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Law & Mock Trials Lesson Plans: more detail |
1. Free Lesson Plans & Mock Trials For Law Classes Free lesson plans mock trials for law Classes* *Sites on this document were updatedas of November 2001 1. Academy Curricular Exchange, Columbia Education http://www.streetlaw.org/freeforteachers.html | |
2. U.S. Constitutional Government How to Guide mock trials in the Classroom. mock trials and law Related lesson plans (Elem, Middle, HS) http://members.aol.com/MrDonnHistory/Government.html |
3. Lessons, Strategies, Etc. lesson plans). Resources on Immigration. RespecTeen Citizenship Curriculum. Scholastic.com. Street law mock trials http://www.ccle.fourh.umn.edu/lessons.html | |
4. Law Related Lesson Plans Canada's SchoolNet lesson plans law. Several mock trials simplified for the elementary school student, including "Did http://www.michbar.org/committees/law_related_ed/lawrelated.html | |
5. Awesome Library - Materials_Search Here Home Library Materials Search lesson plans Social Studies Government law-Related Education - mock trials (University of Minnesota) http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Library/Materials_Search/Lesson_Plans/Social_Studi | |
6. Street Law Publications These lesson plans deal with topics such as bullying in school, the For a sample lesson,click here Street law mock trials United States v. Martha Monroe; State v http://www.streetlaw.org/pubs.html | |
7. Lesson Plans Across The Curriculum Critical Thinking Skills, law Enforcement, Free Ed Software. Social Studies LessonPlans Activities. Civics (includes Justice and mock trials) Eastern Hemisphere http://members.aol.com/MrDonnLessons/LessonPlans.html | |
9. Mock Trials University of New Orleans, College of Education mock trials. Teachers can find lesson plans about law related education for the elementary, middle school and high http://ss.uno.edu/ss/New/MockTrial.html | |
10. Business Law Business/Personal law lesson plans High School lesson plans for Business and Personal law gov/ courts/ educate/ lessons/ lphigh. mock trials A Starting Point lesson Plan http// www. serv/ academy/ ace/ soc/ cecsst/ cecsst107. http://thumper.valdosta.edu:8001/sejennin/business.htm |
11. Arizona Foundation For Legal Services And Education - Law-Related Education - Le over the last 20 years, the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services and Educationhas compiled 560 quality law Related Education lesson plans and mock trials. http://www.azflse.org/AZFLSE/lre/lessonplans.cfm | |
12. HOW SHOULD I TRAIN LAW STUDENTS TO WRITE SOLID LESSON PLANS? SHOULD I TRAIN law STUDENTS TO WRITE SOLID lesson plans? debates, and mock trials. Evaluation is the next portion of the lesson plan. What activities will the law students use http://www.streetlaw.org/lawschooltrainingstudentlessonplans.htm | |
13. Washington State Courts - Judges In The Classroom Judges in the Classroom Elementary lesson plans. Introduction to law. What Is ACourt? *** (teach with Making an Appeal) (Grades 36). mock trials/Hearings. http://www.courts.wa.gov/education/lessons/lpelem.cfm |
14. Washington State Courts - Judges In The Classroom Judges in the Classroom High School lesson plans. Legislative Process. BirthControl by law? No Vehicles in the Park** (Grades 512). mock trials. http://www.courts.wa.gov/education/lessons/lphigh.cfm |
15. Awesome Library - Social_Studies lesson plans Government law-Related Education - mock trials (Donn) Provides22 sources on mock trials and the justice system for students. http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Classroom/Social_Studies/Government/Law-Related_Ed | |
16. Street Law All Model lesson plans are on reserve in the In preparing for the weekly seminars,law students are assignments and to prepare for mock trials, roleplays, and http://www.law.washington.edu/streetlaw/requirements.html | |
17. Mock Trials mock trials. Teachers can find lesson plans about law related education for theelementary, middle school and high school levels and information about mock http://ss.uno.edu/SS/New/MockTrial.html | |
18. Free Online Lessons, Civics, Social Studies, US History, World History, Current mock trials Shalaw-law Working Together Youth and Police Cops and Kids ConferenceManual Sports and the law lesson plans Police Patrol. 8th Grade US History. http://www.crf-usa.org/marketing/catindex.html | |
19. Law Lesson Plan For Middle School lesson plans Home Social Studies law Middle School. Introduction to lawhttp //courts.wa.gov mock trials/Hearings http //courts.wa.gov/education http://lessonplancentral.com/lessons/Social_Studies/Law/Middle_School/index1.htm |
20. Teacher Resources Lesson Plans Humpty Dumpty's Assault stories that can be used in mock trials or judiciary simple assault law or any lawyou wish Warren E. Burger Repository of lesson plans www.constitutioncenter http://www.constitutioncenter.org/sections/teacher/lesson_plans/html/40240a.asp |
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