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161. Alabama Board Of Pharmacy Protect the health and safety of Alabamians by enforcing laws and regulations governing the practice of pharmacy. http://www.albop.com/ |
162. The Almost Complete Body Piercing Links List A variety of categories including articles, editorials, personal experiences, training, books and videos, event listings, newsletters, FAQs, health and aftercare, jewelry, laws and regulations, professional groups, and studios. http://www.piercinglinks.com/ |
163. Compliance Magazine Informs professionals responsible for workplace safety, health and environment about existing regulations, significant new laws and recent product developments. http://www.compliancemag.com/ |
164. Louis De La Parte Florida Mental Health Institute The Louis de la Parte Florida Mental health Institute (FMHI) USF . News Events News Releases, Conferences, Calendar Visitor http://www.fmhi.usf.edu/ |
165. Dave Sheppard Associates Mental health Act 1983; Reform of the Mental health Act.Category health Mental health Professional Resources Personal Pages...... http://www.davesheppard.co.uk/ |
166. Parents For A Responsible Health Curriculum Parent organization to inform parents of laws regarding health education and to promote parental involvement in the development of school health curriculum. http://parhc.tripod.com/PARHCsite.html |
167. Mandatory Bicycle Helmet Laws In Western Australia Are these harming the democratic rights, public health and cycling safety of the Western Australia community. http://www.iinet.net.au/~property/bicycle_helmets.html |
168. WASHLAW WEB Washburn University School Of Law Links to Federal Government internet resources and other government related material, from Washlaw Category Society law Reference North America United States...... Indexes, Indiana, International law. Maintained by Staff of Washburn University Schoolof law Library © Copyright 2003 Washburn University School of law Library. http://www.washlaw.edu/ |
169. Aspen Publishers Homepage - Providing Premier Publications For Aspen Publishers Homepage providing premier publications for legal, tax, business, and health care professionals http://www.aspenpublishers.com/default.asp |
170. FindLaw Professionals findlaw thousands of legal sites, cases, codes, forms, law reviews, law schools, bar associations, law firms, experts, cle courses, and much more. http://profs.findlaw.com/ |
171. Pace Law School The Law School Is Located In New York 20 Miles Located in Westchester County, 35 minutes from NYC. This law school is the home of the Pace Center Category Society law law Schools United States New York......Located 20 miles north of New York City, Pace law school offers a J.D., LL.M. and S.J.D. The law School has one of the nation's toprated environmental http://www.law.pace.edu/ |
172. Smoke And Mirrors Large collection of links on smoking and health, marketing of tobacco products, laws and litigation, advocacy and organizations concerned with smoking. http://www.storytellerdesign.com/smokeandmirrors.html |
173. Welcome To Business Publishers, Inc., One Of The Oldest, Most Publishes newsletters in print and electronic form.Category Regional North America Business and Economy...... Inc., one of the oldest and most respected publishers of nearly 50 newsletters andpublications covering the environment,construction, energy, health and safety http://www.bpinews.com/ |
174. Muse.jhu.edu/journals/jhp/ law (B753) This course examinesseveral of the areas of law in which issues concerning HIV http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/jhp/ |
175. US - West Virginia - Bureau Of Commerce - Office Of Miners' Health Safety And Tr Agency responsible for the enforcement of the West Virginia Mine Safety Laws and Regulations. These duties include regular inspections of all mining related sites, the certification/training of mine employees, the investigation of mining accidents and the collection of mine safety and health statistics. http://www.state.wv.us/mhst/ |
176. Law Links Includes court reporters, expert witnesses and many other legal supportservices. Opportunity for Attorneys to Reach More Potential Clients, http://www.lawlinks.com/ |
177. Www.kluweronline.com/issn/0929-0273/contents http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0929-0273/contents |
178. Hooper's Table Of Contents Return to Forensic Home Page. Table of Contentsfor JF Hooper's Forensic Psychiatry Resource. http://bama.ua.edu/~jhooper/tableofc.html |
179. UIowa Libraries Web Research affiliations Association of Research Libraries, Center for Research Libraries.Category Reference Libraries Research...... http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/ |
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