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Integrating Technology Into The Classroom Teach: more detail |
81. Microsoft - PressPass - Microsoft Offers K-12 Teachers New Technology Skills And tools, the Web and integrating technology into science, math them learn more aboutusing technology to support integrate software tools into specific subject http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/features/1998/8-24k12summer.asp | |
82. Integrating Technology Into The Art Curriculum be confronted with the challenge of integrating new information technology As A StorageAnd Presentation Tool. can be easily accessed and placed into any paint http://www.olejarz.com/teched/essays/arttech.html | |
83. Integrating Technology Into Higher Education Curricula integrating technology into Higher Education Curricula. But, is technology in highereducation curriculum under learning for students by integrating reallife http://www.nssa.us/nssajrnl/NSSAJ171/NSSAJ171HTM/NSSAJ17_1_3/NSSAJ17_1_3.html |
84. CTT > Center For Teaching & Technology participantswill see how technology can be effectively integrated into any elementary...... 2) integrating technology through HyperStudio and Genre http://ott.educ.msu.edu/ctt/techconf/sessions.asp | |
85. SIGTC Report SIGTC Preconference workshop, integrating technology into the Curriculum a classroomteacher and technology enthusiast, I variety of technologies into my own http://www.macul.org/newsletter/1999/summer99/sigtc.html | |
86. [ra-telcom] Training In Integrating Technology Teachers by the Institute of Computer technology (ICT) with 40 hours of classroominstruction on integrating the latest technologies into your teaching http://list.terc.edu/pipermail/ra-telcom/2001-August/000065.html | |
87. The Home Of The Georgia Professional Standards Commission Georgia Project for Assistive technology, L0023A, integrating Assistive technologyinto the classroom Functional technology Module, APPROVED, 3/14 http://www.gapsc.com/ApprovedPrograms/EducationProgram.asp?technology=yes |
88. ICONnect - Five Strategies For Integrating The Internet Five Strategies for integrating the Internet into of incorporating Internet functionsinto the curriculum Solving Learning and Teaching technology in Context http://www.ala.org/ICONN/strategies.html |
89. Graphic Design, Technology, And Problem-Solving Skills -- Jeffrey Morin integrating technology into a ProblemSolving Curriculum by Jeffrey W explosion hasbrought many people into the design This finite list of technology should be http://www.uwsa.edu/ttt/articles/morin.htm | |
90. Intel® Education In India - Pre Service Program use technology to tap into vast reservoirs technology for Teaching and Learning Thisprogram gives handson instruction in integrating technology for teaching | |
91. 28 On 21: Integrating Technology Into The Teaching Of Phonics: Including The ìP approximation gives them practice at integrating the three must be trained to usethe technology in an which they can be integrated into literacy instruction http://learnweb.harvard.edu/2821/r3.cfm | |
92. Index Curriculum Resource Guide of technology lessons and topics by students in an educationalcomputing course integrating Computers into the Curriculum http://yorkcountyschools.org/yms/haskins/ | |
93. ERIC Logo Department Of Education Seal integrating the Internet This site is designed for support volunteers from the technologycommunity who integration of new technologies into the educational http://ericit.org/cgi-bin/resprint.cgi/Resources/Educational_Technology/Integrat | |
94. Integrating Technology http://www.utc.edu/Teaching-Resource-Center/5things.html | |
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