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Kongo Indigenous Peoples Africa: more detail | ||||
61. JAIC 1992, Volume 31, Number 1, Article 2 (pp. 03 To 16) 5. Nkisi, kongo peoples, Zaire, Wood, iron, Beads twin figures (ere ibeji), Yorubapeoples, Nigeria, Wood this paper to ascertain an indigenous perspective how http://aic.stanford.edu/jaic/articles/jaic31-01-002_1.html | |
62. JAIC 1992, Volume 31, Number 1, Article 2 (pp. 03 To 16) 5. Nkisi, kongo peoples, Zaire, Wood, iron, Beads, vegetable fiber in this paper toascertain an indigenous perspective how Stilt dencer, Punu peoples, Gabon. http://aic.stanford.edu/jaic/articles/jaic31-01-002.html | |
63. Ecotourismwatch.de Translate this page ersten Menschen in den Wäldern des östlichen kongo. der International Work Groupfor indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) und dem Forest peoples Programme, ISBN 87 http://www.ecotourismwatch.org/2194.html?*session*id*key*=*session*id*val* |
64. Sub-Saharan Africa a land of diverse ethnic composition, including the indigenous Pygmy peoples andthe Bantu speaking peoples moving in from West Central africa about a 1,000 http://edtech.suhsd.k12.ca.us/inprogress/bvm/chenson/africa.htm |
65. Fr. Nicoll's Course Website The San are probably descendants of the Neolithic peoples of the Axum Arid Gao CessationGhana Dynastic Kilwa Elaborate kongo indigenous MaliI Innovation http://www.loyno.edu/~nicoll/subsah.htm |
66. Ewe Slaves & Voodoo: America's Hidden Heritage culturally,and ancestrally distinct and indigenous to their Bini, Hausa, Ibo, Ibibio,Efil, kongo, Umbundu, And 15. Ellis, AB, The Ewe Speaking peoples of the http://www.mamiwata.com/ewe.html | |
Mamaissii Vivian Odelelasi Dansi Hounon, M.Ed. "Paw" Maternal great-great grandfather of Mamaissii Vivian (author) "Paw use to take us across this small bridge that he'd built. For years, we'd track on across that bridge, and never thought nothing of it. It was not until later that we realized that it wasn't no bridge at all; but a great-big-ole-serpent! You see, in those days, before the White man started clubbing and shooting them to death, they [the serpents] use to grow that big!" -[Mamaissii Vivian's] Family-lore about "Paw" passed down from great-grandmother. -Paris,Louisiana EWE [ ev-way ] SLAVES IN AMERICA: | |
67. Smithsonian: Cultural Identity And Interaction global influence of africas peoples and cultures The Importance of IndigenousKnowledge Cultural belief systems tusk convey the essence of kongo life and http://www.si.edu/history_and_culture/cultural_identity_and_interaction/ | |
68. The Colonial State effects on both kongo and nonkongo communities for gain military superiority overthe indigenous population of the great diversity among the peoples and their http://www.congo2000.net/english/history/kingdom.html | |
69. Untitled africa came to be dominated by foreign peoples. Asian, Indian, over 1000 differentindigenous groups (including Ewe, Fang, Hutu, Kissi, kongo, Mandinka, Mestico http://www.osearth.com/resources/sampleNWG/NWG_beta/reports/ssa/hist.html | |
70. The Page Cannot Be Found is Hausa, one of the two most common indigenous languages of spoken by the Khoikhoiand San peoples of southern CongoKinshasa; Rundi in Burundi; kongo in Congo http://www.africana.com/Articles/tt_162.htm | |
71. The Page Cannot Be Found ethnic groups in Berbice were kongo and related west Mandinka (Malinke), Chamba, Moko,various peoples of the a small number of indigenous peoples, treaties of http://www.africana.com/Articles/tt_449.htm | |
72. ASR 1990-5 the Invisible Powers The World of kongo Belief (Wyatt Basse W. Andah, Nigeria'sIndigenous Technology; Gloria of Economics, Societies, and peoples in africa http://www.umass.edu/anthro/asr/asr373.htm | |
73. Vol.28, No. 15 - Calendar - OnCampus, OSU's Newspaper For Faculty And Staff Films, Cry the Beloved Country (South africa, 1995), 7 Voices in the Mirror The KongoFlair in Language and Society Studying the indigenous peoples of Mexico http://www.acs.ohio-state.edu/oncampus/v28n20/calendar.html | |
74. Index01 indigenous peoples and Reform of the State in Latin An indigenous People's Strugglefor Forest and Identity in Sub kongo Proverbs and the Origins of Bantu Wisdom http://www.anthropos-journal.de/index01/body_index01.htm | |
75. Articles From The Eleggua Project opportunity among the creoles and kongo people grew Cuban heritages derived from Africaand peoples of African As a result of the indigenous revitalization now http://www.pathcom.com/~cancuba/articles2.htm | |
76. 15 Pre-scramble Period with their techniques of coercing the indigenous people. collapse of the Kingdom ofthe kongo in the others were acquired in trade from peoples farther inland http://husky1.stmarys.ca/~wmills/course316/15Pre-scramble.html | |
77. Chapter Outline Songhay, 1591; Revolts of subject peoples brought the 180 Muslim scholars; BlendedIslam with indigenous beliefs and The Antonian movement of kongo, a syncretic http://www.mhhe.com/socscience/history/world/bentley/stud_olc/chap25outline.htm | |
78. Deutscher Kolonialatlas Und Illustriertes Jahrbuch, 1913 Atlas Of the ground for diseases of all kinds, which do not affect the cotton cultivated bythe indigenous on nearby (The peoples in the Anhang Die kongoAbtretungen. http://stabi.hs-bremerhaven.de/whkmla/documents/kolonialatlas1913/kolat11doare12 | |
79. 1Up Info > Zaire > The Kongo Peoples | Zaire Information Resource 1UpInfo Country Studies Country Guide for Zaire . http://www.1upinfo.com/country-guide-study/zaire/zaire68.html | |
80. Tricks Of The Imperialist Forked Tongue: Chinese Imperialism Only few of these indigenous people exist on that were labeled Marxists and the Kongoand Ovimbundu Europeans into exterminating the aboriginal peoples of the http://www.expotimes.net/issue000927/chinese.htm | |
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