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Independent Agencies Us Gov: more detail |
41. University At Buffalo Libraries - Lockwood - U.S. Documents html For executive agencies and independent agencies, this site a variety of jurisdictionsincluding; us Canada, New to Z Index http//www.fedstats.gov/cgibin http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/lml/Government_Doc/usdocs.html | |
43. Office Of Congressional And Intergovernmental Relations - HUD Mel Martinez before the us Senate Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on VeteransAffairs, Housing and Urban Development, and independent agencies, 3/6 http://www.hud.gov/offices/cir/ | |
44. Ben's Guide (3-5): Branches Of Government -- Executive Branch independent agencies Help carry out policy or provide special of the Superintendentof Documents, us government Printing Name http//bensguide.gpo.gov/35 http://bensguide.gpo.gov/3-5/government/national/executive.html | |
45. ASTC - Funding Resources: US Federal Funding Sources us Federal Funding agencies. These federal agencies provide support to science centersand museums in http//www.imls.gov/ IMLS is an independent federal agency http://www.astc.org/funding/federal_resources.htm | |
46. Reports On The Government Performance And Results Act Results Act Observations on the us Department of Agriculture's Fiscal Year FiscalYear 1999 Performance Plans of Cabinet Departments and independent agencies. http://www.gao.gov/new.items/gpra/gpra.htm | |
47. Federal Government And Statistical Agencies Federal government websites as well as independent, governmentrelated by more than70 Federal agencies without having FirstGov The official us gateway to all http://nces.ed.gov/partners/fedstat.asp | |
48. U.S. Departments & Agencies us Departments agencies. Federal Departments. Agency for Healthcare Researchand Quality (AHRQ); email info@ahrq.gov. independent agencies. http://www.polisci.com/web/agencies.htm | |
49. CFDA: 66.605: Performance Partnership Grants Beneficiary Eligibility States, us Territories, Federally Recognized Urban Development,and independent agencies Appropriations Act http//www.epa.gov/ow/ppg http://aspe.os.dhhs.gov/cfda/p66605.htm | |
50. Achieving The Goals - Goal 4: Teacher Professional Development - Table Of Conten us Department of Veterans Affairs. independent agencies The Environmental ProtectionAgency NASA The National Endowment for the Arts The National Endowment for http://www.ed.gov/pubs/AchGoal4/ | |
51. United States Federal Government Legal Resources Center http//www.pueblo.gsa.gov/ in Pueblo Administrative Law Executive agencies,including independent agencies (Official us Executive Branch Web http://www.law.sc.edu/refdesk1.htm | |
52. NEPA Regs Editting System us Coast Guard (Headquarters), Environmental Management Division (GSEC-3),50 FR 32944. DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY. independent agencies. http://ceq.eh.doe.gov/nepa/regs/agency/agencies.htm | |
53. Health Administration Center Homepage http//exclusions.oig.hhs.gov/search.html. benefits program designed for us veteranswith VA and Urban Development and independent agencies Appropriation Act http://www.va.gov/hac/ | |
54. Exemptions And Approvals DOT Cylinder Restesters us and International. Designated Approval agencies for UNPortable Tanks approvals, manufacturers and independent inspection agencies. http://hazmat.dot.gov/exsys.htm | |
55. Independent Agencies independent agencies. Cybercemetery Archive of defunct us governmentagency and commission Web sites. Federal Government agencies http://web.umr.edu/~library/gov/agncy.html | |
56. Major State Department Publications most significant accomplishments as the lead us foreign affairs agency and activitiesof four cabinet departments, seven independent agencies, three foundations http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/rls/dos/221.htm | |
57. Small Business Administration - Office Of Advocacy - President Bush Signs Execut Small Business Administration (SBA) is an independent voice for President and confirmedby the us Senate, the the White House, federal agencies, federal courts http://www.sba.gov/advo/press/02-34.html | |
58. EPA/OCFO - Budget year (which runs from October through September), the us Environmental Protection Housingand Urban Development as well as many independent agencies of which http://www.epa.gov/ocfo/budget/budget.htm | |
59. RFC1811 the official names of us government agencies. of Agriculture ), and independent agenciesand organizations are eligible for registration directly under .gov. http://www.scit.wlv.ac.uk/rfc/rfc18xx/RFC1811.html | |
60. SearchGov.com Search engine that crawls federal and state government official pages also indexes independent and executive agencies. NASA, IRS, Social Security, us Postal Service, Library of Executive agencies. Department of Agriculture (usDA), Veterans Affairs. independent agencies. ACDA, ACHP, AMTRAK, CFTC, http://www.searchgov.com/ | |
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