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61. GOVERNMENT OFFICES JAMAICA - See Caribbean government OFFICES jamaica http://www.see-caribbean.com/jamaica/government_offices/ | |
62. Caribbean Websites And Links Organised In An Easy To Use Directory Caribbean Site Directory General Directory - jamaica - government and politics.Welcome to the Caribbean site directory, jamaica - government and Politics. http://www.caribbeansitedirectory.com/links/jamaica-governmentandpolitics.html | |
63. Caribbean Websites And Links Organised In An Easy To Use Directory Economy_41 jamaica Education_13 jamaica - Financial and Legal Services_17 jamaica - Food and Drink_20 jamaica - government and Politics_30 jamaica http://www.caribbeansitedirectory.com/links/jamaica.html | |
64. Jamaica - Government, History, Population, Geography And Maps rate; a widening merchandise trade deficit; and a growing internal debt for governmentbailouts to various ailing sectors of the economy. jamaica's mediumterm http://www.worldrover.com/vital/jamaica.html | |
65. Jamaica 2001 - Introduction Geography People Government Economy Communications T jamaica 2001 Introduction Geography Population government Economy CommunicationsTransportation Military Issues Maps Flags. Support our Sponsor http://www.workmall.com/wfb2001/jamaica/ | |
66. National Guidelines In Jamaica - Government - Equal Employment Opportunities National Guidelines in jamaica government. 1987 National Policy Statementon Women is a guide on the mainstreaming of gender equality http://www.ilo.org/public/english/employment/gems/eeo/guide/jamaica/gov.htm | |
67. TRAVEL.com ® ... Regional:Caribbean:Jamaica:Government National Library of jamaica nlj.org.jm The official national centre for informationon jamaica; features historical tidbits, government publications, links http://www.travel.com/Regional/Caribbean/Jamaica/Government/ | |
68. TRAVEL.com ® ... Regional:Caribbean:Jamaica:Government projects. The jamaica Cultural Development Commission jcdc.org.jmThe official government web site for jamaican culture. Urban http://www.travel.com/Regional/Caribbean/Jamaica/Government/index1.html | |
69. WorldLII - Categories - Countries - Jamaica - Government jamaican Electoral Office; jamaica Information Service Search Containslinks to jamaican government sites; jamaica Revenue Service http://www.worldlii.org/catalog/50952.html | |
70. Ministry Of Commerce, Science And Technology Providing news and information about this government body. Overview details about industry, commerce Category Regional Caribbean jamaica government Ministries...... The government of jamaica has implemented a National Quality Infrastructure Projectat a cost of $52 million, subsidized by a grant of $38 million provided by http://www.mct.gov.jm/ | |
71. Government Category Regional Caribbean jamaica government http//www.mnsj.gov.jm/agd/. CategoryRegional Caribbean jamaica government http//www.boj.org.jm/. http://www.ad.com/Regional/Caribbean/Jamaica/Government/ | |
72. Ministries objectives. Category Regional Caribbean jamaica government Ministries http//www.skillsreturn.gov.jm/. 2, Ministry of Health. http://www.ad.com/Regional/Caribbean/Jamaica/Government/Ministries/ | |
73. National Guidelines In Jamaica - Government - Equal Employment Opportunities National Guidelines in jamaica government. 1987 National Policy Statementon Women is a guide on the mainstreaming of gender equality http://www-ilo-mirror.cornell.edu/public/english/employment/gems/eeo/guide/jamai | |
74. Jamaica,government SmallShopjamaica,government Search SmallShop! Back to jamaica Websitesjamaica discussions. jamaica Port Authority; Natural Resources http://www.smallshop.com/jamaicagovernment.htm | |
75. Jamaica Paradise Dot Com - Government jamaica paradise. government in jamaica When dialing from outside jamaicadial 1 plus the area code (876) plus the local 7 digit number. http://caribbean-connection.com/JMP/government.html | |
76. TradeXport - Caribbean - Jamaica - Government 36,736 sites/1,913 categories /60 visitors this month, | |
77. Governmental Information Of Jamaica - Government And Institutions jamaica Official language English. National Institutions http://www.conoship.com/portail/stru/gov/america/jamaica.htm | |
78. Jamaica - Government Policies government has continued its efforts to encourage private sector led investment UnderJamaica's Britishstyle parliamentary system, Queen Elizabeth II, as Head http://www.american.edu/carmel/MR4593A/gp.html | |
79. Government - Links To Legal Resources: Countries: Jamaica: Government Cabinet Office of the government of jamaica The Cabinet of the governmentof jamaica is the principal instrument of government policy. http://mishpat.net/law/Countries/Jamaica/Government/index.shtml | |
80. Jamaica jamaica, government. Country name conventional long form none conventionalshort form jamaica. government type constitutional parliamentary democracy. http://jamaica.adoption.com/files/government/Jamaica.php?country=Jamaica |
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