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Health Welfare Acronyms: more detail | ||||
21. Acronyms For Life And Health Insurance And Managed Care acronyms for Life, Accident health Insurance and Managed Care. LHSO, Limitedhealth Service Organization. MEWA, Multiple Employer welfare Arrangement. http://floridahealthinsurance.com/acronyms.htm | |
22. ICDDR,B Centre For Health And Population Research acronyms FPI Family Planning Inspector. FWA Family welfare Assistant. FWV Familywelfare Visitor. GoB Government of Bangladesh. HA health Assistant. http://www.icddrb.org/mch_r/acronyms.html |
23. Benefits Essentials - The HR & Benefits Resource Center The following acronyms and abbreviations are often used by employers, benefits MEWA Multiple Employer welfare Arrangement. MHPA - The Mental health Parity Act. http://www.benefitsessentials.com/Lite/Resources/Acronyms.cfm | |
24. LWVC JJinCA Dependency Appx E: Acronyms July 1998. acronyms. AACWA, Adoption Assistance and Child welfare Act. AFDC, Aidto Families with Dependent Children. CHDP, Child health and Disability Prevention. http://ca.lwv.org/jjds/acronyms.html | |
25. DHS Long-Term Care Policy Abbreviations And Acronyms HEAP Home Energy Assistance Program. HEW US Department of health, Education,and welfare (now HHS). HHMA Home health medication aides. http://www.dhs.state.tx.us/providers/ltc-policy/abbreviations.html | |
26. FEMA: List Of Acronyms/Abbreviations List Of acronyms/Abbreviations. Corps of Engineers HUD ..Department of Housingand Urban Development HWC ..health and welfare Canada IAEA http://www.app1.fema.gov/library/acronym.htm | |
27. Kansas SRS Abbreviations / Acronyms Abbreviations/acronyms. Used by the Kansas Department of Social and RehabilitationServices August 5, 1998 HEW, health, Education, and welfare. http://www.srskansas.org/Abbrev-Acron/abbre-acron_g-i.htm | |
28. Westchester Community Network, Westchester County, NY, Department Of Community M AFDC Aid to Families with Dependent Children AHP Accountable health Plan AMI Alliancefor the Mentally Ill APWA American Public welfare Association Back to top http://www.westchestercommunitynetwork.com/Family_Ties/Facts___Information/Commo | |
29. ODJFS Acronyms . acronyms. ABLE, Adult Basic and Literacy Education. SACWIS, Statewide AutomatedChild welfare Information System. SCHIP, State Children's health Insurance Program. http://www.state.oh.us/odjfs/acronyms.stm | |
30. Acronyms & Regulations acronyms Regulations. acronyms. Regulations. The health and Safety at Work etc.Act 1974 health, Safety and welfare Regulations 1992 The Control of http://www.healthandsafetypolicy.com/page5.html | |
31. Research Sources: Acronyms, Terms And Definitions acronyms. Australian Association for Adolescent health. AAAH. Auseinet.Australian Association for the welfare of Child health. AWCH. http://www.acys.utas.edu.au/ncys/research/acron.htm | |
32. Acronyms And Jargon DDP Developmental Disabilities Program. DHW - Department of health and welfare.DS - Developmental Specialist. ECCM - Expanded Consumer Choice Model. http://www2.state.id.us/dhw/ddweb/reg2/RITC/acronyms_and_jargon.htm | |
33. National EHDI Goals - Abbreviations And Acronyms National EHDI Goals. EHDI Abbreviations and acronyms AAA. DSHPSHWA, Directorsof Speech and Hearing Services for State health and welfare Agencies. http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/ehdi/abbrev.htm | |
34. Common Baltimore County Social Services Acronyms Common acronyms ABD, Aged, Blind or Disabled. CWLA, Child welfare League of America. DHMH,Department of health Mental Hygiene. DHR, Department of Human Resources. http://www.co.ba.md.us/Agencies/socserv/dssacron.html | |
35. USU - Vice President For Research - Institutional Review Board - IRB Acronyms Clinical Research Coordinator. DHEW. Department of health, Education and welfare(no longer exists). DHHS. Department of health and Human Services (replaced DHEW). http://www.usu.edu/vpr/policies/irb/acronyms.asp | |
36. IHS Glossary Of Terms Glossary of acronyms AI, American Indian. DHEW, Department of health, Educationand welfare. DHHS, Department of health and Human Services. http://www.ihs.gov/AboutIHS/ThisGlossary.asp | |
37. Indian Health Service Logo Takes You To The Home Page Search Our Glossary of acronyms. AI, American Indian. DHEW, Department of health, Educationand welfare. DHHS, Department of health and Human Services. http://www.ihs.gov/PublicInfo/PublicAffairs/Welcome_Info/ThisGlossary.asp | |
38. Acronyms - "A" Animal health Committee, Animal welfare, Aquatic Animal health, Product Integrity/AnimalPlant health, Quarantine, acronyms, Home acronyms A acronyms A http://netenergy.dpie.gov.au/content/acronyms.cfm?Letter=A |
39. Acronyms - "S" Animal health Committee, Animal welfare, Aquatic Animal health, Product Integrity/AnimalPlant health, Quarantine, acronyms, Home acronyms S acronyms S http://netenergy.dpie.gov.au/content/acronyms.cfm?Letter=S |
40. Glossary Of Acronyms - National Center For Children Exposed To Violence NCCEV Glossary of acronyms. AACAP, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. CMHS,Center for Mental health Services. CWI, Child welfare Institute. http://www.nccev.org/resources/glossary.html | |
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