decade-followup/markup/msg00017.html | |
36. Untitled Available http//www.aft.org/NS/GetLHP?url=%2fstand7 Honolulu, HI hawaii StateBoard of education. PG, Lesley, BA State education agencies Partners in http://lilinote.k12.hi.us/PUBLIC/resch1.nsf/f9b35197114acc990a256735002c06cd/1c1 |
37. Financial Aid Resources - Career Choices In Special Education - National Clearin hawaii, Nevada, Vermont. Idaho, New Hampshire, Virginia. Directories maintainedby the US Department of education Guaranty agencies Guaranty agencies http://www.special-ed-careers.org/career_choices/financial_aid/financial_aid.htm | |
38. Welcome To The Service Learning Program At UH Manoa www.hi.sierraclub.org Special education Center of www.secoh.org Special Olympics hawaii/SOGet For a Complete listing of agencies we work with and descriptions http://www.hawaii.edu/osa/ServiceLearn/organizations.html | |
39. The Hawaii Service Learning Initiative communities. Community agencies. Alliance for Drama education; AssistanceDogs of hawaii; Big Brothers Big Sisters of Honolulu; Communities http://www.youthservicehawaii.org/hsli.shtml | |
40. Pacific International Center For High Technology Research education And Training. PICHTR Collaborating agencies. Center for High TechnologyResearch 1020 Auahi Street Building 5, Bay 14 Honolulu, hawaii 96814 USA. http://www.pichtr.org/ | |
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