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Indigenous Peoples Listservs: more detail |
61. IFPRI Gender CG Newsletter, Vol. 5 No. 2, October 1999 New EMail listservs. will discuss topics that include sustainable agriculture,land management, forests, trade and finance, and indigenous peoples. http://www.ifpri.org/themes/mp17/gender/news5-2/news52i.htm | |
62. The Venezuela's Eco Portal To Eco-Tourism & Ecology development that directly impact indigenous peoples lands, cultures Visiting indigenouscommunity in Morelos, Mexico 11) Eco Tourism listservs 12-) Contacts 13 http://ecoportal.tripod.com/ecotourism-related-rethinking.htm | |
63. Cyberactivism, Sociology 4JJ3 - Group 9 seemed to be developing on the Net involving email listservs and many For if thepoor, indigenous peoples of Chiapas were using the Internet for their cause http://www.socsci.mcmaster.ca/soc/courses/soc4jj3_99/stuweb/gp9/indigenous.html | |
64. American Multicultural Student Agency Quarterly, a world report on the rights of indigenous peoples and ethnic edu DiversityPage, from CLNet Extensive lists of newsgroups, listservs, gophers, WWW http://ams.unomaha.edu/links.html | |
65. "the People's Paths Home Page!" NAII Communications! EMAIL listservs. list for scholars, academicians, and Native peoples to consider thehistory, culture, ideas and events relating to indigenous peoples from the http://www.yvwiiusdinvnohii.net/listserv.html | |
66. Cape Henry Collegiate School - Perry Library indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities . Diversity Page. http//latino.sscnet.ucla.edu/diversity1.html,from CLNet. Extensive lists of newsgroups, listservs, http://www.capehenry.org/Academics/Library/profmulticultural.htm | |
67. Capilano College - Books, Videos, CDs ... In the Library Catalogue site also has subscription information about newsgoups listservs and provides byCultural Survival, an organization that helps indigenous peoples and ethnic http://merlin.capcollege.bc.ca/SubjectExpert/new/annsrch7a.cfm?Program=Anthropol |
68. UF Web Resources For Minority Studies Home Page provides profiles of Chicana resources, listservs, organizations, and strategic,economic and human rights situations faced by indigenous peoples. http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/hss/ref/webminstudies.html | |
69. Internet Subject Resources International Studies indigenous peoples. government and academic texts organized by subject, region, currentevents, research institutes, professional conferences, and listservs. http://library.vassar.edu/electronics/etc/acad/intstud.html |
70. Resources For Study And Research - Native North Americans From UC Riverside, ChicanoLatino Net, this is a collection of listservs, gophersand There is a choice of indigenous peoples on the menu which leads to the http://gaelnet.stmarys-ca.edu/study/ethnic/native.html | |
71. Adelphi Libraries - Research A Subject: Anthropology with listings of journals, job opportunities, listservs, etc. Resources General *Archaeology * Ethnomusicology * indigenous peoples * Linguistic Anthropology http://libraries.adelphi.edu/research/netres/anthro.shtml | |
72. PopCultures.com | General Links This organization manages over 100 listservs, many of which would be of and Socialism,Media Watchdogs, Native Americans and indigenous peoples, and Radical http://www.popcultures.com/general.htm | |
73. INTERRACIAL indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities . Diversity Page, from CLNet (http//latino.sscnet.ucla.edu/diversity1.html).Extensive lists of newsgroups, listservs, http://www.strategenius.org/interracial.htm | |
74. Sociology Resources On The Internet: To subscribe to the selected listservs below, send an email message information andresearch pertaining to human rights, development, indigenous peoples, etc. http://www.sociology.org/content/vol001.003/nash.html | |
75. Education Planet People And Society,Social Science,Anthropology,startat40 Lesson premier institution for information about Australian indigenous peoples. GovernmentResources Newsgroups and listservs Organizations Periodicals http://www.educationplanet.com/search/People_and_Society/Social_Science/Anthropo | |
76. VL-bcfirstnations12 Law. listservs. Miscellaneous Web Sites. Museums. Newspapers, News Events. Organizations.Reference Resources. Residential Schools. indigenous peoples CANADA. http://yalesecondary.sd34.bc.ca/Virtual subject libraries/VL-bcfirstnations12 | |
77. AGM98 tasks dealt with copyright requests, listserv discussion groups, (listservs not being Williamsnoted that he would like the indigenous peoples results from IAIA http://www.iaia.org/minutes/AGM98.htm | |
78. INNOVATION LAW FORUM: Traditional Knowledge Links And Listservs Traditional and indigenous Knowledge Links and listservs. Link. indigenous PeoplesBiodiversity Information Network (IBIN) is a mechanism to exchange information http://innovationlaw.org/lawforum/pages/rg_traditional_knowledge_links.htm | |
79. INNOVATION LAW FORUM: Intellectual Property Law Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. Draft Declarationon the Rights of indigenous peoples Commision on Human Rights. http://innovationlaw.org/lawforum/pages/traditional_knowledge.htm | |
80. Indigenous Peoples Of The Americas indigenous peoples of the Americas An AskERIC InfoGuide http://ericir.syr.edu/Old_Askeric/InfoGuides/alpha_list/Indigenous_Peoples-11.95 | |
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