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81. From Revolution To Reconstruction From Revolution to Reconstruction and what happened afterwards. A project about american history Category Society history United States Through the Years...... USIApublications An Outline of american history, An Outline and An Outline of americanLiterature. with hypertext-links to relevant documents, original essays http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/ | |
82. The National Juneteenth Museum Displays historical documents, artifacts, and photos celebrating the Black american holiday. http://hosting.xigroup.com/juneteenth/ | |
83. AmericanPresident.org Official site for the PBS series includes presidential biographies, historical documents, essays, an overview of the election process, a campaign simulation game, and related lesson plans. http://www.americanpresident.org/ | |
84. African-American History documents historical, economic and social impact of the Great Depression on AfricanAmericans. http://mtungsten.freeservers.com/ | |
85. Historical Text Archive Articles, books, and links for historical texts from several countries.Category Society history......Welcome to historical Text Archive. March 19, 2003. Main Menu. AFRICA Articles,Books Links AFRICAN american Articles, Books, Links. GENERAL history Links. http://historicaltextarchive.com/ | |
86. Historical Text Archive Welcome to historical Text Archive. March 20, 2003. Main Menu. times).An Africanamerican Bibilography history (read 8599 times). An http://historicaltextarchive.com/sections.php?op=listarticles&secid=8 |
87. Liberty Bell Memorial Museum Features a fullsized replica of the Liberty Bell, copies of historical documents, military uniforms, ships and planes of war, and artifacts from all american wars from pre-revolutionary to Gulf War. http://www.libertybellmemorial.com/ | |
88. Cold War A historical exhibit of contentious Sovietamerican relations before and during the Cold War. Includes links to Russian language documents relating the Soviet views of the Cold War. http://metalab.unc.edu/expo/soviet.exhibit/coldwar.html | |
89. Exploring Japanese American Internment Includes video clips, chronology, text, photos, historical documents and other resources. http://www.jainternment.org/ | |
90. HISTORY LINKS Today LibrarySpot.com. Twentieth Century in Pictures. True Stories for AmericanIndian Youth. United States history. United States historical documents I. http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/3028/frames/f_his2.html | |
91. Institute On The Constitution A project of the american College for Cultural Studies which seeks to educate the public about the moral and philosophical principles behind the creation of the U.S. Constitution. Features quotes, research resources, historical documents, constitutional myths, and discussion form. http://www.instituteontheconstitution.com/ | |
92. Junto Society Home Page Indepth information and resources on historical dates and events, american documents, founding father's, american Indians, Presidents, How Government Works, and much more. http://www.juntosociety.com | |
93. Welcome View and sign the Declaration of Independence. Includes the Bill of Rights and links to other american historical documents. http://www.angelfire.com/fl5/seasons4/ | |
94. Key U.S. Historical Documents : The Declaration Of Independence, The Constitutio Full texts of key american historical documents all on one page. http://databank.oxydex.com/spirit_of_america.html | |
95. Gilder Lehrman Collection One of the largest collections of american historical documents in private hands. The collection's holdings are strongest from 1760 through 1876. http://www.gilderlehrman.com/ | |
96. Our Black Heritage.com - Honoring African American History Art Norman and Jeffery Leving discussed the various scarce historical documentsconcerning Africanamerican history displayed on this website. http://www.ourblackheritage.com/ | |
97. Historical Documents historical documents of MissouriSt.Louis; Afro-american Almanac Historic documents;american Life Histories, Manuscripts from the Federal Writer's Project, 1936 http://www.princeton.edu/~aasres/documents.html | |
98. NARA | Exhibit Hall | Exhibit Hall Main Page american Originals Travelling Exhibit, american Originals Traveling and even oddmoments in our history. of Congress Fascinating documents highlighting the http://www.archives.gov/exhibit_hall/index.html | |
99. Hanover Historical Texts Project A lot of philosophical etexts.Category Society Philosophy Online Texts...... that you acknowledge the Hanover historical Texts Project in progress) National UnificationDocuments of the David Trail Telegram from the american Consulate in http://history.hanover.edu/project.html | |
100. Making Of America A digital library of primary sources in 19th century american social history from the antebellum period Category Society history By Time Period Nineteenth Century...... strong in the subject areas of education, psychology, american history, sociology,religion endeavor in preservation and electronic access to historical texts. http://moa.umdl.umich.edu/ | |
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