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1. Coyote's Guide To IDL Programming A guide to IDL (Interactive Data Language) programming, example programs, and other resources.Category Computers Programming Languages IDL......A guide to IDL (Interactive Data Language) programming, example programs, and otherresources. Coyote's Guide to idl programming. idl programming Resources. http://www.dfanning.com/ | |
2. IDL On The Web pvwave is an active discussion forum for idl programming issues, and is frequented by many expert IDL programmers who http://www.gumley.com/PIP/IDL_on_Web.html | |
3. VIP - Visual IDL Programming Visual environment for building advanced analysis and visualization programs. http://www.rsinc.com/vip/index.cfm | |
4. IDL Programming Tips idl programming Tips. This idl programming Tips and Tricks database isconstantly being updated. Search Coyote's Guide to idl programming. http://www.dfanning.com/documents/tips.html | |
5. Practical IDL Programming Practical idl programming Practical idl programming serves as a useful tutorial, sourceof examples, and reference for those wishing to learn or to master IDL. http://www.gumley.com/ | |
6. Java IDL Programming Concepts BEA WebLogic Enterprise Documentation http://e-docs.bea.com/wle/idl2java/program.htm | |
7. Tech Tip: Tips & Tricks For Efficient IDL Programming Printable Version. Article Title Tips Tricks for Efficient idl programming.Article ID 1799. Article Name GENLANG82. Products IDL. http://www.rsinc.com/services/output.cfm?tip_id=1799 |
8. IDL Programming Techniques, Second Edition A book to describe by example those idl programming techniques essential in daily programming tasks. http://www.dfanning.com/documents/books.html | |
9. Citation Citation. Practical idl programming creating effective data analysis andvisualization applications Publisher Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=502984&coll=Portal&dl=GUIDE&CFID=11111111& |
10. Better IDL HDF Documentation Provides IDL HDF Documentation, links to idl programming techniques, charts and software. http://www.dfanning.com/tips/hdf_documentation.html | |
11. ACM Guide: Category Index 1 15 of 15 1, Practical idl programming Morgan Kaufmann PublishersInc. July 2001 In Practical idl programming, Liam E. Gumley http://portal.acm.org/ccs.cfm?part=author&coll=portal&dl=ACM&row=D.2.2&idx=4&idx |
12. Epsilon Nought - IDL Programming IDL, the Interactive Data Language, is an optimised programming languagefor data analysis, visualisation and array handling. It http://epsilon.nought.de/idl.html | |
13. VIP Visual IDL Programming VIP Visual idl programming. Back. Contact. Back. Schedules OnlineRegistration. Back. Training Consulting. Benefits Learn to make http://www.creaso.com/english/13_traig/trai_vip.htm | |
14. IDL - Program Functions Fanning Consulting; Coyote's Guide to idl programming A very well organizedresource for IDL questions, tips, examples, training, and consulting. http://www.creaso.com/english/17_supp/links.htm | |
15. Java IDL: Programming Guide Programming Guide. Getting Started Hello World. Naming Service. Advanced TopicDynamic Skeleton Interface Home, Concepts, Programming, Reference, Tutorial. http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/guide/idl/program.html | |
16. Java IDL: Programming Guide Programming Guide. Getting Started Hello World has a transient server.Example Persistent Server. Example POATie Server-Side Model. http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.1/docs/guide/idl/program.html | |
17. Java IDL Programming Concepts Java idl programming Concepts. This topic includes the following sections http://edocs.bea.com/tuxedo/tux80/idl2java/program.htm | |
18. IDL Programming Contents Virtual Course idl programming Materi Kursus Bila Anda ingin mendaftarkan diripada Virtual Course idl programming, silahkan isi Formulir Pendaftaran. http://bdg.centrin.net.id/~banwar/idl-isi.html |
19. Virtual Course Registration Virtual Course idl programming. Agar Anda dapat mengikuti Virtual Course IDLprogramming, silahkan diperiksa apakah Anda memenuhi persyaratan berikut http://bdg.centrin.net.id/~banwar/idl-regis.html |
20. Linux Product Guide @FirstLinux: VIP - Visual IDL Programming VIP, is the Visualidl programming environment. VIP is a visual tool for building IDL programs....... Product name VIP Visual idl programming. http://www.firstlinux.com/product/Scientific/162.shtml | |
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