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61. NCSL LegisBrief Energy Efficiency In Schools State Incentive indiana schools also have access to the state's alternative Power Energy GrantProgram. No schools, however, had taken part in the program as of early 2002. http://www.ncsl.org/public/legis1039.htm |
62. IndyStar.com: Education Western Boone School Corporation, and NW Hendricks schools. 1002 S. 350 E. Marion,indiana (800) 333 The alternative education programs offered are full time http://www.indystar.com/community/education/specialed.html | |
63. HSLDA | Indiana--A Legal Analysis alternative Statutes Allowing for Home schools Ind The indiana Appellate Court heldthat the indiana compulsory attendance law allows the operation of home http://www.hslda.org/laws/analysis/IN.asp | |
64. Welcome To South Bend, Indiana - Education WaNee Community schools (Nappanee is an independent, national Catholic universitylocated at Notre Dame, indiana, adjacent to Hamilton alternative High School. http://www.southbend.com/Education.shtml | |
65. Indiana Schools Of Nursing On: The Nurse Friendly Health Professions 8600 University Boulevard Evansville, indiana 47712 Phone Gains,However, Come As Many schools Work to up to 30% on alternative Chiropractic http://www.lopez1.com/lopez/nursingschools/indiana.schools.of.nursing.htm | |
66. Indiana ADR Some additional areas where parties can use alternative dispute resolution in Indianaare (1 schools also use mediation, increasingly in the form of http://www.spea.indiana.edu/icri/indy_adr.htm | |
67. National Council On Teacher Quality - Indiana about perceptions of charter schools, is available 19992000) On paper, indiana hasdeveloped a of teaching candidates (through alternative certification and http://www.nctq.org/states/in.html | |
68. Guide To The New Schools Exchange Records (Manuscript Group 889): Finding Aid Education Project Bloomington, indiana 1972, nd, 7, 74, alternative Press CentreToronto, Ontario 19731974, 7, 75, alternative schools Coalition Philadelphia http://webtext.library.yale.edu/xml2html/mssa.0889.con.html | |
69. Indiana Web Academy indiana Web Academy is presently assembling a team of partners to assist in deploya Statewide ASP, and offer it to schools as a viable alternative to the http://www.indianawebacademy.org/newsletter.asp | |
70. Thomas Gregory Faculty Vita: - School Of Education, Indiana University Education, indiana University. 19781981, Director, alternative SchoolsTeacher Education Program, indiana University. 1974-1976, Associate http://www.indiana.edu/~iuncate/facultyvita/gregory.html | |
71. Indiana's K-12 Home Page indiana Public schools on the WebCategory Regional North America United States indiana Education...... On this page you'll find links to those indiana K12 schools which haveregistered their site with the indiana Department of Education. http://ideanet.doe.state.in.us/htmls/k12.html | |
72. NDPC/N Resources : : : Journal Of At-Risk Issues largest urban districts in the state of indiana. faculty worked closely with alternativeschool faculty was developed based on effective schools research and http://www.dropoutprevention.org/resource/journal_risk/archive/volume6_2.htm | |
73. Make-up Credits: Correspondence, Night & Summer School Plus Alternative Schools/ MAKEUP CREDITS NIGHT/SUMMER/CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL PLUS alternative schools/GED. IndianaUniversity School of Continuing Studies 800-334-1011. http://www.geocities.com/davetgc/Makeup.htm | |
74. NCACS -- Positions With Nonconventional Schools And Homescooling Programs. interested, send resume to harmony@indiana.edu or to provide an excellent educationalalternative to students many will have come from poorperforming schools. http://ncacs.org/jobs.htm | |
75. Project Extended Day - Main Page Myra Remmel Director of Pupil Personnel La Porte indiana has two middle schoolsBoston and But this is a different alternative to outof-school suspensions http://www.projectextendedday.org/main.html | |
76. IEC Introduction indiana School Funding Symposium alternative Tax Structures for indiana's SchoolsImplications for School Funding. Summary of Symposium Proceedings. http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/pbriefs/98/intro.htm | |
77. Whitley County Consolidated Schools 2002 Whitley County Consolidated schools 107 North School Indian Springs MiddleSchool Columbia City High School Diamond Center alternative School Our Kids http://wccs.k12.in.us/dc/ | |
78. EPA : Global Warming : Resource Center : Funding : States : Financial Assistance Office/Region, indiana Department of Commerce Energy Policy to install and study alternativeand renewable units of local government (including public schools). http://yosemite.epa.gov/oar/globalwarming.nsf/content/ResourceCenterFundingState | |
79. Muncie, Indiana - TheStarPress.com fiscal crisis, shouldn't traditional schools try to two great successes They providealternative settings for things, then why don't indiana legislators allow http://www.thestarpress.com/tsp/opinion/03/mar/0318editorial.php | |
80. Compare Schools To Indiana School For The Deaf indiana accountability System for Academic Progress ©2002 http://mustang.doe.state.in.us/SEARCH/criteria.cfm?schools='C695' |
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